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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sharp-eyed readers will note that almost every single time the Newco's fans have heaped abuse on some individual or organisation recently, it's never been their own fault for being aggressive and unreasonable. Somehow, it's always their target's fault, for being biased, or attention-seeking, or easily offended, or sucking up to Celtic, or motivated by hatred or jealousy or malice.

A more probable explanation suggests itself.

Not bad, but you'll need to raise your game to reach the new standards of hysteria regarding Jum and his loosest of lips. It climbed a new peak when Andy Fathead of hootszine decided it was high time that the potential for journalists to be murdered was entered into the debate.

I thought Spiers couldn't be bested after his Stasi embarrassment, but it seems that fathead isn't taking the challenge to write the most ludicrously over-the-top commentary lightly.

Edited by Bendarroch
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The club died and reformed and is a continuance of Rangers FC and that's all fine and dandy and no P&D will say otherwise but this same club pish goes beyond stupid by the associations in a vain attempt to swindle all the fans of football,but guess what ?,we P&D's didn't get conned by such nonsense created from the deranged minds at the SFA & SPL. .

That's one thing that puzzles me. You would think - with their cherished culture and traditions - they would be delighted to be part of a modern day Reformation.

In fact Charlie Green probably missed a lucrative marketing angle by not pushing this concept

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Not bad, but you'll need to raise your game to reach the new standards of hysteria regarding Jum and his loosest of lips. It climbed a new peak when Andy Fathead of hootszine decided it was high time that the potential for journalists to be murdered was entered into the debate.

I thought Spiers couldn't be bested after his Stasi embarrassment, but it seems that fathead isn't taking the challenge to write the most ludicrously over-the-top commentary lightly.

Why are the orcs so raging about Spency and his honest conments? Why do they care so much?

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I never mentioned anything about Dundee being liquidated ? however they did enter and thankfully exit administration and anyone who reads Jum's thoughts on this and contrasts them with his hate filled views on Rangers can see him for what he really is.

Which abhorrent behaviour are you refering to ?

But we can't just blame the web. Some important voices in journalism have lost all sense of perspective. Listening to Jim Spence on BBC Sportsound is like hearing the ambassador for 'anyone but Rangers'. Never mind trying to occasionally give a Rangers point-of-view, he doesn't even pretend he sympathises with Rangers fans. In response to a statement from Walter Smith about preserving what Rangers fans would see as the “magical nature” of the club, Jim shouted, “well it's gone...haha”. I doubt there is any other football club in the world where Jim would admit such base feelings, never mind broadcast them.(J.D.C GOW)

You know what I mean...

The Dark Blues, who carry the biggest away support in the First Division, are contemplating a boycott of away games and it's understandable considering how they've been treated.

With Dundee fighting for their very existence, their fans have been royally shafted - once by their own board, and now by the SFL board.

It wasn't the fans who didn't pay the tax bill, but they're the ones who stand to lose their club.

Because make no mistake, Dundee FC are very close to going out of business, and it wasn't the fans that put them in that position.

Jum Spence


Incorrectly greenied that pish !!! Somebody fix that please ;)

Kids; NEVER play on P&B before your morning coffee....

Edit: Cheers ;)

Edited by GreenockRover
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whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. Grow up FFS.

As stupid and pointless as complaining to the ASA was, it is incomparable to threatening and abusing a journalist for daring to speak the truth.

And the plastics and diddies line up in support of this weeks fashionable cause - it's the we-are-all-Jum show! No way will any deviance from the script be accepted by the hard-liners who promise to accept every word that falls from the great and the goody good Jum's lips.

Jum breached his own trusts guidance on accuracy and fairness - hence the complaints. Jum isn't getting to have his cake and eat it this time.

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Not bad, but you'll need to raise your game to reach the new standards of hysteria regarding Jum and his loosest of lips. It climbed a new peak when Andy Fathead of hootszine decided it was high time that the potential for journalists to be murdered was entered into the debate.

I thought Spiers couldn't be bested after his Stasi embarrassment, but it seems that fathead isn't taking the challenge to write the most ludicrously over-the-top commentary lightly.

(gasp) you mean somebody wrote a thing you didn't like... On a website?

Quick, send him a thousand emails calling him a biased bigot, or better yet, find out where he works and send his boss demands to fire him. Band together and march on their headquarters demanding an end to whatever pish it is you're complaining about this week.

But see, you might get away with these claims that journo (x) is biased and hateful if this was the first time you'd pulled this stunt, or even the fifteenth.

It isn't, and there isn't a football fan in the land dense enough to fall for this one yet again, except for the roasters among your own support.

That's why, unlike e.g. the BBC Mad Men montage, absolutely nobody - not fans or hacks - thinks this is anything other than organised cvntery. Because that's exactly what it is.

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And the plastics and diddies line up in support of this weeks fashionable cause - it's the we-are-all-Jum show! No way will any deviance from the script be accepted by the hard-liners who promise to accept every word that falls from the great and the goody good Jum's lips.

Jum breached his own trusts guidance on accuracy and fairness - hence the complaints. Jum isn't getting to have his cake and eat it this time.

A link to one of the jim not quitting had a bit about the bbc Scotland appealing the bbc trust decision, will link when I find it

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You know what I mean...

The Dark Blues, who carry the biggest away support in the First Division, are contemplating a boycott of away games and it's understandable considering how they've been treated.

