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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you think they would have had a chance of winning the vote ?

Your team got a helping hand mate and the attitude of some of your fellow supporters on here is astonishing.

I'd be thankful every day that I still had a football team to watch instead of claiming paranoid nonsense about being 'held back' and 'kicked while we were down'.

Yer struggling for relevance here, you are the only one showing signs of paranoia here and yer last statement is just made up rubbish, I have never claimed any of those things.

Your team were cherry picked to be in the league mate.

If you read my post I never said you claimed those things.

Thanks for yer paranoid opinion then :D

True, you introduced them as part of your struggle for relevance.

These claims were made from many areas of rangers' support inc- Official supporter's groups, randoms on phone-ins and forums, ex-players, pundits, bias media, CEO and other directors and coaching staff. McCoist was particularly fond of 'Kicked while we were down'. IMO though, it was more a case of playing to the gallery, than actual paranoia -at least on McCoist & Green's part- Pish is Pish none the less.

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Serious question, were applications invited or do you have to just go for it uninvited?

I believe Spartans went public saying they would not apply as they couldn't compete with Rangers bid.

I cant understand why Ps & Ds would want these other clubs to waste thousands on a bid that was obviously going to fail. It is madness!

If Rangers were not accepted into the league set up they would have done an Airdrie/Clydebank and bought over a struggling club. This would probably have worked out as cheap and depending who they bought would have seen them reaching the top again a helluva lot quicker. It is the one scenario that would have put my support to the test...I am not sure i could follow a club that had put another out the game in such a way.

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Importantly - it would never happen for a true diddy club like Motherwell. You'ld be like Gretna playing in the Western Sahara Isthmian league 3c or the likes.

Something we can all be grateful for.


That's probably true mate.

Thankfully we didn't go down the shitter and have to suffer an embarrassing and harrowing few years in the bottom tiers. :)

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This reflex denial mantra emanating from the P&B Bears is a wonderous phenomenon to watch.

On so many levels it displays (or even, betrays) their conviction in their own delusion to the point that they firmly believe the semantic shite they post. It's worthy of a research paper of its own, it truly is.

The sheer scale of collusion that was required to assist in keeping this reincarnation of RFC in existence following the most prolonged period of financial doping, loophole maximisation, tax avoidance......cheating, is now understood by the MAJORITY of Scottish football fans the world over. It is to our great collective shame that the people tasked with the running of the sport here, CHOSE to effectively sanction Rangers' excesses by a swift bit of rule re-writing (Club/Corporate linkage) and applying ineffective sanctions (Fines against a dead Co, / Transfer embargos) in a less than half-hearted attempt to give the appearance of dealing with the worst type of sports related financial manipulation in this countrys' history.......EVER.

For some fans of RFC (L) there will always be "enemies" of course. These neanderthals and psuedo-activists are a vital income source for these clubs and therfore can never be effectively ostracised. The wierdest part is that apparently some "middle of the road" fans buy into the "enemies" conspiracy theory and indirectly validate the extremists in their support. At that point, I'm afraid, your credibility is lost completely and you merge seamlessly into the pack of rabid dogs foaming at the mouth and straining at the leash to bite anything that gets near you.

You are - in fact - lost to the serious debate that goes on around you, despite you.....because of you.

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Erm you kind of did mate.

You were comparing Hearts' fans attitude to Rangers' fans attitude if the situation was applied to them.

Erm once more...I never said Rangers were demoted or relegated.

A poster claimed Hearts fans attitude was refreshing after what the Rangers posters had said last year. I merely pointed out that i had said BEFORE liquidation that Rangers DESERVED to be demoted/relegated to SFL3 for non payment of Tax/Ni. I then asked how many Jambos believe they should be starting in SFL 3? How many believe they should be automatically relegated? TBH what they have done is actually worse than just not pay creditors...they timed their administration to avoid being deducted points last season and therefore saving themselves from relegation.

I also pointed out and will point out again. Their fate is very much in the hands of their supporters and they should be queuing around Tynecastle to buy season tickets. They have claimed to only have sold out 1 game in the league run in yet took 25,000 to Hampden for a cup final. That alone tells me all i need to know about Hearts and their supporters and they will get absolutely no sympathy from me

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Erm once more...I never said Rangers were demoted or relegated.

A poster claimed Hearts fans attitude was refreshing after what the Rangers posters had said last year. I merely pointed out that i had said BEFORE liquidation that Rangers DESERVED to be demoted/relegated to SFL3 for non payment of Tax/Ni. I then asked how many Jambos believe they should be starting in SFL 3? How many believe they should be automatically relegated? TBH what they have done is actually worse than just not pay creditors...they timed their administration to avoid being deducted points last season and therefore saving themselves from relegation.

I also pointed out and will point out again. Their fate is very much in the hands of their supporters and they should be queuing around Tynecastle to buy season tickets. They have claimed to only have sold out 1 game in the league run in yet took 25,000 to Hampden for a cup final. That alone tells me all i need to know about Hearts and their supporters and they will get absolutely no sympathy from me

Still doesn't get it. :(

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This reflex denial mantra emanating from the P&B Bears is a wonderous phenomenon to watch.

On so many levels it displays (or even, betrays) their conviction in their own delusion to the point that they firmly believe the semantic shite they post. It's worthy of a research paper of its own, it truly is.

The sheer scale of collusion that was required to assist in keeping this reincarnation of RFC in existence following the most prolonged period of financial doping, loophole maximisation, tax avoidance......cheating, is now understood by the MAJORITY of Scottish football fans the world over. It is to our great collective shame that the people tasked with the running of the sport here, CHOSE to effectively sanction Rangers' excesses by a swift bit of rule re-writing (Club/Corporate linkage) and applying ineffective sanctions (Fines against a dead Co, / Transfer embargos) in a less than half-hearted attempt to give the appearance of dealing with the worst type of sports related financial manipulation in this countrys' history.......EVER.

For some fans of RFC (L) there will always be "enemies" of course. These neanderthals and psuedo-activists are a vital income source for these clubs and therfore can never be effectively ostracised. The wierdest part is that apparently some "middle of the road" fans buy into the "enemies" conspiracy theory and indirectly validate the extremists in their support. At that point, I'm afraid, your credibility is lost completely and you merge seamlessly into the pack of rabid dogs foaming at the mouth and straining at the leash to bite anything that gets near you.

You are - in fact - lost to the serious debate that goes on around you, despite you.....because of you.

The crux of the matter laid bare.

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Link ?

You're on the right thread....it will be one of my first posts on here...how you find that i have no idea. I tend not to go trawling back to find old posts. If you have the time and inclination batter in but it is there

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Hmmm... I call bullshit !

f**k off. I have a stinking hang over and there is no way i am trawling through this thread to find one specific post. You can call what you want but the truth is out there

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The latest plastic and diddies pseuds-corner entry. Woefully inept psycho-babble resulting in incredibly poor writing.

FFS :lol:

Greenied - intentionally.

Thanks for underscoring my point ;)

You ARE the people....

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Yes. Yes i did and have said it on many occasions on this very thread.

To be fair he did, but he probably also changed his mind later on like he normally does when 'Bad 8' takes over.

Just to put a line under it and ease a sore head, I seem to remember he did too and he's also right in saying many other rangers posters agreed. It was however, after it became clear, that they were not going to be in the SPL.

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