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Can anyone explain what happened to this money?




WALTER SMITH last night paid tribute to the Rangers fans who have raised more than £500,000 in a bid to keep the club alive.

The Rangers Fans Fighting Fund pushed through the half-million mark yesterday following the 1872 Sponsored Walk around Ibrox.

Ex-players Colin Stein, Alfie Conn, Mark Hateley and Nacho Novo joined Smith and 600 punters on the walk.

Smith said: “The work done to raise money for the Fund has been very impressive.”

Sitting in the same account as the Charity money no doubt.

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Note that Provan doesn't offer one shred of evidence of 'Armageddon', of 'Scottish football being up against the wall', of 'every ...club paying a price' or of 'costs (which) have to be cut'.

It's just lies.


And the kind of lies the Traynors, Keevins and McKeowns et al had largely abandoned many months ago, so thin had they worn.

At the end of the day the lower leagues have benefited - increased coverage, 1yr of the £1M TV payment from SPL and at least 3yrs of gate receipts from Rangers games, and income from the Challenge Cup having 4 ties on TV and Ramsdens extending and improving their deal.

Meanwhile in the top division the TV contract didn't disappear. Crowds didn't collapse and have infact gone up at many clubs. More chances have opened-up in the cup competitions and for European places.

"Armaggedon", "slow lingering death", "unviability" and "social unrest" haven't happened. And those were the football chiefs predictions!!

Tabloidism told us Rangers wouldn't go to SFL3. Then tabloidism said it would obliterate Scottish football. In reality it's barely scuffed it.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Looks like Hateley's article about "tainted title" has been deleted :(

Oh well, Still, no short of bitterness from him


TREATED like pariahs and not welcome in their own country. Rangers owe Scottish football nothing.

It’s time for Rangers to explore different possibilities and, certainly, the Conference in England is one of them. Green is right to consider his options.

It’s all about the Old Firm up here. And without it, there’s nothing left.


ASKING Rangers fans to go to Tannadice is like peeling off a scab and allowing it to bleed again.

That’s why Ibrox chief executive Charles Green is 100 per cent right in urging supporters to boycott the Scottish Cup tie against Dundee United.

United decided to bite off the hand that has fed them for years by demoting Rangers to SFL3.


A LOT of bridges have to be built with Rangers following their tax victory and a good place to start would be for an immediate lifting of the transfer embargo.

I wouldn’t want to be too greedy so allowing Ally McCoist to sign players again to enable them to function like a proper football club would do for starters and then the authorities can start thinking about how to properly compensate Rangers.

The boot has been laid into my old club over and over again in the last two years and now it’s payback time.


Make no mistake, it’s the Old Firm who sell Scottish football. Without the big two, there would be no TV deal and no commercial tie-ups.


WHEN Charles Green first walked through the front doors of Ibrox the biggest fear among Rangers fans was that they were getting landed with another Craig Whyte.

Five months on, it’s beginning to look as if what they’ve actually got is their very own Fergus McCann.

OK, I can’t claim to know the man currently at the helm of my club and steering it through the most troubled waters in its 140-year history.

The truth is I’ve met him just once. For about five seconds.

But I will say this – I’m really beginning to warm to him. And I don’t think I’m the only one.


Rangers is an important part of Scottish society, never mind Scottish football, and I'm angry that it has been pulled down due to the effects of horrendous mismanagement.


FORMER Rangers striker Mark Hateley last night urged supporters to show faith in club owner Craig Whyte.

He did have some humour at times though


THIS has been a dark year for Rangers. But the fact it has taken them just 12 months to see the light is great for the club.

When they eventually return to the SPL, they will be in a much stronger position than they were before.

I genuinely see it as a positive that all the turmoil – and the turnaround – has happened in the space of just 12 months. It could have dragged on.

:lol: :1eye

TBF, if you read the CF tweets it points out he's been paid £500 a week by the Rangers/Sevco PR machine to write this guff.

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TBF, if you read the CF tweets it points out he's been paid £500 a week by the Rangers/Sevco PR machine to write this guff.

Also, you have to consider his audience.

You can see the educational standard in the comments written at the end of his "well informed/balanced articles".

Him, and the other ex-player "contributors", and the target audience deserve each other.

Don't you "Diddies" know?

It's all about Celtic/rangers/WATP/tit-for-tat/Whatabout/victimisation/jealousy.

Feed the paranoia!

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Having blown his whistle on those who ‘headed for the hills’ I wonder how Ally will deal with the possibility of trying to persuade some players, including youngsters, that he gave long term contracts to that they would really be helping the club if they renegotiated or indeed ‘walked away’ from their contracts while he keeps his salary (which even if halved is still a nice little earner) and shares.

What chances he ‘walks away’ from that dirty little task and leaves it to Wallace or Stockbridge?

Project Austerity is going to be fun. :)

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Didn't Graham Wallace say Sally can't pay players anymore than £50k a year? It's safe to say Sally will either be hounded out by the fans next season when the results start to notably drop from what they are just now. Or he'll chuck it, because he'll knows he'll get found out, and won't want to damage his reputation on the field.

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Putting petty point scoring to the side for a minute.....

To what extent are these "cuts" likely to be? Just the playing side or will it effect their coaching/scouting etc?

Which players are likely to be sold & if so how much for?

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Can anyone explain what happened to this money?


WALTER SMITH last night paid tribute to the Rangers fans who have raised more than £500,000 in a bid to keep the club alive.

The Rangers Fans Fighting Fund pushed through the half-million mark yesterday following the 1872 Sponsored Walk around Ibrox.

Ex-players Colin Stein, Alfie Conn, Mark Hateley and Nacho Novo joined Smith and 600 punters on the walk.

Smith said: The work done to raise money for the Fund has been very impressive.

We're using it to construct a Death Star ;-)

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Can anyone explain what happened to this money?




WALTER SMITH last night paid tribute to the Rangers fans who have raised more than £500,000 in a bid to keep the club alive.

The Rangers Fans Fighting Fund pushed through the half-million mark yesterday following the 1872 Sponsored Walk around Ibrox.

Ex-players Colin Stein, Alfie Conn, Mark Hateley and Nacho Novo joined Smith and 600 punters on the walk.

Smith said: “The work done to raise money for the Fund has been very impressive.”

RFFFFFFFFFF raised 500k, how much did Walter scoop from the trough? Coincidence?

Either way the hvns (claiming the word back for my people so it's allowed) paid.


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