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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'd say that it's more than just hating a rival team with Norman, there is something seriously wrong with him.

I fully agree with the first part of your statement. It's far more than football. The "institution" at ibrox, however revered or detestable anyone sees them, have imploded spectacularly over the last couple of years, damaging livelihoods, the integrity of the Scottish game, and many people's faith in justice. That the new club shows no contrition or shame to go with their boasts of "debt-free" and "most successful team ever" is just fucking despicable, and similar disdain would apply to any other entity which tried the same stunt.

If believing in natural justice, and feeling that there are more important things in life than money means that you think there's something wrong with me, I suggest you take a look in the mirror sometime.

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Just how deluded are you that you actually attempted to pass that garbage of as an excuse for your failings?

Care in the community has a lot to answer for.

I fully agree with the first part of your statement. It's far more than football. The "institution" at ibrox, however revered or detestable anyone sees them, have imploded spectacularly over the last couple of years, damaging livelihoods, the integrity of the Scottish game, and many people's faith in justice. That the new club shows no contrition or shame to go with their boasts of "debt-free" and "most successful team ever" is just fucking despicable, and similar disdain would apply to any other entity which tried the same stunt.

If believing in natural justice, and feeling that there are more important things in life than money means that you think there's something wrong with me, I suggest you take a look in the mirror sometime.

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Still ignoring what was actually said in the original posts, you truly are some piece of work.

Not only did I not ignore what was posted, I actually quoted it, and used it as a comparator along with your post. Are you really that stupid? Seriously, are you?

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Your club will be watched and scrutinised for potential wrong doings, rule bending and absolutely any form of misbehaving FOR EVERMORE. You, as a collective fan base, cannot be relieved upon to hold your owners and administrators to account because you perceive "success at any cost" to be your inalienable "right", despite it being to the detriment of the game in Scotland as a whole.

Add to that your flagrant acceptance of your various lunatic fringes and their abhorrent attitudes and practices, whilst trying to pass them off as a minority, and you have a perfect overview of why, when required, the REAL people will forever keep a very wary eye on your Phoenix outfit.

By all means, your CEO can scam all he likes out of the gullible blue and orange brigade....but, he will find it much much harder to con serious investors and banks in these cash strapped times with his history.

Your infantile "contributions" to the issues in this thread and others,say more about you than you intend.

EDIT: Issued from the app on my mobile - looks fine on read back too ? However for the benefit of clarity and the hard of understanding....

Edited by GreenockRover
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Amigos, Your club will be watched and scrutinised for potential wrong doings, rule bending and absolutely any form of misbehaving FOR EVERMORE. You, as a collective fan base, cannot be relieved upon to hold your owners and administrators to account because you perceive "success at any cost" to be your inalienable "right" despite it being to the detriment of the game in Scotland as a whole. Add to that your flagrant acceptance of your various lunatic fringes and their abhorrent attitudes and practices, whilst trying to pass them off as a minority, and you have a perfect overview of why, when required, the REAL people will forever keep a very wary eye on your Phoenix outfit. By all means your CEO can scam all he likes out of the gullible blue and orange brigade....but, he will find it much much harder to con serious investors and banks in these cash strapped times with his history. Your infantile "contributions" to the issues say more about you than you intend.

Please learn to use the enter key mate.



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I'm not wrong at all - I'm really not.

You're effectively saying that morality doesn't come into it - an extraordinary stance when discussing a sport.

I suspect Youngsy that the football is the only sphere in your life where you're happy to discard any notion of what's consistent, right or fair; but in said context, you seem very happy indeed to do so when it suits.

Let me put it this way; If you or anyone else really believes that any owner of a football club is going to pay out £500,000 on a cost of an organisations investigative commission when it in reality had nothing to do with the present owners of said football club then i'm afraid you're deluded on that.

This was a Commission set up by one organisation, the SPL, not anyone else, no costs were awarded by the Commission against the Newco, who again i'll state were not involved in the investigation, so in effect the only organisations that can be liable for payment is the SPL or the Oldco, which as we all know won't be paying so that puts it down to one body to hold liability, the SPL.

To put it into context, i'm very happy indeed to have the SPL put in this position as it certainly does suit me. Don't forget, this is the organisation that tried to enforce title stripping as a condition of the five way agreement without a hearing because it suited them, that condition was rejected out of hand, they lost the argument so let them face the financial consequences because it certainly won't be met by The Rangers Football Club Limited.

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Maybe he should get a soapbox somewhere he would be appreciated?

Does he actually think that his ramblings on P & B make the slightest bit of difference? Most of the half decent P & Bers just see him as a liability and an embarrassment, in fact he is probably why most of them have left, after all his name was mentioned enough times by people giving reasons why the BRALT has went downhill, even the green and greys are starting to take the piss out of him now.

He's just some metally unstable clown using a 30 year old computer to rant and rave about the team whom he believes has ruined his life.

Even the Killie fans want nothing to do with him.

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He's just some metally unstable clown using a 30 year old computer to rant and rave about the team whom he believes has ruined his life.

Even the Killie fans want nothing to do with him.

What, made of sodium, lithium, potassium, that kind of thing?

I've posted enough on here for most others to realise that my life is far from ruined. Maybe because I don't take the football team I follow as a measure of personal worth. Or, more accurately, that my football team is just that. No "cause" or "more than a club" or "institution" shite from me. That would be you lot and your old mates on the other cheek.

Simply put - there is more to me than football.

Oh, and BTW, fuckwit, I've just built my latest PC. Must be number 14 or 15 in a long line of self-builds. Those 30+ year old machines of mine are collectibles. Just another couple of hobbies which you won't have time for, with your mission to rewrite history and turn logic upside down.

