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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Insult a diddy fan - he thinks it's a conversation. A dick and thick as f**k into the bargain. Diddy clubber and no mistake.


So in Bendarroch world, supporting a non-OF club somehow equates to confusing insults with overtures toward conversation?

What an extraordinary place.

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Bill mcmurdo causes much hilarity even with the opposition, with this latest cock sucking exercise .

When all the dust has settled I expect the Easdales to be the power at Ibrox for a considerable time.

My understanding is that the Easdales see themselves as being the proprietors of Rangers and are in it for the long haul.

Sandy Easdales take-up of the remaining Charles Green shares is a big indicator of his intent to become Mr Rangers. Easdale is like a kid in the sweetie shop at Ibrox. He loves the club and has dreams of his boy running out in the Light Blue one day.

This love of the Gers, something every bluenose will resonate with, will not cloud Sandy Easdales business judgement. He and his brother James have built up a bus and taxi empire nudging towards £100 million by being shrewd operators and ruthless cost-cutters.

It is no secret that the Easdales are open to selling this business and this would allow them to concentrate on running Rangers.

Sandy Easdale sees Rangers as a club with the potential to be on the same levels as top EPL teams and bigger than even the likes of Arsenal. It is this potential which brought investment from institutional investors at the IPO.

Of course, there are those who are not happy at the Easdales involvement but that will have zero effect on their determination to turn the club into a formidable force once more.

For those detractors, I have bad news and good news.

The bad news is I understand that the Easdales want to make a lot of money from Rangers Football Club.

The good news is they are in it for the long haul and will likely only cash out when Rangers is the big player in European football the Easdales plan the club to be.

Whatever you think about it, the Easdales intend to be the future of Rangers Football Club.

Its a brave man who will stand in their way.

What is needed at Ibrox is stability in the boardroom and at the club in general. Manager Ally McCoist doesnt need the hassles generated by the civil war being waged at Ibrox.

This is why I have backed the present regime. Craig Mather and the other directors need to be given time to prove their worth at the club. Now that Charles Green and Imran Ahmad are effectively out of the equation, those left must be given the opportunity to make their mark.

It seems incredible that certain people are touting the involvement of three men who probably dont have £2 worth of shares between them, while decrying people who are investing serious money to have shares in the club.

That is the crazy world Rangers supporters are living in these days.

Its time we understood that backing the club means backing everything at the club. Including the directors. Its a bit like being British. I have said some unkind things about Prime Minister David Cameron on this blog lately and I make no apologies. But I would oppose any attempt to oust him that was based on injustice and lies. And I would back Cameron to the hilt if he was making a genuine stand for British interests.

I didnt agree with everything Charles Green did. If you read my blogs quite some time ago I was both sceptical and critical while others were fawning over him and giving him honorary memberships in their fan groups.

There comes a point where you just have to get behind your team and be an actual supporter, not a detractor. This doesnt mean you must be sycophantic or ignore issues; it just means you learn to deal with things in a dignified manner.

Like many other Rangers fans I lament the lack of unity in our support. It saddens me to say it but I think there are some people in our fanbase who thrive on discord and sedition. These people just dont want unity. They do, however, want power and for other bears to be obedient to them.

On this blog I have consistently said my loyalty is to Rangers. While Charles Green was there it was to the Green regime at Ibrox because that was who was running the club. Now that Green has left the building it is to the present regime.

As I have said in this piece, I fully expect the future at Rangers to be the Easdales and they will have my backing.

That might change and I might not like the way they do things.

The point of it all is if you dont like the present regime there are honourable ways to go about it and dishonourable ways. There are ways that dont damage the club and ways that do.

The present McColl takeover gambit is, for me, a destabilising and destructive move. Hence my opposition.

As I keep saying, it should be Rangers first.

We pride ourselves on tacking Loyal to ourselves as an identity.

Time for Rangers fans to really be The Rangers Loyal.

Not the Rangers Insurrection.

One more thing.

Lets remember what its really all about.

The eleven men on the park in the famous Royal Blue.

As an aside in a totally selfish thought.

