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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My guess would be they want the SPL/SFA not to deduct them any points, not to make them pay 'tarrier clubs' like Dundee United, not to chasten them, fine them, ban them, demote them, handicap them, obstruct them, or do anything but stand back, allow them to cheat their way out of paying their debts and welcome them back with open arms under the leadership of some new Rangers-minded, club tie wearing w****r.

They want the authorities to stop hounding them for singing their songbook, to stop sending their players off, to stop referees giving decisions against them, and to do absolutely everything possible to ensure that Rangers and their supporters can do what the fcuk they want, when the fcuk they want, and to whom the fcuk they want, with no case to answer to no fucker.

They are the people.

...just my guess mind you.

Give them a chance mate. Not easy to give up 139 years of ALL of the above so quickly.

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Give them a chance mate. Not easy to give up 139 years of ALL of the above so quickly.

They don't deserve a chance. When your team and mine found itself behind with the taxman we sold two of our best players and half the stadium to pay the tax bill and clear some of the bank debt and get to a more sustainable footing. Why the hell should Rangers be any different? We are being taken for fools here and abused as enemies of the Rangers "peepul". They can GTF as far as I am concerned.

Edited to add... I'm fuckin raging tonight and it's not all their fault.

Edited by archie guevara
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I still don't understand this liquidation and phoenix company scam. If it goes ahead why can't HMRC step in and take over the assets in the interim and "rent" them back to the new company until they have received all that is owed? Seems the obvious thing to do to me ... and set the pay back time to an absolute minumum. Our laws really need tightening up!!!

Edited by Hotelandywalker
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What gets my goat is regardless of the outcome of this administration their return to the SPL is a fait accompli and, while they'll be a weakened presence in such a scenario, it goes against all the principles of fair play that the game is supposed to be about.

Honestly, it beggars belief! Dunfermline finish (rightfully) bottom of the league, and we'll take our punishment. However, Rangers effectively cheat for over a decade, potentially end up owing the public purse best part of 100 million quid and deny many other businesses their financial dues, but are allowed back in to compete the next year as normal. It's so corrupt it's untrue, and the whole SPL administration - not to mention that of the other member clubs - are complicit in this retardation of our national sport.

It is nothing short of disgraceful. They have always been a blight on our game and our country and in the moment of their resurrection every other turkey club will be culpable in the disreputable carve-up of the so-called Scottish competition.

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What gets my goat is regardless of the outcome of this administration their return to the SPL is a fait accompli and, while they'll be a weakened presence in such a scenario, it goes against all the principles of fair play that the game is supposed to be about.

Honestly, it beggars belief! Dunfermline finish (rightfully) bottom of the league, and we'll take our punishment. However, Rangers effectively cheat for over a decade, potentially end up owing the public purse best part of 100 million quid and deny many other businesses their financial dues, but are allowed back in to compete the next year as normal. It's so corrupt it's untrue, and the whole SPL administration - not to mention that of the other member clubs - are complicit in this retardation of our national sport.

It is nothing short of disgraceful. They have always been a blight on our game and our country and in the moment of their resurrection every other turkey club will be culpable in the disreputable carve-up of the so-called Scottish competition.

I'm glad I'm not a Pars/Hibs fan right now. At the same time though, can the SPL chairmen change their rules at the end of this month to protect their own members ... save the relegated club because RFC have folded and then reinstate the new company at the expense of Ross County?

Not out the question given some of the recent developments :angry:

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The media are always quick to point out is that other clubs have gone into administration and the rules weren't changed. The major point that they seemed to be missing is that there is a vast gulf between the Livi's, dundees and gretnas financial situation in comparison to the potential £135m for rangers. Just seems to be a little blip.

IF these morons boycott games so be it. Any chairman with any savvy would take this into consideration of next seasons budget

They talk about boycotting but why boycott Ross County when they've had nothing to do with this debacle (I'm sure the people of Dingwall and the black isle would be happier I'd the did mind).

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Brilliant article in today's Sin. :lol:


Anyone fancy a game of "Spot the Cliché" (or even "Spot the Brain Cell")?

AFTER two months of torture my real fear for Rangers is that the pain is only just beginning.

