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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's accepting the fact that you have a Ford in the first place and behave accordingly.

Old Firm have been proven guilty of trying to pass themselves off as European contenders for years whilst falsely and unsustainably overspending to try and be in the same forecourt as the other Astons.

Look how that all ended...

Seriously though what's the appeal in broadcasting a game say between Partick and St Mirren? Who would honestly give a f**k.

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Brass neck "quote of the week" in print edition:

"It would be three trophies and that, to me, is a treble" said McCulloch. "Why not? It's not our fault that we're not in the Premiership".

It has also been agreed that, in future, the SPFL Board will have the sole responsibility for adjudication regarding clubs who might face liquidation. It will be down to the board to determine any conditions for a transfer of membership if a club is liquidated and attempts to go down the newco route.

Except of course, it won't. When SPL was on the go it had the same regulations, but as you may recall, the Board itself refused to make such a call and they passed an emergency rule-change making it the Clubs decision instead.

Why's it a 'brass neck'? It is a treble.

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Why's it a 'brass neck'? It is a treble.

I was referring to the suggestion that it's not Rangers fault that they aren't in the Premiership ;).

It is correct to say that winning 3 trophies is A Treble in terms of simple English - but the coverage has been about whether it is to be seen as equivalent to The Treble. That's what is being meant.

Some years ago St Mirren won SFL1, the Challenge Cup, the Renfrewshire Cup and the Reserve League Cup.

Was that The Quadruple?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Diddy Revolt #2 required

These w@nkers are needing tellt!

rules for all clubs, except the one club who seriously need the rules applying to.

Quite clearly a 15 or even 25 point deduction, isn't going to derail the mission of getting an Ibrox based club into the top division. The two examples they gave as being problematic to setting the proposed automatic relegation proposal, are just laughable. Totally ridiculous decision, effectively giving green light to another Ibrox admin event with no effective punishment.

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Seriously though what's the appeal in broadcasting a game say between Partick and St Mirren? Who would honestly give a f**k.

Perhaps Celtic & The Rangers could form their own two team league......TV companies would be falling over themselves for a piece of that!

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Some years ago St Mirren won SFL1, the Challenge Cup, the Renfrewshire Cup and the Reserve League Cup.

Was that The Quadruple?

Known as the "Diddy Double" season. We practically own the Renfrewshire so don't count that. Not even a Diddy Double unless you win the second tier, imo.

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Kyle, the risk of going into admin or liquidation isn't something that goes on hold during the 90 days just because the BoD are off doing their sums. If the money runs out tomorrow, they've no choice in the matter.

The DA, do you really think that they would declare a 3 month investigation into their own internal financial practices if they envisaged this being a problem? I'd find it as funny as the next 'P&D', but delusions of admin 2 don't make it any more or less a likely prospect.

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Quite clearly a 15 or even 25 point deduction, isn't going to derail the mission of getting an Ibrox based club into the top division. The two examples they gave as being problematic to setting the proposed automatic relegation proposal, are just laughable. Totally ridiculous decision, effectively giving green light to another Ibrox admin event with no effective punishment.

Corrupt to the core, imo.

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In your dreams. The Scottish football authorities and your own chairmen have made it abundantly clear, that they want Rangers back in the top tier sooner rather than later and they have absolutely no appetite for doing or allowing anything to hinder our progress. Learn to live with it. We certainly will.

Edited by Apache Don
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Exactly. It is inevitable and all you guys can hope for is delay Neither the authorities or you're own chairmen had the balls in 2012 and I haven't seen, read or heard anything that indicates any of them have since grown a pair. Like I said, as sure as night follows day Rangers will be back at the top of Scottish football and normal service will be resumed. Inevitable.

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As for any 'second helpings' for you lot, with regard to our wee set-back, I think you'll find that the football authorities of Scotland have no appetite at all for any repeat and will not allow any such thing to happen. I know this makes you all want to explode in rage but them's the breaks.

''Scottish football needs a strong Rangers'' Stewart Regan (SFA) 14/01/2014 :P

EDIT to remove the irrelevant drivel.

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In all seriousness, there would be outrage on the scale of the "shoehorn them into SPL/ Second tier" proportions if Rangers mark 2 were allowed to go into administration and it had no impact on their league status.

As in the previous scenario, if it were to prevail it would end my interest in Scottish football.

The statements coming out of Hampden are abysmal. New league, new name, same old sh*te!

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The DA, do you really think that they would declare a 3 month investigation into their own internal financial practices if they envisaged this being a problem? I'd find it as funny as the next 'P&D', but delusions of admin 2 don't make it any more or less a likely prospect.

To be honest yes. A 90 day buffer for them to only say "we are continuing our exhaustive business review" rather than just wandering the marble steps muttering "doom, DOOM!" seems like a plausible tactic.

As I think has been established, companies/clubs etc about to have an insolvency event say everything is fine right up until it's not.

Whether admin two happens or not, they do need to do something. I think we can all agree on that. And yet so far how much money has been saved and how much new investment has been brought in? No much min, no much.

So i find the idea of admin two pleasing and desirable and just as likely as a financial rabbit being pulled out of the hat in time. Tickety fucking tock.

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In all seriousness, there would be outrage on the scale of the "shoehorn them into SPL/ Second tier" proportions if Rangers mark 2 were allowed to go into administration and it had no impact on their league status.

As in the previous scenario, if it were to prevail it would end my interest in Scottish football.

The statements coming out of Hampden are abysmal. New league, new name, same old sh*te!

So you would punish your own club? Some fan you are.

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I think the tribute act will get bailed out before the end of the season with Wonga loans and early season books but were they to call in the administrators I wonder if a legal challenge would be raised if they were still to get promotion. Obviously it looks like us going down and Dougie is saying it would be a financial disaster so would we take on the might of the every day in court RIFC experts, the mob that is meant to run the leagues for all members and their MSM lap dogs. Also sure 2nd place and the one missing out on play-offs will also have a case.

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