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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Lets go back to the end of the last season.

You were on here telling everyone that if Rangers never got kicked out of the SPL then you would not be going to another SPL this season. If they did get kicked out of the SPL then you would buy Killie season tickets for yourself and your family.

Just another internet blowhard trying to act big.

No, I didn't. You know I didn't. You know what I based my statement on, and it didn't happen, did it?

rangers were not "kicked out" of the SPL. They had to give up their share and place as a result of their own actions. The new club was then refused admission.

FYI, I've spent more money on the club this year than I have for some time. Only merchandise maybe, so not as big a benefit. But then, by going to a game, the club would only profit from around 10-15% of my outlay. Conscience clear, Bennett.

As for trying to act big - I have enough friends and acquaintances in real life not to worry what a load of intellectually challenged bigots think of me. I enjoy online debate, discussion and knowledge sharing, but by the very fact that I do not attach myself to a football team in order to validate my existence, I am already superior to those who do.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Temper temper... wtf has Bendarroch got to do with you being a tedious troll who constantly talks utter nonsense .

It is this simple....if YOU choose not to attend football matches then you are in no position to question those who do.

Through my personal circumstances, personal attendance is difficult to impossible for me. These circumstances are not, believe me, through choice.

You inferred that because I don't attend matches now my opinion was irrelevant. I asked if the same would apply to Bendarroch, who recently fell ill and declared he may well not be back at ibrox. While I would never describe myself as a friend of Bendarroch - indeed I found a lot of his posts personally insulting - I would think he'll still take just as much interest in his team. Why should you not accept the same of a non-rangers fan?

As a regular attender at RP and most other Scottish grounds for fifteen of my years, and irregular for another ten, I think I've got a right to comment on our game, and what is happening to it. As for the "utter nonsense", try rolling back to the times on here where you were willing to discuss the issues our game faced, largely because of your clubs' malfeasance and behaviour. There was a time when you could hold a sensible conversation. I fear that is no longer the case.

You want utter nonsense? You want hypocrisy? Then talk to your own CEO and Director of Communications, both of whom stated unequivocally that liquidation meant the death of rangers - until it became financially expedient to unequivocally state the exact opposite.

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Yes someone else used the phrase "kicked out", not me.

It would only imply that if you were a complete and utter moron.

x x x

Nah, Bennett, that was you. Just because it formed part of another one of your lies about another poster, don't deny what's there. You would only believe you could get away with that statement I've quoted if you were a complete and utter moron.

Oh, hang on... :lol::lol::lol:

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No, I didn't. You know I didn't. You know what I based my statement on, and it didn't happen, did it?

rangers were not "kicked out" of the SPL. They had to give up their share and place as a result of their own actions. The new club was then refused admission.

FYI, I've spent more money on the club this year than I have for some time. Only merchandise maybe, so not as big a benefit. But then, by going to a game, the club would only profit from around 10-15% of my outlay. Conscience clear, Bennett.

As for trying to act big - I have enough friends and acquaintances in real life not to worry what a load of intellectually challenged bigots think of me. I enjoy online debate, discussion and knowledge sharing, but by the very fact that I do not attach myself to a football team in order to validate my existence, I am already superior to those who do.

Sure you have Norman, sure you have.

You're a liar and hypocrite.

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Damages were never on the Nimmo remit.

Are you saying it is the same club then????

Rubbish, the judge has to stipulate costs are payable by the guilty party, if the guilty party (oldco) was liable for these costs then Nimmo would have said 250k+ costs, he did not.

The damages was an analogy.

You're saying it's the same club.

Why was title stripping an option for LNS? That clearly means the company owns the titles , if that had happened green told us he would appeal it? Yet he also told us the enquiry had nothing to do with the newco ? So the newco would appeal a descision agaisnt the oldco but it's nothing to do with them and they won't pay legal cost .

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Nah, Bennett, that was you. Just because it formed part of another one of your lies about another poster, don't deny what's there. You would only believe you could get away with that statement I've quoted if you were a complete and utter moron.

Oh, hang on... :lol::lol::lol:

Dear Killie chairman

Haw MJ gonnae chuck Rangers oot the league otherwise i'll no be back at errrrrrm...... hmmmmmm the Killie stadium. If you dae that i'll pure buy season tickets fur aw the family even tho ah live in Yorkshire n it's pure too far fur me travel tae the Killie stadium n aw rat.

Norman the die hard Killie fan.

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Sure you have Norman, sure you have.

You're a liar and hypocrite.

Bennett, you've just shown yourself to be a liar, and an uninformed one at that. in the last dozen or so posts. Your attempt to question my veracity is, to put it lightly, based on very shaky ground.

Groundless lies, defamation and abuse. It's the Bennett way.

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Bennett, you've just shown yourself to be a liar, and an uninformed one at that. in the last dozen or so posts. Your attempt to question my veracity is, to put it lightly, based on very shaky ground.

Groundless lies, defamation and abuse. It's the Bennett way.

You said you would never go back to Rugby Park if they voted in favour of Rangers. Cannot be denied.

You said if they voted to "kick Rangers out of the league" you would buy season tickets for all the family. Cannot be denied

You haven't bothered your arse supporting 'your team' at all. Cannot be denied.

A liar and hypocrite is what you are and that cannot be denied.

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Dear Killie chairman

Haw MJ gonnae chuck Rangers oot the league otherwise i'll no be back at errrrrrm...... hmmmmmm the Killie stadium. If you dae that i'll pure buy season tickets fur aw the family even tho ah live in Yorkshire n it's pure too far fur me travel tae the Killie stadium n aw rat.

