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Everything else from that source has proven to be real Bendy.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Sally is fucking you and you're applauding him for it.

No wonder sevconians have the reputation as being an amazingly cretinous fanbase.

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Whilst everyone can see you are having an ongoing posting nightmare, DJ, if you prove the fantasy emails are anything other than a figment of someone's imagination then I'll happily answer your questions on them.



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Think Bendy just can't face the truth tbh.

Must be horrifying when you have been such a staunch defender of McCoist as he has.

If anything, subservient clowns like him are actively contributing to the new clubs financial problems.

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Whilst everyone can see you are having an ongoing posting nightmare, DJ, if you prove the fantasy emails are anything other than a figment of someone's imagination then I'll happily answer your questions on them.

That's the very attitude from the fans that allowed Whyte to take over, Murray to rack up a massive debt, Rangers to be liquidated and all of us to have free comedy entertainment for years.

Don't go changing Bendy.

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So that's where the name Charlotte came from ... 'Project Charlotte' .... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Swiftly amended to Project William.

You can't say the spivs don't have a sense of humor.

Does indicate Sir Minty Moonbeams was involved in the insolvency plans a long way back.

Doesn't really fit with Youngsy and others laughable claims that "It was all Craig Whyte". :rolleyes:

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NO .. all we can see is you deflecting from the truth. Those emails are more likely to be genuine than fake. You can keep running from the fact, but regardless of the emails everything Sally has done has reeked. Months to get a contract put in front of him to be signed in order to half his wages ... why?

The emails only confirm what everyone already knows about his character.

Grubby wee money whore ....

Fake emails confirm things in your world? Who's surprised?


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Everything else from that source has proven to be real Bendy.

Haud on - everything?



So, no proof at all then? Of any kind whatsoever? Just a tawdry handful of diddies and a few plastics saying 'oh ay min it's pyoor true n'at' is enough for you?

Even the frequently bewildered Monkey Tennis has the sense to question their validity ffs.


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Anyone else might actually be interested at what's going on at their clusterfuck of a club, but your typical "rangers" fan(Bendy) just sticks their hand in the sand.

As Stoney says, don't go changing otherwise the spivs might f**k off.

Eta- He might be an ignorant old buffoon, but I did chuckle at the description of MT as "frequently bewildered". :lol:

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Haud on - everything?

So, no proof at all then? Of any kind whatsoever? Just a tawdry handful of diddies and a few plastics saying 'oh ay min it's pyoor true n'at' is enough for you?

Even the frequently bewildered Monkey Tennis has the sense to question their validity ffs.


And MT is entitled to his opinion, like me mine and you are yours.... hence why i asked you yours, if they are shown to be real. what would be your opinion if they are shown to be real?

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Haud on - everything?(1)

So, no proof at all then? Of any kind whatsoever? Just a tawdry handful of diddies and a few plastics saying 'oh ay min it's pyoor true n'at' is enough for you?(2)

Even the frequently bewildered Monkey Tennis has the sense to question their validity ffs.(3)


1. "Oh, look - a straw to clutch at!"

2. It has been proven throughout this sorry saga that you and yours are extremely selective when you demand proof. An example - rangers (the original club) were found to have systematically broken the rules for a period of a decade or more. Berrz reaction? "See? We didnae cheat, because they said no sporting advantage was gained."

Except nobody outside the Horde said that, did they? The verdict said "It cannot be proved that sporting advantage was gained." A self-evident statement, yet one which the hard of thinking believe validates their claims of innocence.

Oh - Another example - "EBTS were fine and dandy". So fine and dandy that in a sizeable minority of cases, where evidence was available, rangers either did not contest the case or were found liable.

The majority of posters on here judge sources by their source's previous validity, not what school they went to.

3. Of course Mt is frequently bewildered - we all are. Those with less rigid mindsets than yours, anyway. That's why we share information, discuss the latest news, and form opinions based on what we see, hear, and read. Not on what is released from the Big Hoose.

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Seems, from the admittedly limited sample on here, that Rangers fans are not willing to consider that these emails may be genuine and the possible ramifications this would have on their version of reality.

Obviously its difficult to prove the authenticity but I would've expected at least some concern on the content.

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Depends on whether or not investment can be raised ... tbh I doubt they will go bankrupt and die like the old club this time, but they may slip into administration before it can be found.

I honestly didn't think it could get much more embarrassing for them.

Must be absolutley awful to support them.

I'm surprised anybody goes about with a 'Rangers' top on anymore purely out of sheer embarrassment.

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Seems, from the admittedly limited sample on here, that Rangers fans are not willing to consider that these emails may be genuine and the possible ramifications this would have on their version of reality.

Obviously its difficult to prove the authenticity but I would've expected at least some concern on the content.

I think they're all in shock, to be fair. The poor wee lambs have been betrayed by Murray, Whyte, Green, even Sir Dignity trousered a fee for extracting their cash. Now, though, it's Alistair McCoist, dignified "rangers man", "cheeky chappie", "club legend", who's bent the entire support over and dry-fúcked them.

What really hurts them is that everybody has been telling them for years that McCoist has been stealing a wage and doing very nicely out of the club's death and subsequent PR campaign. Not just celtic fans. Everybody.

As the last of their idols crumbles on its feet of clay, the poor berrz are threshing about looking for someone, anyone, to tell them it'll be OK: to tell them that this is just a bump on the road "back" to the top. Shame that Ally, the last of them, has shown himself to be a money-grabbing opportunist who cares about as much for rangers as he does for his marriage vows. These emails do not provide "proof" of that of course - they may well be fake. But there's plenty of "proof" in the saga of the pay cut that never was. and then was. And then wasn't. And then was, but kept in a cupboard for later...

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I bet Bendy said the same about RTC when he correctly predicted the administration and death of oldco. :lol:

We'll never know, unfortunately. Bendy joined P&B shortly after Okey Dokey Day, with a cheeky wee smile, a pocketful of bigoted nicknames for decent fans, and a rousing WATP!

In all fairness, he has shown equal ignorance of rangers' demise as he has over the running of the new club.

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