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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You could have pulled a Tedi and got No8 to send you a pic of his ticket stubbs to prove you weren't at the game and post it on here ?,OH WAIT ! No8 wouldn't be seen dead watching them if The Clone Rangers weren't playing Killie at Rugby Park.

You live a lie Benny you live a lie :rolleyes: .

Just for the record. Tedi was at the game at Livingston. I saw him sitting to my right hand side...I would have shouted him over but my teenage son was having a 'Kevin and Perry' day and thought i would leave it. Just wanting to point out you have posted this a few times but i can absolutely guarantee that Tedi was there.

Not sure why you keep going back to this.

You're right though i wouldn't been seen dead at Rugby Park unless Rangers were playing but that is down to being 6'3'' and RP having the worst leg room of any stadium i have been in

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Haw I thought I was the grumpy yin. Can we just step back from these personal attacks? It doesn't make for comfortable reading.

Can we have an episode wherein folk discuss issues or situations without abusing the person? IE abuse the post rather than the poster.

No problem for me, Kincardine. We've crossed swords enough to know the sore points.

That horrible wee shite, though, delights in attacking posters (not just me), then hiding behind so-called "wit" when they bite back. Indeed, this is the behaviour which categorises a majority of the rangers posters on this thread. You are an exception, as is the new improved No. 8, although I have my concerns about his sincerity. Bennett, Bendarroch, AWRA/BP/can't remember his other IDs are simply scum. The kind of "fan" your club should be doing its best to alienate in its latest incarnation - if it wasn't for the fact that that's where the money is.

I'm a Socialist, Catholic-raised atheist, and Republican. You, obviously, are none of these things. Yet we can converse, and disagree, and debate, as adults. Why is that?

I'll continue to treat idiots as such, and grown-ups as such. I reserve the right to retaliate if I am accused of homophobia, supporting celtic, racism, bigotry, or any such slur. I will certainly reserve the right to defend the honour of my late father, or any other member of my family, from some wee internet hardman.

Anyway, any word on those dolphins? Tasty, or what?

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Haw I thought I was the grumpy yin. Can we just step back from these personal attacks? It doesn't make for comfortable reading.

Can we have an episode wherein folk discuss issues or situations without abusing the person? IE abuse the post rather than the poster.

What a shite post.


Good. Better than, "What a shite poster" ;)

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Good. Better than, "What a shite poster" ;)

Haw! Not the posh bird I was thinking of!

I'm nearly fifty, man! What good's an old oil painting?

ETA: Who is she then? Don't tell me it's Mrs T_K....that would be awkward.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Your grammar is all over the place there :P

I am a fanny, but unlike Kincardine, I'll always stick up for a fellow Rangers fan before any P&D.

His grammar is exemplary.

Sticking up for someone based on their affiliation to a football team is the mark of either

a. A primary school pupil, or

b. A moron.

Now, it's 23:10 on a school night, so...

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I'm a Socialist and Republican.

Really? We would never have guessed. ;)

Calling posters scum is a little strong just because they disagree with you on an internet forum.

As i have said in the past and been pretty consistent about it...piss takes aside...I don't think you are a celtic fan. I am less convinced on the bigotry BUT i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that issue as you are pretty adamant you are not. The reason i have any doubts at all are down to what you have posted in the past.

I don't blame anyone for accusing me of bigotry or of being a racist. Obviously i know i am neither but due to what i have posted in the past people who do not know me may choose to take what i have posted as proof.

Maybe there is a lesson for us both. I know i will think twice about what i post in the future. That might look like i am holding back something..that will never be the case but i will maybe take a little more care how i phrase things

Edited by No8.
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Really !!??? :o:o

Would never have guessed :lol::lol::lol::lol:

But hey, you know you're a fanny so it's not all bad.

When they've got insight into their condition, you can start to make progress. I learned that in a previous career, which was too much like hard work and brought me into contact with too many fruit-loops. See, I learned the technical terms and everything.

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What a banger :lol:

Norris, there's no P's and D's who will agree with any Rangers fan on here, even if they're right. So your argument is flawed you zero pointer.

^ ^ ^

This coming from a fud who does not agree with anyone including supporters of the same club he supports on P&B :1eye .

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Not all of them. Some are well below even shite in my estimation.

But, there were a number of Scottish clubs I had a wee liking for over the years - Airdrie, Dundee and Hearts spring to mind.


I think we all know why you had a wee liking for those clubs in the past... and it had nothing to do with football.

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Really? We would never have guessed. ;)

Calling posters scum is a little strong just because they disagree with you on an internet forum.

Absolutely on the money 8 and I am sick to the back fucking teeth of ad hominem shite.

Starting tomorrow I will have a mantra, "There are no scum posters; just scum posts".

Edited by The_Kincardine
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