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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fair enough.

Would it be accurate to therefore say you're more able to accept a defence of naivete on Smith's behalf than you are for McCoist, whose motives you see as more self-servingly cynical?

Again it's a hard one as the only person who knows his motives is Ally himself and that is why i'd love to hear from him, no soundbites or jargon - just his reasons.

He has done really well out of this, no one can deny it and at best it could be aruged that he's been played like a fiddle.

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He has done really well out of this, no one can deny it and at best it could be aruged that he's been played like a fiddle.

It's actually true.

I daresay the turmoil must have been stressful and at times downright distressing for him.

In buying him time as manager though, while being able to steamroller the opposition, while continuing to trouser a fortune, it could scarcely have gone better for someone who we all think is probably a poor manager.

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Again it's a hard one as the only person who knows his motives is Ally himself and that is why i'd love to hear from him, no soundbites or jargon - just his reasons.

He has done really well out of this, no one can deny it and at best it could be aruged that he's been played like a fiddle.

McCoist is fully aware that his managerial position would have been taken from him in any other set of circumstances. He has been used, yes, but he has also made full use of his situation to reap all he can, while the going is favourable.

Raking in the over inflated salary to beat part-time opposition is his "reward" for being "loyal" and keeping the fans on board as far as he is concerned.

Whenever the club finds itself in the top tier and his lack of ability is properly exposed he will trot out the "I've done all I can - time for someone else to take us to the next level..." speech and it will all be painted as his finest hour.

However - a football manager he most certainly isn't.

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Hard to say as i'll be mostly guessing.

We know that he turned down Green 3 or 4 times previously, so i reckon we can say that he had doubts.

Has he went in for what he believed to be the good of the club, to try to keep an eye on things (some of the CF stuff would back this up). (yes i know i've been critical of CF)

Did he realise he was out of his depth with the sharks and conmen, yes. We all make mistakes and i think he made one here but did rectify it slightly by resigning.

I don't think he should have touched the position with a barge pole and yes i'dl ove to know his reasons for doing so.

Edit - It's also been suggested by sections of the media that he came in to support Ally when things weren't going to go good for him on the pitch.

Feck me.......... well done bennett.

Worth creating this one for.


Ally the leech


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Why would you? Am I being whooshed?

Are you suggesting I'm mistaken or just displaying endearing curiosity as regards a fellow diddy club?

Goodness MT you've been on this forum for too long as paranoia seems to be setting in! It was a genuine statement of surprise! I love reading about football clubs histories, even the club that this forum is about! I obviously missed Queen of the South history!

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Goodness MT you've been on this forum for too long as paranoia seems to be setting in! It was a genuine statement of surprise! I love reading about football clubs histories, even the club that this forum is about! I obviously missed Queen of the South history!


I see little digs everywhere.

A car factory was one of the three clubs that came together. We were meant to have 'United' tacked onto our already mouthful of a name apparently, but it fell by the wayside by the time we started playing.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Anyone else notice The_Kincardine has been monitoring but not posting? this thread and others. He was on Celtic V Aberdeen thread earlier, I posted hello but he didn't respond. He really is King Bilel, isn't he?

King Bilel's been quiet too this last few days, has he not?

I preferred his former incarnation, but KB was also alright when he forgot to be an ignoramus.

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I love how Ogilvie has blasted both Celtic and Rangers.

It's like a man who's thoroughly tainted by the worst scandal ever to hit Scottish football, so that everything he says is toxic and meaningless, saying a thing, so that we can all laugh at it and basically tell him to fvck off.

Edit: Why does Ogilvie get to pronounce on anything, given everything we know about him?


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Why the hell is Campbell Ogilvie still at the SPFL?

Enron fired Ken Lay; AIG fired Fabrice Toure; RBS fired Fred Goodwin.

These were all corrupt-as-fvck former executives whose very presence was toxic.

So why are the SPFL continuing to employ Campbell Ogilvie?

Edit: Because he's Rangers. No other reason.

Double edit: Which means Scottish football is even more corrupt than you thought it was.


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Really? So what?

You just ripped into me for inventions on Abhergreen when the information regarding their foundation, their merger and shutting the doors was provided by dholly fans. I'm amazed I had to repeat that for you.

A tawdry low for you, MT. I expect that kind of moronic input from, say, the Fhud. Perhaps Bennett was correct after all...


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No, I mocked it. It was puerile.

And despite your stricken and continued attempts at digression - we arrived here because you decided that another salvo of P&B amateur psychology nonsense was the appropriate response to discussions on the very great LNS ruling; that no titles could be stripped. Because no sporting advantage was gained.

And why is it upsetting you at all we ask - because they could not then be handed on a plate to 'RA sulk of course. That, after all, was the plan - hence Liewell's publicly declared disappointment on behalf of rasulk.



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This is true, but it's the frequency with which McCoist is doing it, and with all manner of people, some of whom have been exposed as not operating in the club's interests, that holds him up to ridicule.

If he had more honour, he'd have declared himself unwilling to operate with some of them. He's been handsomely rewarded however for his duplicity in various scams, so he's no plans to do any such thing.

There's an irony somewhere in the fact that his willing prostitution to whoever, is sometimes characterised as loyalty to the club. His behaviour could scarcely be less loyal.


McCoist's new nickname might be my favourite part of the saga!

I cringed when that fat c**t joined Killie.

Sue Barker is well shot....

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