With Dundee fighting for their very existence, their fans have been royally shafted - once by their own board, and now by the SFL board.

It wasn't the fans who didn't pay the tax bill, but they're the ones who stand to lose their club.

Because make no mistake, Dundee FC are very close to going out of business, and it wasn't the fans that put them in that position.

Jum Spence

I have no problem with the above. He is a Dundonian and is talking about one of his cities clubs. IMO it is his job to be the voice of the fans and to defend the support and to a lesser extent the club. Is anything he has written there inaccurate? If not then hats off to him on that. I believe Cowan and Cosgrove both said something similar about the way the Hearts supporters have been 'Royally Shafted' by their owner. It wasn't the Hearts supporters fault the club built up unsustainable debt but make no mistake they will be the ones that suffer.

There has certainly been an inconsistency in the way these clubs predicaments have been portrayed in the press and the way the Rangers fiasco has been reported. It's not my fault that googly eyed wee b*****d never paid the tax bill but i, along with 10s of thousands of other supporters , have had to suffer. OK many within the club and certain supporters, Mark Dingwal in particular, are not exactly characters that it is easy to have sympathy with but beyond these people that put themselves forward as the public face of Rangers are thousands of normal football fans who just want a team to support...We also have been Royally Shafted..very possibly Royally Shafted like no others in the history of Scottish Football.

All any Scottish football fan wants is consistency and fair and impartial reporting...Especially from the BBC. Leave the tabloid bollocks to The Record and The Sun!

At the end of the day Spence has only repeated what many believe, wrongly imo but that has been done to death, and should in no way be sacked..resign or be hounded by individuals. I have been looking at why someone who up until recently had a reasonably good relationship with our support is now vilified. I am struggling to find anything other than the fact he is a well known Dundee United supporter. United have become the 'New Aberdeen' since the beginning of this whole sorry mess. That is another story for another day...I cant help but feel that certain supporters and certain supporters groups use certain forums to build up tensions and figures of hate due to their own personal views on individuals and clubs. That brings us back to my fat wee pal Mark Dingwall and the like

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And the plastics and diddies line up in support of this weeks fashionable cause - it's the we-are-all-Jum show! No way will any deviance from the script be accepted by the hard-liners who promise to accept every word that falls from the great and the goody good Jum's lips.

Jum breached his own trusts guidance on accuracy and fairness - hence the complaints. Jum isn't getting to have his cake and eat it this time.

Translation: Jim Spence has somehow *forced* Rangers supporters to be aggressive and ignorant, and the fact that every other football fan finds our behaviour unreasonable and repellent just proves that *absolutely every fan who doesn't support Rangers* is dishonestly attacking us, for reasons that I won't bother to make explicit.

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Why are the orcs so raging about Spency and his honest conments? Why do they care so much?

I'm a Rangers supporter and I care about our greatest of clubs. Just like you. Never far from a discussion on Rangers.

Why are diddies like you so concerned with Jum's gum-bumping all of a sudden? He's a very, very poor journalist who presents rotten programmes. And, despite his BBC Scotland department being told they were failing BBC standards on fairness and accuracy when reporting on Rangers, he has a right to be unfair and to hell with accuracy?

He's therefore not good enough, not fit for purpose - obviously a candidate for hero status within the (faked and temporary) plastics and diddies community.

Edited by Bendarroch
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People complained about Jum - plastics declares this outrage is a 'stunt'.

Tell it to Pat Nevin.

Still seething I see

Must kill you inside knowing no matter how you try and spin it the club still died and it will haunt you and your fellow fans forever.

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Translation: Jim Spence has somehow *forced* Rangers supporters to be aggressive and ignorant, and the fact that every other football fan finds our behaviour unreasonable and repellent just proves that *absolutely every fan who doesn't support Rangers* is dishonestly attacking us, for reasons that I won't bother to make explicit.

Other than reading about it from plastics and diddies - where is the evidence that Jum has been subjected to 'aggressive' behaviour? Has an investigation taken place as yet and guilt apportioned? Is this another case of guilty until proven otherwise - a speciality with the plastics and diddies when matters turn to the subject of Rangers.

Hint - your imagination wont suffice as a source for evidence.

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Signed. Absolutely appalling that Chris Graham’s lynch mob can be encouraged to spread their threats of reprisals & repercussions all because a football writer dared to say what other people think.

Where was their fury & outrage when their club left many businesses out of pocket? Utterly shameless.

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Still seething I see

Must kill you inside knowing no matter how you try and spin it the club still died and it will haunt you and your fellow fans forever.

Sorry, Rico, but whilst we're busy working our way back to the very top (and ever busily polishing all those unstripped titles) your failure to understand that we are very much alive is your problem and not mine.

It's all about the Rangers, son. You'll get the hang of it eventually.


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You post endlessly - and I do mean endlessly - on every possible aspect of our club, in ridiculously nit-picking detail.


And, now, suddenly it's 'only a sport'?


Why would you care if Jum get's it tight for gum bumping on a subject his department already had their arses felt for? Are you suggesting that people shouldn't complain when they feel BBC journalists decide to ignore the rulings of their own watchdog?


When the darkhead hordes and 2 or 3 diddies were swamping the ASA with complaints about our beautiful advert - I don't recall any comment from you claiming 'it's only a sport'. 

Do you mean that intentionally misleading, fraudulent advert which RIFC were forced to withdraw?

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