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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You wonder why the Ugly Sisters just dont use the forum they already have for themselves? But hey! Its the scum clubs we are talking about!

That was crossing my mind, any reason why they don't use that forum for this sillyness?

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You wonder why the Ugly Sisters just dont use the forum they already have for themselves? But hey! Its the scum clubs we are talking about!

Rangers fans posting about Rangers in the errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................... Rangers board.


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I'd rather moan about the attempt to impact negatively on us, but I suppose I can't grumble too much about this descent into Celtic/Rangers pish, given that I introduced that season to the discussion.

FWIW, O'Donnell's death was a horrible tragedy to afflict a decent young bloke with a young family. I've absolutely no doubt however that Celtic cynically exploited it to their footballing advantage.

To add insult to injury Dundee United...whose players had witnessed the tragic event were forced to play their next game after they had asked for their game to be postponed. It was absolutely beyond scandalous.

Later that year celtic were flying again and Tommy Burns passed away...Cancel games? You must be joking.

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To add insult to injury Dundee United...whose players had witnessed the tragic event were forced to play their next game after they had asked for their game to be postponed. It was absolutely beyond scandalous.

Later that year celtic were flying again and Tommy Burns passed away...Cancel games? You must be joking.

Celtic fans can never explain why they were too upset to play after one death, yet were more than willing to play after the death of one of their greats.

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ASA have responded to the complaint.


The Rangers Football Club Ltd (Newco) explained that The Rangers Football Club Plc (Oldco), which previously owned and operated Rangers Football Club (RFC), went into administration on 14 February 2012 and that, in order to preserve RFC after a CVA failed, its buisiness and assets were purchased by another corporate entity, which was now known as The Rangers Football Club Ltd and that, therefore, the same Club was now owned and operated by themselves.

They provided an extract from a Decision concerning RFC, by an Independent Commission appointed by the SPL, in which it was stated that, ”in common speech a Club is treated as a recognisable entity which is capable of being owned and operated and which continues in existence despite its transfer to another owner and operator.” They said the Commission had clearly stated that the same Club continued, regardless of the legal entity that owned and operated it and, therefore, that RFC had continued in existence since 1872.

They also provided a letter from the European Club Association, concerning the RFC’s continuing membership after liquidation, in which it stated that, although run by a different legal entity, it considered RFC was still the same football club, having the same registration number with the Football Association, the same fans, the same stadium, the same club coefficient ranking and the same trophies, and it therefore recognised RFC as a founding member of the ECA, despite the change of ownership.

Newco advised us that RFC was a full member of the SFA and that when Oldco, the legal entity who previously held the membership, went into administration, an agreement was put in place to transfer exactly the same membership from Oldco to Newco, which had resulted in membership of the SFA being maintained. They further pointed out that the websites of the SPL, the SFA and UEFA all confirmed that RFC had been in existence for 140 years by detailing all honours that the club had won since its formation in 1872.

The RACC said they felt that, given RFC’s history, the claim ”Scotland’s most successful club ” was valid and would not mislead.


Not upheld.

Whilst the ASA acknowledged that Newco had not taken on all the debts and liabilities of Oldco, when it purchased its assets and buisness and that that would normally preclude it from trading on the reputation of the former company, we noted that from and Independent Commission appointed by the SPL and the ECA had reached the conclusion that the football club RFC was a recognisable entity in its own right, and that it had continued in existence despite being transferred to another owner and operator.

We further considered that consumers would understand that the claim in question related to the footbal club rather than to its owner and operator.

We therefore concluded that it was not misleading for this ad to make reference to RFC’s history, which was seperate to that of Newco

An error occurred

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

Stoney will end up topping himself tonight :lol:

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The funny thing is that all these obsessed tic fans are actually proving the case with every complaint they make, when will the realise that the real world is simply laughing at them.

Did you see the mocking reply that Stoney received from trading standards? he actually took it seriously.

REAL WORLD ! you follow a new club that has been cloned from the corpse of a dead one 8) .

REAL WORLD ! Rangers cloned existence came down to obtaining a piece of paper from the SFA that says it's the same club ON PAPER :) so technically Rangers are defined as a piece of paper Green acquired from the SFA that the PLC version handed back to the SFA when it died :lol: .

You can clutch straws onto any fudged view it's the same club when in fact it is a cloned version of the one that died.

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Celtic fans can never explain why they were too upset to play after one death, yet were more than willing to play after the death of one of their greats.

Only 4 points in December and McGeady missing is why they wanted the game postponed.

