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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Youngsy read the above correctly !,Wunf clearly stated if that if he was right he would donate money and he did not win.

It would appear that you have won so you Youngsy will be the one donating money to charity :lol: you should have read it more carefully :lol:

No, it was a straight bet, if wunf doesn't want to pay no surprise there. However seeing as you put yourself across as all knowing about Rangers finances and everything to do with the club, here's a charity bet for you; a straight £100 charity bet that Rangers do or don't enter administration by midnight on 31/12/2013. After all your always shouting off about our finances, so put up or shut up.

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I have the perfect solution, not only for Hearts but Newco as well. Newco do an Airdrie and buy Hearts to get their place in the SPL as The Rangers of Heart of Midlothians FC.


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No, it was a straight bet, if wunf doesn't want to pay no surprise there. However seeing as you put yourself across as all knowing about Rangers finances and everything to do with the club, here's a charity bet for you; a straight £100 charity bet that Rangers do or don't enter administration by midnight on 31/12/2013. After all your always shouting off about our finances, so put up or shut up.

I thought the IPO money was meant to run out in 2015.

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21,000?....Must have been a big game then. I have been inside Ibrox with a crowd a third of that size but still we were on a par with the Yahoos despite their larger capacity and far superior team.

Last competitive celtic game of the old Jungle...12,000. Don't worry though we gave it a good send off by winning the treble there and having a great wee sing song. :thumsup2

Shame you didn't boycott games like Celtic fans did, really. Your club might not have spent itself to death if you had.

Although I do love this sudden, out-of-nowhere, bum-extracted fixation on attendance. It's never been an issue before, but now that Rangers are laughably shite and stuck in the arse-end of Scottish football, it's suddenly The Most Important Thing In The Universe. It's hilarious, to see you all clutching at straws in desperation to maintain your sense of superiority.

Truly, it's the " but these amplifiers go up to eleven" of pish football patter.

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Shame you didn't boycott games like Celtic fans did, really. Your club might not have spent itself to death if you had.

Although I do love this sudden, out-of-nowhere, bum-extracted fixation on attendance. It's never been an issue before, but now that Rangers are laughably shite and stuck in the arse-end of Scottish football, it's suddenly The Most Important Thing In The Universe. It's hilarious, to see you all clutching at straws in desperation to maintain your sense of superiority.

Truly, it's the " but these amplifiers go up to eleven" of pish football patter.

What a hilarious film that was!!

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That may well be but according to some on this forum we are heading for our second administration very soon.

Any wonder you didn't understand our wager......

Your club is heading towards its first administration :)

Hope that helps....

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I thought the IPO money was meant to run out in 2015.

Nah not now FBM as too many bonuses were paid out for gaining promotion to the 2nd division and should be run out by the end of next season by looks of it as well as paying players lump bonuses to piss aff :lol: ,The Clone Rangers will be hanging on a thread in debt before gaining promotion to the Premier League most likely :) .

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Although I do love this sudden, out-of-nowhere, bum-extracted fixation on attendance. It's never been an issue before,

Oh don't be so silly. Football has always been about people watching. Fuxace, football is all about arses on seats or, these days, punters in pubs.

The only reason why you talk about, "bum-extracted fixation on attendance." is pretty simple: Our fans turned up in numbers and your fans didn't.

If football isn't a spectator sport then it is nothing.

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