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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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dhenboys attempt to get everyone on his side there was one of the most cringey things i have ever seen.

Are you going to continue with this one sentence - one post thing, you've started?

Is the post count the new green dot rep?

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Are you going to continue with this one sentence - one post thing, you've started?

Is the post count the new green dot rep?

He must have taken Benny's advice, "ten words or less".

He has been rather busy on P&B lately !, he must have stolen a new mobile phone with a full charge still on it. :)

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Looks like bitter Ragers fans finally managed to find out who the blogger behind RTC was.


Is there no depth their obsession won't sink to :whistle

This link taken from the rajursMedjia,


It's funny how they all say that Leggat is a pish stained alcoholic and posts nothing but shite, but if he posts how is behind The Rangers Tax case they all rally behind him. :blink:

RM link, http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=264487

RM already spamming his e-mail accounts and University details where he works and contactable phone numbers ffs :wacko: , the level these orcs will go to knows no bounds to dish out their deluded brand of revenge. Poor guy is going to have to go into hiding now. :(

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Poor guy if it's him.

Absolute legend for exposing the dark underbelly of Scottish Football hiding behind the facade of Ibrox.

We are all RTC.

Eta - RM- "And yet some still dont realise what we're up against.

Vile bigots in position of power, influential over those learning their trade.

And have no doubt of his influence in getting his prize students, young Declan and Bernadette, into jobs in msm and the teaching profession. And so it grows and grows."


So, so, glad their club went bust in a hail of tears and snotters. :D

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Why do ra peepil hate RTC?

If they'd heeded his prescient warnings they might have been able to do something about their club going down the shitter instead of standing idly by and watching it burn?

Most perplexing.

That's what I've been thinking ?, why bother hounding the RTC blogger to make him and his and family to fear for their lives now !. Worst still what if it isn't even him !.

They should be thanking him for at least trying to tell them the shit will hit the fans at some point threatening their clubs whole existence ?. If they had said at the time "we should look into this seriously people", they might still have the original club intact and still be playing top tier footy but with a depleted squad for a few years.

But no they want to crucify the poor bugger for putting the clubs dodgy finances in the public domain. They sat back and did nothing thinking the club will always spunk the big bucks on players to put ra Sellick in their place like they have been used too for over 20 years.

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Most of them are basket cases on RM and completely off their trolley ... makes you realise we're lucky to have the relatively sane ones on here.

Even Tedi with his multiple personality disorder (Jock001, Ceremony, JigsElbow and Vanderlies) is just a gormless buffoon.

I wouldn't too surprised if the resident bears had two faces and accounts on other Ragers Forums spouting their bile in safety amongst their own herd. <_<

There has been a few occasions were their mask has slipped and they wished harm on anyone who stuck ra huge boot into their club. :death

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I wouldn't too surprised if the resident bears had two faces and accounts on other Ragers Forums spouting their bile in safety amongst their own herd. <_<

There has been a few occasions were their mask has slipped and they wished harm on anyone who stuck ra huge boot into their club. :death

Why would Rangers fans have two faces if they had an account on other Rangers forums?

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Why would Rangers fans have two faces if they had an account on other Rangers forums?

Because having an account on RM marks you out as an absolute zoomer.

No doubt you've got one, AWRA. I'm sure you're not perma banned from there either, but you really can't cope without P&B, can you?


Edited by AberdeenBud
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Because having an account on RM marks you out as an absolute zoomer.

No doubt you've got one, AWRA. I'm sure you're not perma banned from there either, but you really can't cope without P&B, can you?


AWRA would fit right into those forums like a well lubricated fanny. :rolleyes:

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Bit like Tedi needing his daily fix on this thread ....

Or his fix of logging into fhud aliases just to dish out extra red dots. :lol:

He even avoided answering my post where I asked him if I was posting pish and supplied the evidence he was posting pish himself on the Arbroath thread. :lol:

Just like wee five stars to try and avoid being made a tool of if he can and post a supposedly funny pic like it meant something other than deflectors up. :1eye

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Because having an account on RM marks you out as an absolute zoomer.

No doubt you've got one, AWRA. I'm sure you're not perma banned from there either, but you really can't cope without P&B, can you?


I've had an account on RM since 2012, I don't get into most of the stuff that goes on there. I'll only post about the football.

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I've had an account on RM since 2012, I don't get into most of the stuff that goes on there. I'll only post about the football.

Name rank and serial number on ragersmedjia so we can veto you.

If you was the Ibrox preacher on it then you are definitely without a shadow of a doubt a complete fucking zoomer.

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