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Probably better than basing their entire life on a different football team. Just saying.

Start a new thread on a "different football team" if you have something to say. But in a way you have expanded my point. For many orcs it's all about a "different football team".

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Probably better than basing their entire life on a different football team. Just saying.

Whit? Basing their entire life on a brand famous for cheating and not paying their dues is better than basing it on one that doesn't cheat and pays it's way? I suppose if you are a sevco fan you might see these things as positives but most people don't. How about instead just not basing your life on a fucking football club?

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Whit? Basing their entire life on a brand famous for cheating and not paying their dues is better than basing it on one that doesn't cheat and pays it's way? I suppose if you are a sevco fan you might see these things as positives but most people don't. How about instead just not basing your life on a fucking football club?

Oh dear.....

You just kicked the chair out from underneath him.

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Probably has a third division title winners scarf and wanders around Paisley telling people he's a league champion.

I very seldomly buy a scarf at the football, usually because it's a full day and night out with the lads. My Grandad, god love him, always bought me a programme and the occasional scarf when he was able to go to the games.

As for wandering about Paisley. I think the fact that I am still alive and not full of stab wounds confirms that I have never wandered about Paisley, it's just not reccomended.

Start a new thread on a "different football team" if you have something to say. But in a way you have expanded my point. For many orcs it's all about a "different football team".

A different team other to your own. Word twisting like that is fucking ridiculous and shows how shite your original point and arguement was,

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Sorry Bendarroch but this is pretty much how i see it.


We are being robbed...That is my hard earned money those shysters are lining their already bulging pockets with! 


We have gangsters on the Board of Rangers. Not just a couple of dodgy businessmen but out and out thug gangsters...On our Board FFS!!


We have a war going on in the boardroom the outcome of which will make or break Rangers.


There is so much going on at the moment i am not even going to depress myself listing it all. While all this is going on we have our support up in arms and united and preparing to take on the World because Jim Spence expressed his opinion on national radio station. That opinion, wrongly imo, is the opinion of a few journalists and they have stated it in the past and i am sure they will state it in the future. So what? I couldn't care less what they say regarding oldco/newco/old club/dead club etc etc...It doesn't change or affect my opinion or should it affect change the opinion of any Rangers supporter. Let them believe what they want to believe. 


At the end of the day Bendarroch you can argue until you are blue in the face but people will believe what they want to believe...I know i do. I want to believe my club is still my club and nothing anybody says is ever going to change that!


If only our support could unite against the 'enemies' within as they do against the perceived 'enemies' on the outside!

I am on my tablet atm but I owe you a multitude of greenies for that one. It's a shame the rest of your support are not of a similar opinion, it is a shame you took so long to realise it and kept handing over your cash.

For as long as a company claims to run Rangers shysters will keep taking money from your fans. You have decent fans out there, I have a multitude of friends who supported the old club and transferred their support to the new club. Reasonable people, normal people, but tell them what's happening, tell them they are being robbed and each and every one of them resorts to type. Angry, accusatory, abusive, nasty and fun to watch.

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Probably better than basing their entire life on a different football team.  Just saying.

There are only two groups of supporters I know who base their entire life, philosophy and hopes on their team.

The rest of us are in touch with reality.

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it is a shame you took so long to realise it and kept handing over your cash.

I do regret renewing my season ticket now. I should have paid at the gate for the first few months and then renewed once we had the changes we all know we need at the very top of the club.

I think it was Mhonkey Thennis that was advocating this idea and i just couldn't get my head round it...Well the penny has finally dropped. As long as we keep pumping the money in they will keep pumping it right out the door and into their bank accounts!

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I do regret renewing my season ticket now. I should have paid at the gate for the first few months  and then renewed once we had the changes we all know we need at the very top of the club.


I think it was Mhonkey Thennis that was advocating this idea and i just couldn't get my head round it...Well the penny has finally dropped. As long as we keep pumping the money in they will keep pumping it right out the door and into their bank accounts!

