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I bet he is hunched over his keyboard with his 'orgasmic face' as he views his profile ... :lol:

While deep down he knows that his reputation, like his club, is a lie.

Sad, sorry wee inadequate.

How fucked-off must Bendy be that his Amigos won't extend la largesse verte to him? :lol:

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They must really be hurting though as they remember Celtic's flotation and the success achieved by Fergus (an honest businessman ... so much easier to find) and then look at the shattered remains of their own attempt at emulation.

Fhollow Fhollow ... Fhail Fhail .... :thumsup2:lol:

I get the feeling you won't see too many honest businessmen (if there is such an animal) around ibrox between now and the day they lock the gates for good.

"Sorry, how much did you say you got out of rangers? How quickly? And the punters just keep on throwing cash at you as long as you tell them that they are "The Peepul"? What the fúck does that even mean? Never mind, it seems to work. Cut me in for a slice, ta very much."


Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Attacks the writer .. not the content ... whit a shocker eh .. who'd have thunk it?

Anything factually incorrect in the article that you'd like to correct?

I can't imagine why any Rangers supporter could think that Haggerty would provide any semblance of balance in her story-telling on Rangers. Can you?

Do you think working for Mac Goebbels would make room for that?


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You lot really never learn, do you?

ETA: Any reason you refer to Haggerty as a "dog"? Can't find any pictures which show her to be especially unattractive, tbh. Far too young for YT, but certainly not deserving of that kind of abuse.

Fancy, WKR, Ranges supporters being sceptical when faced with reports from the likes of Haggerty or Mac Goebbels.

Stevie Wonder would refer to Haggerty as a dog.

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I can't imagine why any Rangers supporter could think that Haggerty would provide any semblance of balance in her story-telling on Rangers. Can you?

Do you think working for Mac Goebbels would make room for that?


where in the article is this 'lack of balance' that you are alluding to?

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I can't imagine why any Rangers supporter could think that Haggerty would provide any semblance of balance in her story-telling on Rangers. Can you?

Do you think working for Mac Goebbels would make room for that?


You haven't actually answered his question. But then, I think you probably know that. Care to try again?

I know the chances are slim, but you're the only orclet playing out this morning.

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Glad to see the thread still going strong. I understand why Rangers fans still post in here but as for the rest of you I feel you need to find another hobby. Stamp collecting, train spotting, maybe do a jigsaw. You might find some ideas atthe link below.


Other way round for me - the "rest of us" find the slow-motion catastrafuck that is rangers/sevco.the rangers/rangers2012/ICBINR not only fascinating but absolutely fucking hilarious.

Imagine, if you'd been told in Third Year at school that you could watch the School Bully get kicked in the balls repeatedly, stagger to his feet croaking "Ah'm fine, ya bassas. An' ah'm stull the main man", before taking another one direct to the nuts. Now, imagine that were to go on for over a year - would you decide to go watching trains or colecting fucking stamps? Nah, didn't think so.

It's the Horde you should be worried about - daily, they take it in shifts to try and tell us they're following the same club and that enemies of rangers are devoting their lives to promoting some kafflik global takeover which threatens their world. Never mind the usernames, they're all fucking batshit crazy.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Fancy, WKR, Ranges supporters being sceptical when faced with reports from the likes of Haggerty or Mac Goebbels.


Stevie Wonder would refer to Haggerty as a dog.

I've no idea what she looks like, But in what way do her looks affect the validity of her opinions?

Do you apply the same standard to male journalists?

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