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Sorry MT I am going to have to go with Stonedsailor on this (I know shocker ha) I say f**k them, he said what the majority of Football fans in Scotland think.

Yes, but most people in Scotland don't have senior positions with the very body that's worked so hard to perpetuate the myth Lawell scotched.

What he said was funny and it contained some truth. There's a contradiction in it coming from him though.

A cheap line fed to the masses; responded to equally cheaply and for the same reasons, by Rangers.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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A better example would be King Fud was ruler of Fudville, until one day he died. His identical twin took to the throne, and had had the titles transferred to his name. Allowing the unbroken history to continue :whistle

Isn't that the plot to the man in the iron mask!

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Yep maybe but did he not join the SFA in his current position after the death of rangers? I understand where you are coming from. Another theory being thrown about is he knows the current club playing at Ibrokes is fucked and he doesn't care what they say.

It would have been classier to have dismissed what was happening at Ibrox as none of Celtic' s concern. It would also have been more consistent with Celtic' s previously stated position and would have provided less of an opening for those obsessed with the notion of obsession.

Looking for class from the guy simultaneously engaged in crushing hopes that people might receive a living wage, is however, perhaps unrealistic.

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Yep maybe but did he not join the SFA in his current position after the death of rangers? I understand where you are coming from. Another theory being thrown about is he knows the current club playing at Ibrokes is fucked and he doesn't care what they say.

Before Lawwell/Lawell took up his position and moved from the SPL to the SFA, that position was held by Eric Riley.

So Monkey does have a bit of a point.

Personally it's much a do about nothing.

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It would have been classier to have dismissed what was happening at Ibrox as none of Celtic' s concern. It would also have been more consistent with Celtic' s previously stated position and would have provided less of an opening for those obsessed with the notion of obsession.

Looking for class from the guy simultaneously engaged in crushing hopes that people might receive a living wage, is however, perhaps unrealistic.

F**king stop posting stuff that i agree with.

It feels dirty and wrong.

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I think it was a throw away remark and not a public statement and I would say he probs regrets it, still not untrue. Yep the wage thing is pretty disgusting and you will get no arguments about that from me.

The living wage thing intrigues me. I absolutely think it should be the case but I wonder how many other clubs do/don't do this, would be interesting to find out.

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The living wage thing intrigues me. I absolutely think it should be the case but I wonder how many other clubs do/don't do this, would be interesting to find out.


I think we can safely say however that no other club would be quite so well placed to afford it.

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Oh I see, I didn't know the living wage was off the agenda for everyone else because Celtic have the most money.

Is that what I said?

Don't be so bloody stupid. If you can't see the moral vacuum required for a club to boast about its huge income and financial health, while actively impeding moves to improve the lot of disadvantaged employees, then we've nothing to discuss my friend.

Of course a club's financial state impacts on how we can view its approach to this question.

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It's what you implied. Maybe fans of all clubs should be giving their respective boards a hard time about this. I'm sure you would agree.

Clubs are still a business sadly, the cleaners, tea ladies etc... Will be earning buttons and that's not going to change any time soon

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It's what you implied. Maybe fans of all clubs should be giving their respective boards a hard time about this. I'm sure you would agree.

In principle yes.

However, I'd be far more sympathetic to the pleas of other clubs about it being difficult to afford, than I would be towards Celtic' s.

Is this really a difficult thing for you to understand, or are you just planning to let your thirst for whataboutery engulf you?

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In principle yes.

However, I'd be far more sympathetic to the pleas of other clubs about it being difficult to afford, than I would be towards Celtic' s.

Is this really a difficult thing for you to understand, or are you just planning to let your thirst for whataboutery engulf you?

No whataboutery involved and I'm more that willing to bet there are clubs in a worse of position that Celtic paying a living wage which would really put Celtic to shame. I just wonder if there are other clubs, Aberdeen, hibs, motherwell maybe still with fairly high wage bills who could be doing more for the ordinary workers at their clubs.

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Maybe they should but Celtic are fair game IMO for everyone with their stance.


I think other clubs would also take this stance, but their agm's are not as high profile and I believe it was Celtic shareholders who put this forward. Are other fans on here ensuring their shareholders put the question to their clubs?

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