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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's true, but it's missing the point a bit - they report what Green said because they have it recorded and they can get independent verification of it if they don't. It's a fact that Green said (x), (y) and (z).

When they look at rumours and documents on the internet, all they have is unsourced, unverifiable information that everyone they contact will either deny or refuse to comment on, which leaves them in a pretty crappy position if they report things that later turn out to be false.

They're reporting facts when David Murray claims he wants to buy Ronaldo or Green says Rangers will skoosh the Champions League on a budget of fuckitybillion pounds. Even though these claims are total bullshit, these guys did actually say things like this.

No, they're reporting fantasies and the papers, like those of us who read it, should be laughing in their faces. Not feeding the gullible with fairy stories.

You dont report a comment as fact, you report it as a statement then dissect it and point out the foolishness of the remark.

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The Communications Data Bill was drafted by the Government in June 2012 and calls for changes in the law to give police greater access to information about citizens’ online behavior. In order to gain access to the huge amounts of data being proposed in the bill, Internet Service Providers would be required to retain and store details of all online communications in the UK for a whole year. Internet providers could be forced to alter their policies and terms and conditions to give police access to this personal customer data.

Proposed Bill


Is it not a bit ironic that our government criticizes China for restricting and monitoring use of websites - but reading our personal emails and searches is somehow moral and correct?

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Where have all the bears gone?? I love when this happens, they get the arse ripped out of them then disappear only to return when benny posts a programme of The rangers or something as equaly irrelevant :lol:

Looking in and thinking - mair pish from diddies and plastics. What is very obviously fascinating to you is the stuff of meh to the rest of us.

Last few days: Hell as an IT expert (he's not) Monkey claims RM reveals all about the Rangers support (it doesn't) the runaway gets a new guise and - well, you get the point. Or you should have when you were gum-bumping about the army and eggs benedict.

FFS :lol:

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The club needs the ST sales, pay at the gate does not work, if you are suggesting that I should do something which would in fact kill the club just to make a point then I think you misunderstand what it is to love a football club.

I think you'll find that pay at the gate is just as important if not more important than ST sales alone,advanced ST sales only give the club a financial indicator to how much they can spend on the squad without overspending over the season :huh: in Rangers case this is obviously not important ! EVER :lol: .

Pay at the gate give the club a financial boost to the ST sales they already have and does work because the club has already financed for the season by ST sales and projected pay at the gate.So if over 50% of the support decide to pay at the gate the club will still spend accordingly for the projected fan attendance for the season from some sort of business model ie the club still expect a support of 40,000 plus each week so they will spend on projected incomes for 40,000 fans each home game.

St's only give the club guaranteed income only and the rest is just projected speculation.

And a fool and his money are easily parted.

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Where have all the bears gone?? I love when this happens, they get the arse ripped out of them then disappear only to return when benny posts a programme of The rangers or something as equaly irrelevant :lol:

I was sleeping all afternoon....Did you miss me?

I was then watching The Dambusters but the wean grabbed the remote and i just want a quiet afternoon so i thought i would come on to see if The Rangers were dead yet....FFS they are really dragging this one out.

Oh aye and i had to check which post you had red dotted...I thought i was predictable :P

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Looking in and thinking - mair pish from diddies and plastics. What is very obviously fascinating to you is the stuff of meh to the rest of us.

Last few days: Hell as an IT expert (he's not) Monkey claims RM reveals all about the Rangers support (it doesn't) the runaway gets a new guise and - well, you get the point. Or you should have when you were gum-bumping about the army and eggs benedict.

FFS :lol:

You're all heart Bendarroch :wub: and I do know a fair bit more about IT than you do :P .

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Fair enough :P

I would laugh if it was Celtic to be fair. I wouldn't waste every minute of my day doing background checks on everyone who is associated with the club though.

You may not, but you can bet your life that one of 'your lot' would.

'Your lot' and the 'other lot' arent that different from one another.

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You may not, but you can bet your life that one of 'your lot' would.

'Your lot' and the 'other lot' arent that different from one another.

^^^ under 30 imo.....

You really don't remember the mistrust etc etc with which the bunnet was greeted ?

"they" , including sally, laughed. No digging, no speculations, nothing. Just laughter.

This is somewhat more of a mixed bag of frivolity .

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^^^ under 30 imo.....

You really don't remember the mistrust etc etc with which the bunnet was greeted ?

"they" , including sally, laughed. No digging, no speculations, nothing. Just laughter.

This is somewhat more of a mixed bag of frivolity .

Lips is well over 30 for a start.

I remember 1994 well...We couldn't have cared any less as other teams were challenging us....Lips team among them and a Willie Miller inspired Aberdeen came runner up in all 3 trophies in 1993. A year later he was forced out after a poor start to the season and Aberdeen have never really been the same since.

Obviously we didn't have the internet then and i am sure it would have been different if we did but i know for a fact nobody cared one way or the other.

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Lips is well over 30 for a start.

I remember 1994 well...We couldn't have cared any less as other teams were challenging us....Lips team among them and a Willie Miller inspired Aberdeen came runner up in all 3 trophies in 1993. A year later he was forced out after a poor start to the season and Aberdeen have never really been the same since.

Obviously we didn't have the internet then and i am sure it would have been different if we did but i know for a fact nobody cared one way or the other.

How things can change eh No8 ! one season your competing in the Champions League qualifiers and the next season your competing in the lowest tier of association football in Scotland :) .If you were told back in 1994 before the bunnet showed up that Rangers would actually be liquidated and then grovel to get a place in the third division in 2012 you had have probably laughed your head off :lol: .

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