Rangers on their knees and facing a horrendous fixture backlog is why they didn't want the latter game postponed.

Getting PoDs widow to unfurl the flag was just too far...Even for that despicable shameless organisation.

Nothing should really surprise us at how low they could sink to gain an advantage but even for them this was lower than i thought possible

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ASA have responded to the complaint.


The Rangers Football Club Ltd (Newco) explained that The Rangers Football Club Plc (Oldco), which previously owned and operated Rangers Football Club (RFC), went into administration on 14 February 2012 and that, in order to preserve RFC after a CVA failed, its buisiness and assets were purchased by another corporate entity, which was now known as The Rangers Football Club Ltd and that, therefore, the same Club was now owned and operated by themselves.

They provided an extract from a Decision concerning RFC, by an Independent Commission appointed by the SPL, in which it was stated that, ”in common speech a Club is treated as a recognisable entity which is capable of being owned and operated and which continues in existence despite its transfer to another owner and operator.” They said the Commission had clearly stated that the same Club continued, regardless of the legal entity that owned and operated it and, therefore, that RFC had continued in existence since 1872.

etc etc etc

Tedi, don't provide a link. This shameful episode is best forgotten. Any Plastic who got involved in this should think black burning shame.

Equally, any Bear who wants to laugh at the deluded, obsessed fools should try something a wee bit more challenging such as stealing sweeties off weans.

The nutters wasted the time of The ASA and got their arses skelped. Commenting further will merely let them believe we got off on technicality or whatever phrase of the day is current in Timdom.

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REAL WORLD ! you follow a new club that has been cloned from the corpse of a dead one 8) .

REAL WORLD ! Rangers cloned existence came down to obtaining a piece of paper from the SFA that says it's the same club ON PAPER :) so technically Rangers are defined as a piece of paper Green acquired from the SFA that the PLC version handed back to the SFA when it died :lol: .

You can clutch straws onto any fudged view it's the same club when in fact it is a cloned version of the one that died.

Every football organisation say Rangers are still....well Rangers.

Every legal challenge has said that Rangers are still...Rangers

Rangers still play at their historic home.

Rangers still wear the famous Royal Blue

Rangers still had to pay the footballing debt of the Oldco.

I still use the same Rangers smartcard to gain entry to our Historic and listed football stadium. The Big Hoose is well and truly still open.

Rangers then...Rangers Now...Rangers Forever

Oh wait....An ICT fan who admits his brain was fried years ago after the misuse of drugs and a few obsessives from the East End claim we are a new club.

It's a toughy right enough but i think i will go with what the courts and footballing authorities say.

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Only 4 points in December and McGeady missing is why they wanted the game postponed.

Rangers on their knees and facing a horrendous fixture backlog is why they didn't want the latter game postponed.

Getting PoDs widow to unfurl the flag was just too far...Even for that despicable shameless organisation.

Nothing should really surprise us at how low they could sink to gain an advantage but even for them this was lower than i thought possible

You would know about being low and shameless.

More than most actually.

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Tedi, don't provide a link. This shameful episode is best forgotten. Any Plastic who got involved in this should think black burning shame.

Equally, any Bear who wants to laugh at the deluded, obsessed fools should try something a wee bit more challenging such as stealing sweeties off weans.

The nutters wasted the time of The ASA and got their arses skelped. Commenting further will merely let them believe we got off on technicality or whatever phrase of the day is current in Timdom.

Is "Administrative error" the phrase you are searching for?

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The funny thing is that all these obsessed tic fans are actually proving the case with every complaint they make, when will the realise that the real world is simply laughing at them.

Did you see the mocking reply that Stoney received from trading standards? he actually took it seriously.

Stoneys reply was amusing.

Just think of the resources that the ASA and others have wasted investigating everything that these clowns want looked at.

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Only 4 points in December and McGeady missing is why they wanted the game postponed.

Rangers on their knees and facing a horrendous fixture backlog is why they didn't want the latter game postponed.

Getting PoDs widow to unfurl the flag was just too far...Even for that despicable shameless organisation.

Nothing should really surprise us at how low they could sink to gain an advantage but even for them this was lower than i thought possible

I've drafted and redrafted a response; researched far and wide, and wracked by brains, but I've had to conclude that it's impossible for me to explain how many fvcks I don't give about this. Boohoo for you about this dull non-issue that you're inexplicably working yourself up into a blazing seethe about.

