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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes you are correct, England sees an ever growing influx of Scottish populous heading to games every other week, disturbing aint it, however it has nothing to do with religion and lots to do with marketing and the to be frank shitty product we have on offer.

Yes, but on nothing approaching the scale of those visiting the Glasgow grounds.

Ted, you're arguing that black is white here mate and it's daft.

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"Kincardine Loyal" isn't offensive. Pathetic is the word. If you want to ignore the many clubs closer to Kincardine than rangers to follow follow, you're only doing so for one of two reasons. Which is one more reason than Man U fans from Essex. I mean "you" in the figurative sense, of course - one assumes this is a group of like-minded individuals sheeple.

"No Surrender", on the other hand, carries echoes of the rangers/celtic fans' favourite period of history. But then, that's "traditional" isn't it? Personally, I find the paranoia from rangers fans and their cohorts over Catholic influence laughable, but then I left all that shite behind thirty years ago. Why can the fans of these two not do likewise?

Surprising post from you, especially since we've exchanged bon mots before and wished each other well.

I am amazed at the amount of opprobrium I've had for my avator. It can't be that offensive, Shirlely?

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Oh come Monkey. Are you really bringing up the tawdry old 'local clubs' argument?

What happened to the "Folk can support whoever the f**k they like" idea?

It's not tawdry.

Of course people are free to support whoever they like. It's a free country and it would be terrifying if such basic freedoms didn't exist.

That doesn't however require me to approve of the legal choices everyone chooses to make.

I think football would be much more interesting if more of those who like the game in this country, identified more closely with sides local to them.

I'm not a fundamentallist about it - I don't go drawing boundaries or requiring people to switch as they move around. However, I can unequivocally say that I prefer it when people follow sides 'local' to them. I make no apology for that at all.

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Sooner or later it will all play out, not much we can do as fans apart from follow on.

I see what you meant by follow follow...


No I will renew, what is the alternative? watch the club go out of business completely, padlock the gates of Ibrox?

That is the real hope of the yahoos.

But but but... It will only be the company so no worries there

Where do the extra fans come from when said teams reach cup semi finals and finals?

Where did those fans come from when you reached the Europa final?

Whatever the braying of fans of other clubs, Rangers fans have asked questions all along. But fans are often relatively powerless against owners. Answers are given, you might be dubious about them, but often nobody on the outside (including the fans) knows what really went on. Should fans boycott the club? Or would that merely damage it? The fans would have to be absolutely sure before taking drastic action - rather as should have happened with the aforementioned invasion of Iraq.

Should we take the word of Whyte? Surely not, even though what Green says should be scrutinised.

This is why it is dangerous to have one or so few people calling the shots. No one really cared about the finances of their club as long as their was relative success to show for it. This is what made it so easy for Celtic fans to turn against their board in the 90's compared to your in the 00's. At least now we know why benefactor models don't work as they tend to treat it like their plaything and crush disent from fans. It also puts clubs in trouble when they experience financial problems, get bored, fed up or withdraw support. However, I think it will be much more difficult for clubs in future to get away with the carry on that happened from figures like Murray & Masterton

Yes a city can have 2 huge clubs with 2 huge fanbases... I have never (repeat never) said otherwise. You seem to be inventing things I've not said then arguing against them. Interesting tactic.

We have however got to the crux of your point after your initial attempt not to answer... you believe in an alternate universe that 2 clubs in Glasgow without religion would be supported by the same number of people as support Rangers and Celtic today. On the basis that they would be rivals, and somehow this rivalry would "fill in" for the religious angle. I'll say that I do understand the point you are making here but I believe it is grossly naïve and wishful. So many fans from all over Scotland -- especially for Celtic -- default based on religion. You cannot replace that huge pull with simple "rivalry", and if you weren't so insistent on defending your point then hopefully you could see that.

I can't commentate on old Rangers as they were never considered a protestent team during their inception, but Celtic certainly has a disproportiate following from catholics in Scotland. The thing is the rivalry and hatridge between/towards those teams have little to do with religion anymore. Since the majority of us no longer have one. Between the gruesome twosome its more to do with whether your Irish/Scottish or Scottish/Brittish. While "the rest" its more to do with the disproportiate and biased media coverage of the two, and the favourtism/protectionism shown towards them from people in powerful positions within the game and society. However, I have little doubt that supports from both teams will noticably decline in the next 10 years.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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You are arguing this problem is unique to Scotland....It is not

You are arguing this is all about religion....it is not

No, I'm not, but I'm arguing that it's particularly pronounced in Scotland. Are you seriously suggesting otherwise?

