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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not for the first time, you demonstrate your ignorance in definitive fashion.

I'm on home ground with this one fella....and the news is all bad.

You could always stamp your feet and throw another tantrum.....

It's what you do.

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He accepted that no provision of the Rules enabled the Board of the SPL retrospectively to terminate the registration of the player. It became apparent from his submissions that Mr McKenzie was not pressing for a finding that Issue 3©, together with the concluding words of Issue 3(b), had been proved.

Right, this is going to be long, boring, wordy and confusing, because it's a bit legalistic. Pay attention:

That's Lord Nimmo Smith deciding that the SPL can't retrospectively declare players improperly registered, no matter how very dodgy their registration. It's the critical part that led him to declare that Rangers "gained no advantage", because cheating isn't cheating if you weren't found guilty of cheating while you were cheating.

This is devastating news if true. If what you're saying is right then The SPL commissioned an enquiry about breach of registration under SPL rules while knowing that it had no competence to rule a player was improperly registered after he stopped playing.

They appointed a lawyer who acknowledged that his interpretation of the rule was wrong. They spent AT LEAST £250K to show they didn't know their own rule book.

Why aren't you Ps&Ds fulminating at The SPL? Why isn't there a great deal of noise in protest at the money they have pished away? Why aren't you asking for heads to roll for starting an enquiry that was outwith the scope of SPL rules as acknowledged by their own law firm?

Why isn't every SPL club asking Doncaster to account for the £25,000 a team he spent on an investigation that The SPL had no hope of winning?

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This is devastating news if true. If what you're saying is right then The SPL commissioned an enquiry about breach of registration under SPL rules while knowing that it had no competence to rule a player was improperly registered after he stopped playing.

They appointed a lawyer who acknowledged that his interpretation of the rule was wrong. They spent AT LEAST £250K to show they didn't know their own rule book.

Why aren't you Ps&Ds fulminating at The SPL? Why isn't there a great deal of noise in protest at the money they have pished away? Why aren't you asking for heads to roll for starting an enquiry that was outwith the scope of SPL rules as acknowledged by their own law firm?

Why isn't every SPL club asking Doncaster to account for the £25,000 a team he spent on an investigation that The SPL had no hope of winning?

I think you'll find most of us have been.

Have you not been reading this thread or have you been too busy sweeping stuff under that big carpet.

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This entire forum have been slagging off the SPL higher ups and everything that they do for ages now. It's not exactly hard to find.

Yes, but remember that their preferred narrative pretends that all Ps & Ds are huge fans of the abomination that is the SPL.

Don't start putting logic, facts and evidence in the way of this narrrative Dom. It's not fair.

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I think you'll find most of us have been.

Have you not been reading this thread or have you been too busy sweeping stuff under that big carpet.

This entire forum have been slagging off the SPL higher ups and everything that they do for ages now. It's not exactly hard to find.

My comment today was aimed mostly at Rhat Bhoy and his conclusion that The SPL started an eye-wateringly-expensive process that they and their lawyers knew was an utter shambles.

My question is still valid: Why aren't the fans of SPL clubs asking for Doncaster's head after he/they screwed up The Commission in such a spectacular way?

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Yes, but remember that their preferred narrative pretends that all Ps & Ds are huge fans of the abomination that is the SPL.

Don't start putting logic, facts and evidence in the way of this narrrative Dom. It's not fair.

Hello Monkey. I am not deluded: I know that many outside The SPL deride that said league. so don't tar me with the same brush.

I am also very happy to deal with logic, facts and evidence.

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Newco agreed to settle oldco's footballing debts, cost of commission comes out of oldco's action's so newco pays it, hence no one bothered as your lot should be footing the bill as you agreed in the five way deal, so cough up the wonga :)

"Given the seriousness, extent and duration of the non-disclosure, we have concluded that nothing less than a substantial financial penalty on Oldco will suffice."

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I think you'll find most of us have been.


Have you not been reading this thread or have you been too busy sweeping stuff under that big carpet.



This entire forum have been slagging off the SPL higher ups and everything that they do for ages now. It's not exactly hard to find.

My comment today was aimed mostly at Rhat Bhoy and his conclusion that The SPL started an eye-wateringly-expensive process that they and their lawyers knew was an utter shambles. 


My question is still valid:  Why aren't the fans of SPL clubs asking for Doncaster's head after he/they screwed up The Commission in such a spectacular way?

Because we all love Cockwomble to death. Honest to fcuk, do you really believe any of what you type?

Sent from my iPhone 5 Black Diamond using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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Newco agreed to settle oldco's footballing debts, cost of commission comes out of oldco's action's so newco pays it, hence no one bothered as your lot should be footing the bill as you agreed in the five way deal, so cough up the wonga :)

"Given the seriousness, extent and duration of the non-disclosure, we have concluded that nothing less than a substantial financial penalty on Oldco will suffice."

