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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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McCulloch suggesting that McCoist should be in running for Manager of the Year award, should they win their special treble. He then goes on to say something like ''I wouldn't want to be saying anything silly but why not''.Is this guy really the best option they have to be speaking to the press?

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Why does Tedi keep popping on here if you quit this forum just go. Don't come back. If you want to come back then fine its not like anyone will think less of you. Most people think your a bellend anyway

:) and ?

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I still have a good laugh at him resigning from a public forum :lol: , he has still managed to have a higher post count on this thread than Shull when he resigned ffs :blink::lol: .

eta ?, I actually meant posted more times than Shull since the fhud resigned :lol:

Edited by hellbhoy
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Why did Shull resign? :unsure2:

:lol: I kinda thought that post would come back to bite me :lol: .

Tedi has since he resigned has still managed to post more times on the BRALT than Shull who hasn't resigned from the BRALT and Shull isn't a fud. Need to make that point that Shull ain't a fud in case readers thought that before me bum gets bitten again.

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Can anybody see fan ownership working with them? would it be one man one vote type of thing becuase if so when there comes a time when the ship may have steadied a bit and they are promoted to the spl will they accept spending what they have and getting mid table mediocrity or will the fans in charge just be voted out by the spend spend spend brigade? genuine question extended to all including rangers supporters btw

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Can anybody see fan ownership working with them? would it be one man one vote type of thing becuase if so when there comes a time when the ship may have steadied a bit and they are promoted to the spl will they accept spending what they have and getting mid table mediocrity or will the fans in charge just be voted out by the spend spend spend brigade? genuine question extended to all including rangers supporters btw

A quick and honest answer..

They missed the boat, much like Wilton.

@£6M would have got them out of D=P's grasp (I know, probably wasn't a possibility due to 'placement' 'collusion' etc etc)

Now? As I put it a few posts ago, it would take them approx £60M to buy the holding Company NOW! They have less than 3%................ie a couple of hundred grands worth-tops.

By the time it falls to affordable levels, there won't be anything worth buying. All the 'value' ie property, will have been done with the old sale/leaseback, so the Holding Co will be out their reach whilst there are any revenue streams likely, and the Club isn't on the market :)

They die.


Feckin great so it is :)

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Can anybody see fan ownership working with them? would it be one man one vote type of thing becuase if so when there comes a time when the ship may have steadied a bit and they are promoted to the spl will they accept spending what they have and getting mid table mediocrity or will the fans in charge just be voted out by the spend spend spend brigade? genuine question extended to all including rangers supporters btw

They will probably be bribed eventually with a directors box and a sniff in the cash trough and some succulent lamb for their support in keeping the spivs in control IMO, well when the burn it bus bros pay them a visit anyhoo they will have too. :whistle

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I've asked this before but sometimes posts get lost in the he said, she said shite that periodically derails this thread. What is the actual split with the Rangers supporters groups? Is it ego based, are there actual reasons or is it just Judean People's Front vs People Front of Judea stuff. Not taking the piss, I really don't get it.

Edited by somecallmetim
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I've asked this before but sometimes posts get lost in the he said, she said shite that periodically derails this thread. What is the actual split with the Rangers supporters groups? Is it ego based, are there actual reasons or is it just Judean People's Front vs People Front of Judea stuff. Not taking the piss, I really don't get it.

Pretty much the Judean thang.

''I'm an Orangeman Loyalist and you are nothing but a dirty Loyalist Orangeman'' covers it.........

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Thats a point you have there. altho they will have to die completely with no chance o fa reasurection (sp) otherwise theyl just change the rules for them again.

i wish more people could see it being a good thing. celtic may be winning the league at walking pace now but they wont last long as they only have to miss out on the champions league group stages to be seriously starved of revenue. there crowds are falling to the levels of around 20 years ago and they wont attract the players they want.

On the other hand teams like aberdeen and dundee utd are beggining to gather some momentum now. with rangers gone permanantly, given enough time one of these teams will put a real chalange in, may be wishfull thinking but i hope to see a real competative league in our lifetime

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Thats a point you have there. altho they will have to die completely with no chance o fa reasurection (sp) otherwise theyl just change the rules for them again.

i wish more people could see it being a good thing. celtic may be winning the league at walking pace now but they wont last long as they only have to miss out on the champions league group stages to be seriously starved of revenue. there crowds are falling to the levels of around 20 years ago and they wont attract the players they want.