Green was previously at sheff utd. He "officially" washed his hands up here yesterday. Sheff utd yesterday announced "significant investment from overseas". They have a thick, compliant bun of a manager.

Could overseas be "monaco"? I would laugh for days....

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I strongly suspect Charlotte Fakes was rangers I.T. consultant, as most of the info posted was scanned documents. Plus they seemed to know a hell of a lot of the technical stuff when it came to email origins etc.

Looks like it, they definitely knew what they were doing anyway.

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How much is Jabba paid to say nothing? :(

Whatever it is, a price worth paying. :lol:

RANGERS chief executive Craig Mather has ordered an investigation into an email criticising Ibrox legend John Greig that was allegedly written by a PR executive employed by the club.

How many PR execs are employed by the club/company?

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The life of a typical sevconian supporter,

1, Ignore anything and everything that Gestapo headquarters at Ibrox have not given credence too.

2, Wind up P&D's at every opportunity with such favourites as WATP,54 titles & assorted same club pish.

3, As long as the team is winning on the park everything is fine even if everyone else says it's not.

4, The more X's on an XL replica jersey means you support the club more than anyone else.

5, Expect the club to outspend ra sellik when they reach the top tier for the first time and win it at the first time of asking.

6, The SFA are corrupt to the core so ignore the fact they came up with the same club pish in the first place.

7, Every other fan is jealous of Rangers period.

8, The pawnbrokers cup is the most important cup ever because they expect to win it easily.

9, The club isn't in debt and won't go bust and it's every other club that will go bust first.

10, Everybody hates us and we don't care.

Have a greeny just for no 4.

It made me laugh.

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Bill mcmurdo causes much hilarity even with the opposition, with this latest cock sucking exercise .

When all the dust has settled I expect the Easdales to be the power at Ibrox for a considerable time.

My understanding is that the Easdales see themselves as being the proprietors of Rangers and are in it for the long haul.

Sandy Easdales take-up of the remaining Charles Green shares is a big indicator of his intent to become Mr Rangers. Easdale is like a kid in the sweetie shop at Ibrox. He loves the club and has dreams of his boy running out in the Light Blue one day.

This love of the Gers, something every bluenose will resonate with, will not cloud Sandy Easdales business judgement. He and his brother James have built up a bus and taxi empire nudging towards £100 million by being shrewd operators and ruthless cost-cutters.

It is no secret that the Easdales are open to selling this business and this would allow them to concentrate on running Rangers.

Sandy Easdale sees Rangers as a club with the potential to be on the same levels as top EPL teams and bigger than even the likes of Arsenal. It is this potential which brought investment from institutional investors at the IPO.

Of course, there are those who are not happy at the Easdales involvement but that will have zero effect on their determination to turn the club into a formidable force once more.

For those detractors, I have bad news and good news.

The bad news is I understand that the Easdales want to make a lot of money from Rangers Football Club.

The good news is they are in it for the long haul and will likely only cash out when Rangers is the big player in European football the Easdales plan the club to be.

Whatever you think about it, the Easdales intend to be the future of Rangers Football Club.

Its a brave man who will stand in their way.

What is needed at Ibrox is stability in the boardroom and at the club in general. Manager Ally McCoist doesnt need the hassles generated by the civil war being waged at Ibrox.

This is why I have backed the present regime. Craig Mather and the other directors need to be given time to prove their worth at the club. Now that Charles Green and Imran Ahmad are effectively out of the equation, those left must be given the opportunity to make their mark.

It seems incredible that certain people are touting the involvement of three men who probably dont have £2 worth of shares between them, while decrying people who are investing serious money to have shares in the club.

That is the crazy world Rangers supporters are living in these days.

Its time we understood that backing the club means backing everything at the club. Including the directors. Its a bit like being British. I have said some unkind things about Prime Minister David Cameron on this blog lately and I make no apologies. But I would oppose any attempt to oust him that was based on injustice and lies. And I would back Cameron to the hilt if he was making a genuine stand for British interests.

I didnt agree with everything Charles Green did. If you read my blogs quite some time ago I was both sceptical and critical while others were fawning over him and giving him honorary memberships in their fan groups.

