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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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TBH there's little point in even pushing this with him.


He's an incapable simpleton, who adds absolutely nothing to any and every thread he posts in.

TBF I thoroughly enjoyed his contribution to the "sjc boat thread".

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I've not posted here this year so happy New Year to a'body, Bears, Diddies and Plastics alike.

Do you think we can make 2014 a year where we have The Big Thread of Fame rather than 2013's desultory, Big Thread of Shame abomination?

You do realise the thread is about the demise of rangers and the attempts to resuscitate the corpse, don't you?

Fame's a wee bit of a reach, but I reckon notoriety should be achievable.

Feel free to start a new thread celebrating your new club's trophy-a-year "journey", by all means.

Oh, and Happy New Year to you as well.

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I've not posted here this year so happy New Year to a'body, Bears, Diddies and Plastics alike.

Do you think we can make 2014 a year where we have The Big Thread of Fame rather than 2013's desultory, Big Thread of Shame abomination?

If the bears refuse to post on the BRALT and boycott it completely, then the thread won't descend into an abomination such as you speak off because it's the bears who bring the thread down to their level :) .

And all the best for the coming year Kinky :) , except yer new club of course :P .

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He cancels games for international players even when he had enough players to comfortably win them games without said players, and then has the cheek to moan about playing the rearranged fixtures with said players :blink: , what a tool :1eye , and karma is a bitch :lol: .

What particular games are these?

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Erm after the shambles that was the AGM at Ibrox I'm not sure Charlotte has the goods any more !, Whyte did not win his Ticketus case, Murray was not elected onto the board and a few others :( .

That's assuming you know what Charlotte's motives are. However, I'm more convinced he/she is some kind antihero in all this.

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You do realise the thread is about the demise of rangers and the attempts to resuscitate the corpse, don't you?

When Pozbaird started this in 2012 it was interesting/useful/instructive thread. I'd wager it was maybe the best thread on our demise on any football forum anywhere. Guys made loads of useful comments - even if some were uncomfortable for we Bears.

During 2013 it became a petty bitchfest and a cum-bucket for morons who wanted to vent against all things Rangers - with you as the chief protagonist.

You missed my point completely. I want The Big Thread to return to its informative past. That you object to this speaks volumes.

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When Pozbaird started this in 2012 it was interesting/useful/instructive thread. I'd wager it was maybe the best thread on our demise on any football forum anywhere. Guys made loads of useful comments - even if some were uncomfortable for we Bears.

During 2013 it became a petty bitchfest and a cum-bucket for morons who wanted to vent against all things Rangers - with you as the chief protagonist.

You missed my point completely. I want The Big Thread to return to its informative past. That you object to this speaks volumes.

Tedi admitted doing his level best to drag it down. Look a bit closer to home.

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When Pozbaird started this in 2012 it was interesting/useful/instructive thread. I'd wager it was maybe the best thread on our demise on any football forum anywhere. Guys made loads of useful comments - even if some were uncomfortable for we Bears.

During 2013 it became a petty bitchfest and a cum-bucket for morons who wanted to vent against all things Rangers - with you as the chief protagonist.

You missed my point completely. I want The Big Thread to return to its informative past. That you object to this speaks volumes.

OK then I'll pander to your needs :) , is it a new club masquerading as a dead club or is it still the very same club minus the huge debt it's previous incarnation ran up.

Can you describe in detail how you actually separate the mythical company from the club legally if the law sees the club itself as a footballing company ?.

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Hannibal Heyes was in Alias Smith and Jones. Hannibal Smith was in the A-Team and his catchphrase was indeed "I love it when a plan comes together".

At least, that's what my Grandfather told me.............. :-)

Ah right, got you. I thought you had got mixed up with Heyes' actual name and his assumed name, Joshua Smith, taken when he and Kid Curry were technically on the run, but trying to convince the governor they deserved amnesty. Still, in all the railroads and banks they robbed, they never shot anyone!

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The only rearranged one is the Stenny game tomorrow which was postponed because of the weather. :)

So the pie man has been moaning about one fixture then ? :lol: , the second largest outfit in Scotland can't cope with some guys who have jobs all week having to play as many games as his full time outfit have too :blink: .

Oh !, and all the best big man for the coming year :thumsup2 .

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