Believe it or not, I actually feel for you now. That realisation must cut deep.

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Sorry Bendarroch but this is pretty much how i see it.

We are being robbed...That is my hard earned money those shysters are lining their already bulging pockets with!

We have gangsters on the Board of Rangers. Not just a couple of dodgy businessmen but out and out thug gangsters...On our Board FFS!!

We have a war going on in the boardroom the outcome of which will make or break Rangers.

There is so much going on at the moment i am not even going to depress myself listing it all. While all this is going on we have our support up in arms and united and preparing to take on the World because Jim Spence expressed his opinion on national radio station. That opinion, wrongly imo, is the opinion of a few journalists and they have stated it in the past and i am sure they will state it in the future. So what? I couldn't care less what they say regarding oldco/newco/old club/dead club etc etc...It doesn't change or affect my opinion or should it affect change the opinion of any Rangers supporter. Let them believe what they want to believe.

At the end of the day Bendarroch you can argue until you are blue in the face but people will believe what they want to believe...I know i do. I want to believe my club is still my club and nothing anybody says is ever going to change that!

If only our support could unite against the 'enemies' within as they do against the perceived 'enemies' on the outside!

The shysters won't be removed by the fans, it's not our way. They should have been starved of money when we had the perfect chance but they weren't so we stumble on...

Newco/oldco - When the CVA was rejected i thought that was us finished and we'd maybe have a new club in a few years - i was wrong on that. There is no difference, it's still the same club to me.

Our fans have looked acros the city and saw the greenyins complaining about everything and getting there way. If Spence has to deal with some complaints then fair enough, he's a fud anyway. In an ideal world it would be water off a ducks back but we're playing by the greenyins rules now.

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Start a new thread on a "different football team" if you have something to say. But in a way you have expanded my point. For many orcs it's all about a "different football team".

Heh, heh - that's what we've been trying to tell them - but they reckon it's the same football team. :lol:

Seriously, though, this is spot on. Simple souls that they are, all they ever asked from life was to be allowed to be part of "rapeepul", and to be given an easily identifiable "other" upon whom to pin the blame for all life's wee trials and tribulations.

Their biggest hurdle to overcoming their bereavement (because that is what it is for many of them) is having to come to terms with their own irrelevance. Neither can it be fun realising that their "institution" was as corrupt as it could possibly be, and focused simply on redistributing their money to crooks, shysters and now gangsters.

Unfortunately, as with that suddenly-oh-so-reasonable idiot above, it would be an unusual berr that had the moral backbone or common sense to say "Ye know, I'm not going to continue giving my money to this mob".

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I very seldomly buy a scarf at the football, usually because it's a full day and night out with the lads. My Grandad, god love him, always bought me a programme and the occasional scarf when he was able to go to the games.

As for wandering about Paisley. I think the fact that I am still alive and not full of stab wounds confirms that I have never wandered about Paisley, it's just not reccomended.

A different team other to your own. Word twisting like that is fucking ridiculous and shows how shite your original point and arguement was,

Oh dear. A second orc meltdown and its not even lunchtime.

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I do regret renewing my season ticket now. I should have paid at the gate for the first few months and then renewed once we had the changes we all know we need at the very top of the club.

I think it was Mhonkey Thennis that was advocating this idea and i just couldn't get my head round it...Well the penny has finally dropped. As long as we keep pumping the money in they will keep pumping it right out the door and into their bank accounts!

Good post (as was your previous one)* - pity you didn't listen to all the P's and D's, all those P&Bers, all those bhiased and bhigoted journalists, before you parted with your cash.

The support of both old and new clubs are their own worst enemies - trust the Man in the Big Hoose** and believe anything negative is the work of "enemies". The rest of us can stand back, say "I told you so", and enjoy the schadenfreude as yet another crisis emanates from ibrox.

*Have you got a new delivery of meds, or are you turning over a new leaf? Refreshing either way.

** That should bring Kincardine back along to the thread. Where's the grumpy old curmudgeon been, anyhoo?

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