I'm not saying it's all about religion at all, which is why I've used qualifying expressions like "in part" in this discussion.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Your insistence on focusing on cities and their populations misses the point entirely. The problem here is that so many in Scotland look instinctively beyond clubs that play near their houses every fortnight, because (in part) of the religious associations.

Correct, all of it. The assertion that in a non-religious Scotland, Glasgow would have 2 clubs with the SAME level of support as Rangers and Celtic is absurd. And that is what we are debating. All this guff about other cities is genuinely 100% irrelevant, trying to twist the debate into something else that no one is denying.

I'll stick my neck on the line and say their crowds would be 60% of what they are today. Still a big fierce rivalry, like Sheffield Wed and Sheffield Utd, but not on the scale it is right now.

To indulge tedious ted's Milan comparison for a minute, imagine the 2 Milan clubs ALSO had a religious angle.... they would need to double their stadium for all the extra idiots it would attract.

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I saw a flag with my (old) user name on it.so thought it would be a jape. I hadn't counted on literalistic idiots like you.

So says the fud who thought it was worthwhile to correct my spelling :P fecking hypocrite you are :lol:

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Surprising post from you, especially since we've exchanged bon mots before and wished each other well.

I am amazed at the amount of opprobrium I've had for my avator. It can't be that offensive, Shirlely?

I'm not having a go at you personally. I know you're not out to cause offence, and like to have a bit of an avatar-related giggle - I especially liked the Di-in-a-sash one. Looked like an old Motherwell away kit with a skirt, or maybe that's just me...

Your current one, mind, could easily be taken as offensive, and I'm sure you're not unaware of that. Like I say, I find the pride some people take in following a team miles from their home risible, so no probs there. The "other" phrase, though, is woven deep into the sectarian fabric, and cannot be seen - on a red/white/blue banner especially - as anything other than inflammatory. Like I say, it bothers me not a lot - says more about the owner(s) than they'd like, but at least it lets others know that there's idiots with this mindset in Kincardine, so they can avoid the area or be on their guard when visiting. ;)

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:D CRAIGY WHYTE = more oxygen the big thread will ever need to survive longer than the third coming of ra gers :)

This thread was just about growing at a page every couple of days BUT ! along comes the shyster and BOOM I had to go through ten flipping pages of Tedi melt downs :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I enjoy Green telling us how he cared about the club from the offset and had no intention of letting him near Rangers again, this despite his previously admitting he was only in it to make a quick buck

He also told us, he telt Whyte what he wanted to hear in order to get the shares.

How many brokers promises has Green make to the Rangers fans since taking over?

I'm starting to see a pattern here

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I see what you meant by follow follow...


But but but... It will only be the company so no worries there

Where did those fans come from when you reached the Europa final.

This is why it is dangerous to have one or so few people calling the shots. No one really cared about the finances of their club as long as their was relative success to show for it. This is what made it so easy for Celtic fans to turn against their board in the 90's compared to your in the 00's. At least now we know why benefactor models don't work as they tend to treat it like their plaything and crush disent from fans. It also puts clubs in trouble when they experience financial problems, get bored, fed up or withdraw support. However, I think it will be much more difficult for clubs in future to get away with the carry on that happened from figures like Murray & Masterton

I can't commentate on old Rangers as they were never considered a protestent team during their inception, but Celtic certainly has a disproportiate following from catholics in Scotland. The thing is the rivalry and hatridge between/towards those teams have little to do with religion anymore. Since the majority of us no longer have one. Between the gruesome twosome its more to do with whether your Irish/Scottish or Scottish/Brittish. While "the rest" its more to do with the disproportiate and biased media coverage of the two, and the favourtism/protectionism shown towards them from people in powerful positions within the game and society. However, I have little doubt that supports from both teams will noticably decline in the next 10 years.

We've never reached the Europa final ,that was the 2008 UEFA final, if you want to converse get it right. As for where the fans came from in Manchester in 2008, far and wide, unlike the provincial clubs in Scotland who, despite living on these clubs doorstep simply refuse to turn out in any great numbers on a week to week basis to strenghten there clubs finance and support base. There is the difference.

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