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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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D&P and BDO and various lawyers, some gravy train. And to think that some on here couldn't wait for BDO to do their stuff.

As usual the wee guys get stamped on.

...and your lot put the first boot in.....

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The old football club stank to high heaven of corruption, bigotry and dodgy dealings. The new club was meant to be a fresh start, sadly this opportunity has not been taken.

Fans of the new club have been charged for bigoted chanting and their has been more corruption and dodgy deals in one season at this club to last every club in the nation a life time.

It stinks, the whole place stinks. What a horrible affliction it must be to support such a sickening putrid club, i genuinely feel sorry for their ( very few ) decent fans.

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No Mikey, they don't see that at all.

They feel hard done by that the only punishment they recieved was a January transfer window ban, made to pay a small proportion of their debt and a fresh start in division three.

Seems likely that this opportunity to start afresh is likely to fall flat on it's face, maybe they won't be so lucky next time around!

It is atsonishing.

They should be thankful that they even have a team to watch yet all we hear is how it's not their fault and how everybody is against them.

It really is tiresome.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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Sorry Lex but even Wisbit can do better than that, back to the drawing board matey.

Bennett - BRALT's very own cat lady...

Arrrriaiar!! ―The Crazy Cat Lady's catchphrase

Dr Eleanor Abernathy MD JD, better known as the Crazy Cat Lady, is a mentally-ill woman who always surrounds herself with a large number of cats. She usually screams gibberish and/or throws her cats at passersby


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Sorry but that is not my recollection at all, I do not really think Rangers fans cared what fans of other fans were thinking, it was more about not wanting favours from anyone.

Really I do not understand what the problem is nor why all the P & D`s are getting upset about, they wanted SFL3, Rangers fans wanted SFL3, thats what was voted for and that is what happened, I was happy with the outcome as were the vast majority of Rangers fans, all the polls suggested the same.

SFL 3 was the only viable option both in terms of whats right and in our best interests, everything should have worked out fine. Like you i can't understand why the P&Bers are so worked up about this.

You two can be a right pair of rockets at times :1eye here's a wee reminder of why your fans wanted 3rd division football and notice the rhetoric used by quite a few of your mob :lol: FCUK THEM & LET THEM SUFFER & THEY CAN SHOVE THEIR PUNISHMENTS UP THEIR ARSE & many more :lol: yes most want SFL 3rd division footy but it's not because it was the right thing to do but rather to get one up every fucker who stuck the boot in and they are not accepting punishments either.


Alex Oliver

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Posted 04 March 2012 - 12:46 PM

Call the bluff, what's the point in playing in a league which will have a stupid points deduction- something which will make it impossible to win the league/ get in Europe. The SPL will crumble without us. Liewell will say otherwise, but he's a fool. The joke will be on him, within months.

As I understand Sky & ESPN have exclusive rights for the SPL so we couldn't sign our own TV deal. However, if we dropped into the SFL, in theory we could negiotiate our own TV deal. Furthermore the Sky/ESPN deal for the SPL would be void, the deal is dependent on 4 Old Firms per season.

We have the opportunity to be very clever here...


Richard Gough

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Posted 04 March 2012 - 12:51 PM

Div 3 without a doubt. All those b*****ds would be quite happy to handicap us for a few years whilst needing us for their TV deal, and relying on the cash generated by our fans.

Would much rather screw the b*****ds than the other way about


Ally McCoist

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Posted 04 March 2012 - 12:51 PM

Would rather see the scum and other tossers in the SPL struggle without us, thick c***s think they would be fine. Have no idea the complications it would have on their own clubs, as if the scum won't lose at least 30% fans if they had no Rangers to compete against.

Oh aye it was all about the right thing to do with dignity and all that :1eye


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More Dodgy happenings involving Fat Sally the Charity Foundation;

Ally McCoist has embarked upon a £10k fundraising campaign for the Rangers Charity Foundation. Good stuff!

He is aiming to achieve this by navigating some white water rapids in Idaho (the River Salmon) with a team of Rangers Charity Foundation supporters.

My interest in this was piqued a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that he had only raised £219. I therefore raised awareness of the event in my blog and subsequently on twitter (I am not claiming credit here for now getting him to the £8,000 he has currently raised).

What I found particularly strange was that the target seemed so low. Mr McCoist is a wealthy man through his footballing and media endeavours as are many of his associates, friends and colleagues. Indeed, I would have anticipated a target of £100,000 to be more appropriate especially when one considers the costs involved in this wort of thing. I decided therefore to keep an eye on this.

My curiosity was further raised by a tweet from Ally McCoist’s son on Thursday, 22 May in which he stated that the airline had given away their business class seats because they were late. Business class seats on a fundraising trip? Hmmm…

So I have followed the redoubtable Mr McCoist junior and it transpires that he spent 3 days in New York City in a hotel overlooking Times Square. Then he flew out to Denver before catching a connecting flight to Boise, Idaho and then another connection to Salmon, Idaho. Following the rafting, Mr McCoist junior has helpfully informed us that he will be in San Francisco afterwards although it is unclear for how long or if this is part of the charity programme or, em, personal business.

A wee friend in the travel agency business did a bit of research for me and priced the flights only package at £4,500. A hotel in New York overlooking Times Square would set you back about £300 per night. So that’s at least £5,000.