At the end of a week when the identity of the preferred bidder should have become clear, more heavy clouds were cast over my old club.

The SPL don't half know how to kick a man when he's down.

I'd like to say that their spanner-in-the-works statement shocked me when it was released on Wednesday.

Sadly, it didn't.

The fact is NOTHING that self-serving mob ever do surprises me any more.

They've never done Rangers — or Celtic for that matter — any favours, nor are they ever likely to either.

I have no problem whatsoever with the sentiments of their Financial Fair Play statement.

Clubs should live within their means, and there should be regulations and rules in place to ensure they do.

But the timing of their latest bombshell stinks.

It has stalled the bidding process at Ibrox and undermined the efforts of the administrators at Rangers to keep the club in business.

Sickening isn't the word for it.

I thought it was generally accepted you couldn't be punished for the same crime twice.

The SPL are simply looking to twist the knife and Rangers should never forget that.

I've chatted a lot to Gers fans since the club went into administration back on February 14.

Amid the disgust and dismay there is a real feeling of anger at how the club they love has been run into the ground.

The money men have been reckless and there's been a real dereliction of duty by those charged with safeguarding the club.

Many supporters I've spoken to are furious at the idea of Gers being unable to pay its dues.

And there's no doubt some of them would even welcome a spell in the lower leagues away from the SPL.

But that would mean the end for Scottish football — and it's time those in the SPL realised that.

Yes, Rangers do have to be punished.

Never again can the club allow itself to degenerate into such a financial mess.

But the simple fact is the SPL is so reliant on the money generated by the Old Firm that Gers are, essentially, too big to fail.

If Rangers are liquidated and their assets transferred to a newco, the reality is that they could be playing Third Division football next season.

Perhaps that's what some inside the SPL want.

But do you think for one second that the TV executives at Sky and ESPN will stand for that?

Don't be daft. They'll have packed up their crews and trucks and headed out of town like a shot.

And where would that leave the SPL and, indeed, the rest of Scottish football?

I don't think anyone at Ibrox is looking for sympathy.

I certainly don't think anyone at Ibrox is expecting sympathy.

But the release of this new raft of rules looks like another clear blow aimed at Rangers. I can understand why so many Rangers fans want to boycott away matches and hit the other clubs where it hurts.

If the gang of ten aren't pulling in money when the Rangers supporters are supposed to be in town, it won't be long before my old club are joined in administration by about six or seven others.

When that happens you're as well to pull down the shutters.

Scottish football is in a bad way right now and there should be more support shown to those clubs who are toiling badly.

Scottish football needs a strong Rangers, just like it needs a strong Celtic.

When will some people get that simple fact into their heads?

I spoke to Ally McCoist a few weeks back at the AC Milan legends game.

I was surprised to see just how well the Rangers manager is coping with it all.

He and his players have been through a helluva lot and they've been a credit to the club.

It's them I feel most sorry for because the uncertainly looks set to rumble on.

But it's pleasing to hear that the bids from Bill Miller and Bill Ng remain on the table, despite the SPL moving the goal posts.

Both businessmen appear to be genuine in their ambitions for the club, but I have to admit, I don't know that much about them.

And when the administrators finally get around to naming their preferred bidder, I still hope Paul Murray and his Blue Knights are the men handed control.

These guys are real Rangers men, with the club firmly at heart. They would offer transparency, something that was lacking so badly under Craig Whyte.

I appreciate there is now a real urgency to get things moving along.

Rangers must be out of administration for the start of next season or it seems certain they will be docked another ten points before a ball is even kicked in anger.

I just fear that this week's SPL statement will stall the process further.

These remain uncertain times for everyone connected to Gers and everyone who has a love for the club.

I truly believe they will emerge stronger for it, but my worry is that next season's title could be written off before a ball is kicked.

That would break McCoist's heart.

It would break mine too.

Andy Goram gets down his Oxford English Dictionary of Clichés and tries to get into the Guiness Book of Records for the hammiest article written since the start of admin. As it says in one of the comments the only thing missing is "We are ra Peepul!" at the end.