Norman the die hard Killie fan.

Getting closer to what I said, liar. Not quite there yet, but I'm sure if you concentrate you'll get there. Or you could, oh, I dunno, ask me what my stance was and I'll tell you.

Nahh, making shit up's a lot more fun, is it not?

Oh, and BTW - you're still using that "chuck rangers oot": there's only one group of fans who ever thought anyone was getting "chucked oot" rather than suffering the consequences of their own behaviour.

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You said you would never go back to Rugby Park if they voted in favour of Rangers. Cannot be denied.

You said if they voted to "kick Rangers out of the league" you would buy season tickets for all the family. Cannot be denied

You haven't bothered your arse supporting 'your team' at all. Cannot be denied.

A liar and hypocrite is what you are and that cannot be denied.

First line - yes I did. They didn't.

Second line - Stop trying to put this "kicking out" shite into other peoples' mouths. Your old team lost their SPL place through their own behaviour. I promised to support my club if they did the right thing - STs were one way of doing this. Circumstances mean it would have been a pointless purchase. Of course, as it happened, MJ's arse went and he couldn't bring himself to do as we asked.

As previously posted, KFC have had a (minimal) input from me this season. Over the years, they've probably had the equivalent of a decent car from me.

Liar? That would be you. You've proved that time and again Bennett, most recently on this very thread, this very day.

Hypocrite? Accuses others of prejudice, yet uses racial epithets to describe fans of his team's ex-rivals. Pretty fucking ungrateful, really, when they've probably had more to do with getting you and the rest of the Horde a shiny new team to support.

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The damages was an analogy.

You're saying it's the same club.

Why was title stripping an option for LNS? That clearly means the company owns the titles , if that had happened green told us he would appeal it? Yet he also told us the enquiry had nothing to do with the newco ? So the newco would appeal a descision agaisnt the oldco but it's nothing to do with them and they won't pay legal cost .

They'll tie themselves in ever tighter knots.....

no doubt the replies will start ' it's perfectly simple, Lord Nimmo........'

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The Norman doth protest too much.

I know it's true, you know it's true, everykunt knows it true Norman.

You gave it all the billy big baws then never bothered yer arse supporting your team.

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They'll tie themselves in ever tighter knots.....

no doubt the replies will start ' it's perfectly simple, Lord Nimmo........'

Try answering the question

Is it (in your opinion) the same club? are club and company the same?

Yes LNS stated that the company owns and operates the club, the titles belong to the club that the newco owns.

You cannot have this both ways, either the current club/company own those titles in which case you are confirming continuation and you may have an argument (if it existed) for legal costs, or you argue that it is a different club/company (with no titles) in which case the costs could not possibly be associated with it.. So which is it?

And in the very next post....


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I work with a green and grey (yes some of them do work) and this clown contacted nearly 20 clubs pre season claiming that if they never voted against Rangers then he wouldn't go back to their games.

The SPL clubs were sucker punched by the green and greys and are now paying the price.

you're having an 'absolute bollocks' day.

The mutant offspring of old rangers would have been ushered into the SPL in the blink of an eye.

It was the action of the various supports who forced their chairmen to realise they would go from 'low crowd core support' to 'hardly anybody they've all walked away in disgust' lack of support.

the 'green and grays' had no influence on the others.

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You said you would never go back to Rugby Park if they voted in favour of Rangers. Cannot be denied.

You said if they voted to "kick Rangers out of the league" you would buy season tickets for all the family. Cannot be denied

You haven't bothered your arse supporting 'your team' at all. Cannot be denied.

A liar and hypocrite is what you are and that cannot be denied.

I don't know if what you say is true and I can't be bothered checking, but since Killie neither voted in favour of Rangers nor to "kick Rangers out of the league" how are the first two statements in any way relevant?

Helluva funny you claiming things "Cannot be denied." though, if there is one thing this thread (and your posts in particular) has shown it is that anything can be denied.

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Are you really this stupid, or have your double standards soared to a new level?

I was asked a question about LNS so I fucking answered it, f**k me you are a moron.

or was it a rescue attempt now that you have realised yer wee plastic chum has dug himself a rather gaping hole?

what did he say? I forgot.

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Are you really this stupid, or have your double standards soared to a new level?

I was asked a question about LNS so I fucking answered it, f**k me you are a moron.

or was it a rescue attempt now that you have realised yer wee plastic chum has dug himself a rather gaping hole?

f**k me but you're touchy today. I know it was in his previous question (I read these posts - saves you making a ***** dick of yourself), but the juxtaposition of your post directly after Ken Fitlike's mad me chuckle.

STOP PRESS: Today's Party Line is that there should be no enjoyment or frivolity on them there interboard things.

Lighten up Tedi, only four more trophies before you catch Killie. Oh, five, actually, because D3 isn't actually a National Championship, is it? Still, 9.99 for a bonny wee neckwarmer's an absolute bargain in the current climate. Unless you're allergic to artificial fibres, of course....

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Try answering the question

Is it (in your opinion) the same club? are club and company the same?

Yes LNS stated that the company owns and operates the club, the titles belong to the club that the newco owns.

You cannot have this both ways, either the current club/company own those titles in which case you are confirming continuation and you may have an argument (if it existed) for legal costs, or you argue that it is a different club/company (with no titles) in which case the costs could not possibly be associated with it.. So which is it?

If the titles belong to the club then how can title stripping be a possible punishment for an oldco investigation?

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If the titles belong to the club then how can title stripping be a possible punishment for an oldco investigation?

aye, this old club / new club / old company / new company is getting bewildering.

I think I'll go and have a few beers tonight down at the Golf Company...

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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