On top of this, of course, one has to add the cost of the white water rafting. I am reliably informed that the RCF party are participating in a five day experience costing £1,500. So we’ve now got a running total of £6,500 per head.

Yes folks, Ally McCoist has gone all the way to America to raise £1,500. If Mr McCoist is indeed employed on an annual salary of £750,000 as rumoured that 1/500 of his annual salary or about half-a-day; not quite a tithe, eh?

Anyway, I digress. Eagle-eyed readers will have spotted that I mention both Ally McCoist and his son. They may also have spotted that I mentioned that Mr McCoist is leading a team.

Now, I could be mistaken here but I’ve trawled (yes, it is an obsession) Just Giving and I cannot find a single entry for Ally’s Idaho Challenge other than that under Ally’s own name. There is no account in his son’s name and there is no other account specific to Idaho.

That’s very strange…I mean where are the funds being raised by other rafters? You don’t think they could all be in one Just Giving account, do you? But, but, but, but that would mean that the charity is now paying everyone to take a holiday at its expense! Surely not?

Maybe those nice, responsive people at the Rangers Press Office or the Rangers Charity Foundation itself can reply and let me know (they’ve got the email address)?

If they do decide to respond perhaps they could also let me know how they plan to ensure that the insurance policy they’ve obviously taken out to protect the rafters is legally binding if it hasn’t actually been legally executed by the board of trustees?


Excellent post. I am sure Ally is not a bad person and would never abuse his position and reputation just for a free holiday, or one paid for by a charity.

Especially by exploiting Rangers fans by asking for their hard earned cash.(best leaving that to those have been, are, or would like to be on the board of rangers).

Ideally Ally just makes a statement that explains the financial arrangements for the trip for his son and himself.

And then we can all "move on".

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From the BBC website

The Football Association is emailing England fans asking them not to indulge in "offensive songs" when their team play the Republic of Ireland at Wembley on Wednesday night. It's safe to assume there's one song they have particularly in mind.

"With St George in my heart keep me English, with St George in my heart I pray, with St George in my heart keep me English, keep me English till my dying day.

"No surrender, no surrender, no surrender to the IRA. Scum."

The fans who sing it also like to squeeze in a "no surrender" just before the line "send her victorious" in God Save The Queen.

So why and when did some fans adopt No Surrender?

It is assumed that the adoption of the song came from mixing between Rangers fans - some of whom had loyalist sympathies - and English fans in the 1980s, says Lyons. After 1985, English clubs were banned from European competition after the deaths of 39 Juventus fans in a European Cup final with Liverpool.

During the ban, some English fans started to follow Rangers in Europe and there were Rangers fans who supported England. The song - which seems linked to Northern Irish unionist or loyalist politics - may have been adopted at this point..

The "no surrender" slogan has been co-opted by the English Defence League.

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From the BBC website

The Football Association is emailing England fans asking them not to indulge in "offensive songs" when their team play the Republic of Ireland at Wembley on Wednesday night. It's safe to assume there's one song they have particularly in mind.

"With St George in my heart keep me English, with St George in my heart I pray, with St George in my heart keep me English, keep me English till my dying day.

"No surrender, no surrender, no surrender to the IRA. Scum."

The fans who sing it also like to squeeze in a "no surrender" just before the line "send her victorious" in God Save The Queen.

So why and when did some fans adopt No Surrender?

It is assumed that the adoption of the song came from mixing between Rangers fans - some of whom had loyalist sympathies - and English fans in the 1980s, says Lyons. After 1985, English clubs were banned from European competition after the deaths of 39 Juventus fans in a European Cup final with Liverpool.

During the ban, some English fans started to follow Rangers in Europe and there were Rangers fans who supported England. The song - which seems linked to Northern Irish unionist or loyalist politics - may have been adopted at this point..

The "no surrender" slogan has been co-opted by the English Defence League.

It's a fitba match, what do they expect - everyone to hold hands and sing kumbaya?

It's not offensive just fitba fans sticking it to other fitba fans.

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So only 3 that disagree? from RM? where are the genuine P & B bears that subscribe to those views?

You say it was the vast majority that had this view, I say you are as ever a complete roaster without the slightest clue about reality, 3 proves nothing, provide 1000 + quotes from different posters and you will win the argument, if not then sorry my view which was the same as the majority of polls done and the majority of comments (from Rangers fans) on the SPL`s own survey (below) holds true.

So you didn't read through the whole thread on RM you knob jockey ? just about every Rangers supporter I know last year wanted exactly the same thing ! every other club or association to suffer more than Rangers were at the time but your recollection is sure to be somewhat different but we do know now that Rangers fans will change their opinion to suit how they feel today although they would have has a different view a few months ? weeks ? days ? or even hours earlier.

Next you will be quoting that Rangers were actually relegated :1eye .

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It's a fitba match, what do they expect - everyone to hold hands and sing kumbaya?

It's not offensive just fitba fans sticking it to other fitba fans.

Political slogans have no place at any normal sporting occasion.

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The joint bun statement I got emailed (as a devoted poster on follow follow) is hilarious...

All "watp" and bluster, ending with "no option but review our options"



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