Does he get paid to produce this guff and (retorical question) does the Sin have no standards at all? :lol:

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Gorams Sun article -what can u say;

Andy you fat alcoholic wife-cheating stain in humanity. The sooner you shut up sober up and refind a grasp on reality the better.

And as for your business knowledge. Have you learned how to run a pub yet?

Edited by MEADOWXI
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I truly believe they will emerge stronger for it, but my worry is that next season's title could be written off before a ball is kicked.

:o :o :o

He actually expects that the creamies will be in the title race.

Fuckit, close them down, raze the buildings to the ground and salt the earth, these c**tos believe they'll get away with it and that nothing will change apart from the names of the owners.

Not acceptable

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Goram is guest speaker at our amateur teams 20th anniversary night in June . This is the only blot on an otherwise great night.

He's actually quite an entertaining speaker, saw him at Stranraer a couple of years back, you'll enjoy it - although my mate who is a currant said all the anecdotes were from Goram's book

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Goram is guest speaker at our amateur teams 20th anniversary night in June . This is the only blot on an otherwise great night.

He was signing autogrphs after speaking and was asking everybody who they wanted it made out to - when I said my name he looked up at me straight away. I said, aye I'm a celtic fan and was sitting behind you when you saved yon fae Van Hoijdonk, great save nobody should be able to turn in the air like that. He thanked me and said it meant a lot coming from a celtic fan.

My mate, also a celtic fan, said to him later 'that was some save from Van Hoijdonk' - his reply 'any save against they b*****ds is great'

He's still a twat

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The media are always quick to point out is that other clubs have gone into administration and the rules weren't changed. The major point that they seemed to be missing is that there is a vast gulf between the Livi's, dundees and gretnas financial situation in comparison to the potential £135m for rangers. Just seems to be a little blip.

IF these morons boycott games so be it. Any chairman with any savvy would take this into consideration of next seasons budget

They talk about boycotting but why boycott Ross County when they've had nothing to do with this debacle (I'm sure the people of Dingwall and the black isle would be happier I'd the did mind).

Its ridiculous how the SPL had nothing in place for the scenario that could take place. I'm sure the lax attitude towards insolvency events and this is regarding Gretna, they didn't have to do anything as Gretna were heading back down anyway so would not be their problem end of season. With Dundee and Motherwell they were given until the end of that season to sort themselves out or they would take a 10 point deduction the following season. Its easy to see people seem to think the SPL have a 'lets cross that bridge whwn we come to it' attitude already apparent with other issues in the past such as stadium criteria or disciplinary procedures. I can see why Rangers fans would think the SPL were kicking them when down, maybe if there had been better communication between the SPL and all its members clubs and not just Rangers everyone would know where they stand.

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Goram is guest speaker at our amateur teams 20th anniversary night in June . This is the only blot on an otherwise great night.

That is a shame.

The man is an absolute disgrace and I'm disgusted that Queens ever went near him.

As for the article, it's quite clear that he's made some grunts about how we need a strong OF to some hack who's written the whole thing up for him.

The thing that gets me about these articles is that while we on here can laugh at it, more people will read that kind of perspective than any other and it sticks.

Goram's probably more to be pitied than despised even if I can't manage it myself. It's the fact that such ill-informed, utterly biased and essentially thick people are given a voice and a platform that is so depressing though.

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From a Pars fans point of view with Ross Cty winning the 1st its the 'right' team getting promoted in that the crowds we will get will on average probably be the same as this year. Rangers fans can boycott all they want but if we are in a league with Dundee, Falkirk and Raith then we'll get as many (if not more) at those games as at games against Rangers and Celtic. Of course we'll have a financial hit from relegation but with 19 players out of contract in the summer it will be about sensible budgeting, much the same as all the SPL teams would do if 'Newco' Rangers didn't waltz straight back in...the league would survive and in time I think would greatly benefit.

The Pars been awful this season and fully deserve to be relegated, the only thing is its almost a reward...playing in a competative league. To be honest relegation will probably keep me as a season ticket holder at East End...i've had it with the SPL.

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The worst thing is that old firm fans will read this article and take it word for word . Certainly , the one's I know will. In the balance of fairness , I haven't seen any dissenting guest writers in any of the tabloids . Maybe I have missed them or maybe because they don't exist.

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