There comes a point where you just have to get behind your team and be an actual supporter, not a detractor. This doesnt mean you must be sycophantic or ignore issues; it just means you learn to deal with things in a dignified manner.

Like many other Rangers fans I lament the lack of unity in our support. It saddens me to say it but I think there are some people in our fanbase who thrive on discord and sedition. These people just dont want unity. They do, however, want power and for other bears to be obedient to them.

On this blog I have consistently said my loyalty is to Rangers. While Charles Green was there it was to the Green regime at Ibrox because that was who was running the club. Now that Green has left the building it is to the present regime.

As I have said in this piece, I fully expect the future at Rangers to be the Easdales and they will have my backing.

That might change and I might not like the way they do things.

The point of it all is if you dont like the present regime there are honourable ways to go about it and dishonourable ways. There are ways that dont damage the club and ways that do.

The present McColl takeover gambit is, for me, a destabilising and destructive move. Hence my opposition.

As I keep saying, it should be Rangers first.

We pride ourselves on tacking Loyal to ourselves as an identity.

Time for Rangers fans to really be The Rangers Loyal.

Not the Rangers Insurrection.

One more thing.

Lets remember what its really all about.

The eleven men on the park in the famous Royal Blue.

As an aside in a totally selfish thought.

Green was previously at sheff utd. He "officially" washed his hands up here yesterday. Sheff utd yesterday announced "significant investment from overseas". They have a thick, compliant bun of a manager.

Could overseas be "monaco"? I would laugh for days....

If you remove *Easdale* and insert *Whyte* in its place it's perfectly obvious that McMurdo has simply used a piece he wrote about two years ago...

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P&B's latest hero Charlotte Fakes is busy deleting her tweets, i wonder why?

Hope it's nothing bad......

Edit) Beaten by Rico :unsure:

Of course, if CF is deleting tweets because of some legal threat, that strongly implies all the documents were really coming from Ibrox.

You'd think that might prompt Rangers fans to take a look at them, given their owners are determined to keep the club's finances from the fans.

But no, it looks like the Newco's fans on here regard this as yet another record-breaking victory. This is probably worth remembering, next time some pundit says they sympathise with Rangers fans because the state of their club is beyond their control.

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Of course, if CF is deleting tweets because of some legal threat, that strongly implies all the documents were really coming from Ibrox.

You'd think that might prompt Rangers fans to take a look at them, given their owners are determined to keep the club's finances from the fans.

But no, it looks like the Newco's fans on here regard this as yet another record-breaking victory. This is probably worth remembering, next time some pundit says they sympathise with Rangers fans because the state of their club is beyond their control.

Trojan back door put into Ibrox's computing system by the great Whyte shark :shutup .

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Of course, if CF is deleting tweets because of some legal threat, that strongly implies all the documents were really coming from Ibrox.

You'd think that might prompt Rangers fans to take a look at them, given their owners are determined to keep the club's finances from the fans.

But no, it looks like the Newco's fans on here regard this as yet another record-breaking victory. This is probably worth remembering, next time some pundit says they sympathise with Rangers fans because the state of their club is beyond their control.

What legal threat? Has she said that there's been a legal threat?

We don#t need some blogger to tell us that the clubs up shit creek without a paddle, thank you very much.

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What legal threat? Has she said that there's been a legal threat?

We don#t need some blogger to tell us that the clubs up shit creek without a paddle, thank you very much.

but is it though? Remember who it was that said you would be in admin. Dave king, and he is bitter that his empire has fallen.

Edited by timmy
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Jesus wept....to consider that some buns accused me of point scoring over tragedys when I was pointing out their boards coverups, and then the feckers do this....


Utter point scoring scum.

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Jesus wept....to consider that some buns accused me of point scoring over tragedys when I was pointing out their boards coverups, and then the feckers do this....

Posted Image

Utter point scoring scum.

Deary me, that is fucking horrific. :(

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Why just fucking why? Who the hell thinks that this guys family want his image displayed in this manner or in any manner. Despicable.

Eh, das hoons and the family do.

The family were invited to the game today and presented with the oft flown lee rigby union flag in private after the game.

Edited by wunfellaff
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