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You expressed a view that believing rangers having been found to have failed to comply over a period of years amounted to guilt was idiotic.

I expressed the view that having been found guilty and fined, to present this as some kind of vindication was idiotic.

So, what did i ignore? The verdict was guilty. The old club cheated. Care to show me where there was any proof of innocence?

On the field of play where it really all matters,"no sporting advantage gained". Or do you just ignore that part of the findings.

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On the field of play where it really all matters,"no sporting advantage gained". Or do you just ignore that part of the findings.

Not at all, Youngsy. As I've posted several times before, combined with the guilty verdict, that tells us two things.

1. They cheated. And

2. They were shit at cheating.

Still makes me smile, that. Especially when rangers fans hold up the "no advantage gained" as some kind of pointer to their innocence.

Thanks for giving me cause to reprise that one. ;)

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Not at all, Youngsy. As I've posted several times before, combined with the guilty verdict, that tells us two things.

1. They cheated. And

2. They were shit at cheating.

Still makes me smile, that. Especially when rangers fans hold up the "no advantage gained" as some kind of pointer to their innocence.

Thanks for giving me cause to reprise that one. ;)

So are you acknowledging that no sporting advantage was gained?

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So are you acknowledging that no sporting advantage was gained?

I do not believe that we can definitively say if advantage was gained. I firmly believe advantage was sought. "Sporting" doesn't come into it, in the moral sense of the word.

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Maybe he should get a soapbox somewhere he would be appreciated?

Does he actually think that his ramblings on P & B make the slightest bit of difference? Most of the half decent P & Bers just see him as a liability and an embarrassment, in fact he is probably why most of them have left, after all his name was mentioned enough times by people giving reasons why the BRALT has went downhill, even the green and greys are starting to take the piss out of him now.

Have a look at the reputation page on my profile, Tedi. You'll see green dots from followers of most teams in Scotland - even a few from rangers fans. You'll also see a fair number of red dots - overwhelmingly awarded by two posters. Care to guess who they might be? Half-decent my arse.

A lot of posters mentioned a lot of reasons why the BRALT went downhill, and yes, I was mentioned - mostly in conjunction with the Amigos. Which would be you and your mates. Care to take some responsibility for that? Another reason given pretty fucking regularly was the presence of loud-mouthed, triumphalist fans of the new club who didn't show their faces on here until Charlie got his Travelling Players on the road. Sound like anyone you know?

* * * * * and out. :lol:

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Amigos, Your club will be watched and scrutinised for potential wrong doings, rule bending and absolutely any form of misbehaving FOR EVERMORE. You, as a collective fan base, cannot be relieved upon to hold your owners and administrators to account because you perceive "success at any cost" to be your inalienable "right" despite it being to the detriment of the game in Scotland as a whole. Add to that your flagrant acceptance of your various lunatic fringes and their abhorrent attitudes and practices, whilst trying to pass them off as a minority, and you have a perfect overview of why, when required, the REAL people will forever keep a very wary eye on your Phoenix outfit. By all means your CEO can scam all he likes out of the gullible blue and orange brigade....but, he will find it much much harder to con serious investors and banks in these cash strapped times with his history. Your infantile "contributions" to the issues say more about you than you intend.

that's pretty spot on.

the infantile contributions -deflections, non-sequitteurs, 'naw it isnae / Lord Nimmo said , personal abuse etc - (95% of amigo output) is simply to try and derail the BRALT from the lively discussion it used to be and to piss everybody off. Sadly, it has kind of worked.

But as soon as the next genuine development occurs and there is something to discuss (probably a Chucky proclamation of shite or some rule change jiggery-pokery) the page count will increase as The Rangers get another kicking....

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I do not believe that we can definitively say if advantage was gained. I firmly believe advantage was sought. "Sporting" doesn't come into it, in the moral sense of the word.

Just a yes or no as an answer should suffice. The Commission stated that there was "no sporting advantage gained",that was their finding, so sporting very much comes into it. Every club that signs a player on whatever money that player is on is seeking to gain advantage by improving their squad. Is that not what happens in football and indeed other sports. There was no ineligible players playing for the club so no advantage was gained on the field of play and guess what that is where is determined as a sport.

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White Rose Killie has really got under the Amigo / Wannabe Amigo skin,eh?

Good Work Fella!

I'm sure desperately faux mockery is keeping you awake at night

It's a worry, right enough, Ken. Pyoor traumatised ah um.

Problem with them is they've chased away a lot of the posters (Orcs and others) who used to enjoy a bit of banter. I suppose the casual bigotry and personal insults resulting from reflecting their own suppressed childhood trauma aren't everybody's idea of a good time. Strange that....

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Maybe he should get a soapbox somewhere he would be appreciated?

Does he actually think that his ramblings on P & B make the slightest bit of difference? Most of the half decent P & Bers just see him as a liability and an embarrassment, in fact he is probably why most of them have left, after all his name was mentioned enough times by people giving reasons why the BRALT has went downhill, even the green and greys are starting to take the piss out of him now.

Why would I care about bringing the BRALT down? it can crash and burn for all I care, the fact that you contribute towards its destruction? bravo, the fact that yer bile motivates Rangers fans to go out and buy ST`s, keep it going WKR.

So, from lamenting the decline of the BRALT and laying the blame partly at my door to not caring about it less than an hour later? Now, would that be because you've realised there may be a trail that could lay the blame a lot heavier on your shoulders?

Or is it because you just realised that some of the best banter in the thread's heyday revolved around your absolute stupidity, lack of arithmetical skills, lack of knowledge about your former team, and total inability to recover from an absolute meltdown?


* * * * * :lol:

ETA: Ramblings on P&B? Nearly thirty posts a day since Okey Dokey Day, and I'm the one that's rambling? :lol:

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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