I mean, the season Celtic made it to the UEFA Cup final, we didn't win a single trophy. But I wouldn't swap you that cup final for a domestic treble, even though we lost, because I enjoyed seeing us get there so much.

Folk on this thread, however... Jesus. Forever gnawing on some old bone of resentment about some invented non-slight done to you and your club* that most of us barely remember, even after you've been caught deliberately breaking the rules for ten years.

Wacky, mental stuff.

*The old, dead club, that is. Not the new one.

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Real World

2 Law lords, UEFA, ECA, HMRC, BDO, Ernst & Young, SFA, SFL, SPL, London Stock Exchange, Dermot Desmond, Tom English.

and now the ACA.


Every football organisation say Rangers are still....well Rangers.

Every legal challenge has said that Rangers are still...Rangers

Rangers still play at their historic home.

Rangers still wear the famous Royal Blue

Rangers still had to pay the footballing debt of the Oldco.

I still use the same Rangers smartcard to gain entry to our Historic and listed football stadium. The Big Hoose is well and truly still open.

Rangers then...Rangers Now...Rangers Forever

Oh wait....An ICT fan who admits his brain was fried years ago after the misuse of drugs and a few obsessives from the East End claim we are a new club.

It's a toughy right enough but i think i will go with what the courts and footballing authorities say.

:lol: I can smell the desperation from here :lol:

You can post any fucking links you want to about it being the same Rangers but we all know ! we all know ! Cloned club same as the original but not the original and has cloned defects as well :P .

The associations should have just killed the club off FFS :lol: .

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I've drafted and redrafted a response; researched far and wide, and wracked by brains, but I've had to conclude that it's impossible for me to explain how many fvcks I don't give about this. Boohoo for you about this dull non-issue that you're inexplicably working yourself up into a blazing seethe about.

I mean, the season Celtic made it to the UEFA Cup final, we didn't win a single trophy. But I wouldn't swap you that cup final for a domestic treble, even though we lost, because I enjoyed seeing us get there so much.

Folk on this thread, however... Jesus. Forever gnawing on some old bone of resentment about some invented non-slight done to you and your club* that most of us barely remember, even after you've been caught deliberately breaking the rules for ten years.

Wacky, mental stuff.

*The old, dead club, that is. Not the new one.

That looks a lot like an admission that you can't really refute the substance of what No8's said.

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Is "Administrative error" the phrase you are searching for?

Nope. Not searching for anything. This has f**k all to do with Rangers so we should just shut the f**k up.

Sometimes a dignified silence is apt!

I was thinking about you the other day, though. There were comments on the Petty Things That Get on your Nerves thread a few days ago about the naming of Derry vs Londonderry.

My comment was here: http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/45302-petty-things-that-get-on-your-nerves/page-2102#entry7390296

" I usually just listen to Radio 4 but, even there, they call it "Derry,-Londonderry". This is the most ridiculous fudge. Just get off the fence, ya p***ks.

Edited to add.......there are a fair-few NI posters around. This is neither a political nor a religious point.....but aren't you sick to the back teeth of the BBC calling your second-largest city "Derry-Londonderry"?"

Sadly none of the NI posters replied.

Seeing as you're a sane NI-dweller and a good poster would you care to make a comment? Maybe better on the original thread rather than here?

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REAL WORLD ! you follow a new club that has been cloned from the corpse of a dead one 8) .

REAL WORLD ! Rangers cloned existence came down to obtaining a piece of paper from the SFA that says it's the same club ON PAPER :) so technically Rangers are defined as a piece of paper Green acquired from the SFA that the PLC version handed back to the SFA when it died :lol: .

You can clutch straws onto any fudged view it's the same club when in fact it is a cloned version of the one that died.

The truth is that, no matter how much folk in places like this argue back and forward, in the real "REAL WORLD" people are going to look on us as the same club anyway. 8)

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:lol: I can smell the desperation from here :lol:

You can post any fucking links you want to about it being the same Rangers but we all know ! we all know ! Cloned club same as the original but not the original and has cloned defects as well :P .

The associations should have just killed the club off FFS :lol: .

Definition of SAME; Identical, not different, unchanged.

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That looks a lot like an admission that you can't really refute the substance of what No8's said.

Do you want me to prove that Celtic - club, supporters etc. - were genuinely upset and didn't exploit this or that?

How would you like me to do that? Leaked video footage of the board looking gutted and crying? Psychic powers?

There is no "substance" to refute here, MT. 8's claim is a free-standing, unverifiable assertion. He might as well have said that God won the league for Celtic, for all that it can be proven or disproven.

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