Not 100% on this but the paying of oldco's debts was up to a certain date, i think and the debts which were to be paid were listed....

I've googled it but searching for stuff like brings up thousands of hits - mostly to celtic fans websites for some reasons.

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Hello Monkey. I am not deluded: I know that many outside The SPL deride that said league. so don't tar me with the same brush.

Hi Kincardine.

I wasn't tarring you with any brush you weren't liberally applying to yourself when you said:

"Why aren't you Ps&Ds fulminating at The SPL?"

The fact is that many Ps &Ds, in fact most, have been hugely critical of the SPL.

On the issue at hand however, I'd say that the player registration question was of such gravity that it needed to be very publicly and officially asked, and of course answered, even if the financial cost of doing so may have ostensibly appeared to be prohibitive.

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This entire forum have been slagging off the SPL higher ups and everything that they do for ages now. It's not exactly hard to find.

Yes you've been slagging the SPL off ON THIS FORUM but what have any of you actually done about in practical terms. What action has been taken. After all this is what Rangers fans have been asked by many on here as regards our troubles, so rather than just slag off the SPL on a football forum, which amounts to doing absolutely fucking nothing, what exactly has been done. Absolutely nothing.

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Yes you've been slagging the SPL off ON THIS FORUM but what have any of you actually done about in practical terms. What action has been taken. After all this is what Rangers fans have been asked by many on here as regards our troubles, so rather than just slag off the SPL on a football forum, which amounts to doing absolutely fucking nothing, what exactly has been done. Absolutely nothing.

What do you want us to do? Send letter bombs or something?

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On this thread at some point Rangers have been compared to denial of the Holocaust,now the comparison is with a couple of murderers'. Laughable,absolutely fucking laughable.

Murderers? Hoogstraten and OJ Simpson?

Innocent men surely? Or do you doubt the findings in their cases as well?

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Yes you've been slagging the SPL off ON THIS FORUM but what have any of you actually done about in practical terms. What action has been taken. After all this is what Rangers fans have been asked by many on here as regards our troubles, so rather than just slag off the SPL on a football forum, which amounts to doing absolutely fucking nothing, what exactly has been done. Absolutely nothing.

If the "Ps&Ds" had done nothing then your new club would be in the SPL.

Happy to help. :D

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Not 100% on this but the paying of oldco's debts was up to a certain date, i think and the debts which were to be paid were listed....

I've googled it but searching for stuff like brings up thousands of hits - mostly to celtic fans websites for some reasons.

Don't think the agreement terms have been published doubt they ever will, depends what Charlie boy signed up to:)

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This is devastating news if true. If what you're saying is right then The SPL commissioned an enquiry about breach of registration under SPL rules while knowing that it had no competence to rule a player was improperly registered after he stopped playing.

They appointed a lawyer who acknowledged that his interpretation of the rule was wrong. They spent AT LEAST £250K to show they didn't know their own rule book.

Why aren't you Ps&Ds fulminating at The SPL? Why isn't there a great deal of noise in protest at the money they have pished away? Why aren't you asking for heads to roll for starting an enquiry that was outwith the scope of SPL rules as acknowledged by their own law firm?

Why isn't every SPL club asking Doncaster to account for the £25,000 a team he spent on an investigation that The SPL had no hope of winning?

This is a very good question Kincardine, and the only logical answer I can think of is that nobody realised that Rangers could squirm out of the player eligibility question on a techicality until proceedings were well underway. Certainly, it makes no sense for the SPL to make such a big song and dance out of player misregistration if they knew that the rules had a giant, glaring loophole in them that permitted teams to deliberately break the rules without facing the most severe punishments.

On the other hand, the Commission did settle once and for all the issue about Rangers' intentional rule-breaking, which was the issue it was set up to look at. On that, there's no doubt - guilty as charged. Complaints about the expense of investigating this duplicity should really be aimed at the organisation that made an investigation necessary, and the men who ran it.

Nonetheless, this recognition that Rangers only escaped the most drastic sanction on a ludicrous technicality does represent progress, which should be welcomed by all.

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My comment today was aimed mostly at Rhat Bhoy and his conclusion that The SPL started an eye-wateringly-expensive process that they and their lawyers knew was an utter shambles.

My question is still valid: Why aren't the fans of SPL clubs asking for Doncaster's head after he/they screwed up The Commission in such a spectacular way?

It is a valid question. Will the SFA revoke Cevco's licence to play now it it is shown that Green lied directly in answer to the question "was Craig Whyte involved in the acquisition in any way?"

No they won't. The SFA broke all it's own rules to allow Seco back-in so nothing will change. I can only hope that yer bus boys take the foul part of Scotland's shame doon the toilet AGAIN

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