On the other hand teams like aberdeen and dundee utd are beggining to gather some momentum now. with rangers gone permanantly, given enough time one of these teams will put a real chalange in, may be wishfull thinking but i hope to see a real competative league in our lifetime

I remember the 80's ^_^ , we had four different league winners back then and can probably be seen as the most competitive the top tier we have ever had during that period before SKY went and fucked things up wanting the OF circus.

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Thats a point you have there. altho they will have to die completely with no chance o fa reasurection (sp) otherwise theyl just change the rules for them again.

i wish more people could see it being a good thing. celtic may be winning the league at walking pace now but they wont last long as they only have to miss out on the champions league group stages to be seriously starved of revenue. there crowds are falling to the levels of around 20 years ago and they wont attract the players they want.

On the other hand teams like aberdeen and dundee utd are beggining to gather some momentum now. with rangers gone permanantly, given enough time one of these teams will put a real chalange in, may be wishfull thinking but i hope to see a real competative league in our lifetime

As a Celtic supporter, I think you will only need to live another 5 years to see a truely competitive League, and one without Sevco.

Celtic have been downsizing for years, which is prudent. A move to another league ain't gonna happen so..........to keep up crowds there will be standing areas agin imo, hence why they are sounding it out. Prices down etc etc....

Heard a terrible thing on the World Footie phone in which shows how much we are getting ripped as clubs....

South Africa has the 9th most lucrative tv deal as a League............Scandalous for the Scottish clubs with a far better fare..

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I remember the 80's ^_^ , we had four different league winners back then and can probably be seen as the most competitive the top tier we have ever had during that period before SKY went and fucked things up wanting the OF circus.

Wasn't SKY that fecked Scotland, it was the E@lish ban, allowing Marlborough to bankroll the buns..............

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Wasn't SKY that fecked Scotland, it was the E@lish ban, allowing Marlborough to bankroll the buns..............

Fair point but BSB had already been paying more cash to show Scottish games back in 1990 until the EPL broke away a year later from the English FA with the EPL and that's where the OF circus begun IMO.

The deal was struck so that all OF games were shown live and exclusively seeing as the top tier in Scottish football was still competitive just about at that point in Europe. The influx of English players would wane not long after the European ban was lifted for English clubs and SKY was paying out just as much per club between the two leagues and SKY don't pay their fair share any more. The cash percentage between the EPL and the SPL has been growing year in year out and the English now rob our league of it's best talent for a pittance and we can't compete on a level playing field any more.

SKY has definitely fucked us over since the greedy bassas in the SPL signed that fucking Setanta deal and it then meant SKY could pay peanuts for our games and still doesn't even come close to what we used to get.

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The Bosman ruling hasn't helped smaller Clubs or even big Clubs in smaller leagues....

Prior to the Bosman though, Clubs could tell Sky to feck themselves.

After it they were that financially bummed they had to accept.

Most of my 20's were spent in a pub on a Wed night or whatever watching teletext on the pubs telly, as the one Scottish game. say East Stirling v Inverurie Loco's thrice postponed Scottish Cup tie would stop Murdoch from showing Man U v Arsenal anywhere in the UK.

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Fair point but BSB had already been paying more cash to show Scottish games back in 1990 until the EPL broke away a year later from the English FA with the EPL and that's where the OF circus begun IMO.

The deal was struck so that all OF games were shown live and exclusively seeing as the top tier in Scottish football was still competitive just about at that point in Europe. The influx of English players would wane not long after the European ban was lifted for English clubs and SKY was paying out just as much per club between the two leagues and SKY don't pay their fair share any more. The cash percentage between the EPL and the SPL has been growing year in year out and the English now rob our league of it's best talent for a pittance and we can't compete on a level playing field any more.

SKY has definitely fucked us over since the greedy bassas in the SPL signed that fucking Setanta deal and it then meant SKY could pay peanuts for our games and still doesn't even come close to what we used to get.

Sky took over BSB, and that ended it as far as competition went. I remember BSB had the 'tic v Clyde?? game that marked Martin Hayes debut :D :D :D

But the EPL deal only had pace when the ban was lifted .......................

eta.....the OF dealbreaker was terrible for the game...........should not have been part of it, but the buns were not even 'dominating', it was far far far worse than that, and with Murray, they corrupted the Governing bodies even more than they had done previously.

Edited by phasma ex machina
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