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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't buy this "people don't want to watch *insert unfashionable team* v *unfashionable team* pish.......if that was the case we'd all only watch Real v Barca or Bayern v Dortmund or City v Chelsea......people want to watch COMPETITIVE football.

If the big Clubs go down the route of some sort of Euro Super League......hell mend them.....football is historically build on local rivalries. The games is rapidly approaching a major crossroads.......and they could just end up alienating the fans.

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Sky took over BSB, and that ended it as far as competition went. I remember BSB had the 'tic v Clyde?? game that marked Martin Hayes debut :D :D :D

But the EPL deal only had pace when the ban was lifted .......................

eta.....the OF dealbreaker was terrible for the game...........should not have been part of it, but the buns were not even 'dominating', it was far far far worse than that, and with Murray, they corrupted the Governing bodies even more than they had done previously.

After all the buns triumphalism about cutting up the SKY money to favour the OF years ago meaning the rest get less to them bitching about the pitiful amount they get now in the lower leagues is just glorious :lol: . The blue pound ffs :blink:

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I don't buy this "people don't want to watch *insert unfashionable team* v *unfashionable team* pish.......if that was the case we'd all only watch Real v Barca or Bayern v Dortmund or City v Chelsea......people want to watch COMPETITIVE football.

If the big Clubs go down the route of some sort of Euro Super League......hell mend them.....football is historically build on local rivalries. The games is rapidly approaching a major crossroads.......and they could just end up alienating the fans.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I would rather watch a say, Morton v Dundee game than a Barca v Madrid one just now.

The ''mystique'' of Europe has been lost a huge amount with Sky, and it isn't 'relevant'.

Dortmund v Bayern I would still stream though................and the EPL has no interest for me bar punting.

Last year Man U won the title :D :D :D, and they were the worst Man U side post Cantona...........now it it a wee bit better, but still. A player who is any good won't go to the EPL for owt bar the cash. The League is still dross.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I would rather watch a say, Morton v Dundee game than a Barca v Madrid one just now.

The ''mystique'' of Europe has been lost a huge amount with Sky, and it isn't 'relevant'.

Dortmund v Bayern I would still stream though................and the EPL has no interest for me bar punting.

Last year Man U won the title :D :D :D, and they were the worst Man U side post Cantona...........now it it a wee bit better, but still. A player who is any good won't go to the EPL for owt bar the cash. The League is still dross.

I still watch a Forfar league cup game I downloaded from earlier in the season for the lolz I get from it. :bag:lol:

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re my bit on South Africas tv deal earlier.............. a quick google and I can't find confirmation, although, in 2008 they were £16M a season which would be renegotiated last year. That was the 7th richest, so I can easily believe they are still up there.

We are not.

Their footie is cack, ours less so.....................

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since some of you have gave youre old age away :lol: i have a question. during the 80s when aberdeen and dundee utd won tittles and hearts ran close a couple times what was the medias take on it all? was there still the heavy glasgow bias you see now or did they actualy just talk about football?

From a diddy fans point of view its fairly off putting, youre just the team who is playing celgers that week. nothing about what the result means for youre own club matters its all about how celgers will set up against you and what a possible defeat or draw would mean for them.

the idea that the 2 horse race with the of finishiing some 30 points above 3rd place was absolute bollocks and ive no idea who it even got off the ground.

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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Non of this is new fellas.

The fucktards 'running' the game in this country have proven time and time again that they see nothing beyond the Bigot-fest. The inconvenient fact that one of them completely imploded in it's own greed is of no concern to them other than concocting ways to put Humpty Numpty back on the wall.

The majority of us outside this bubble saw how the SFA did as much as they could to soften the blow and we all laughed endlessley at the blue cretins who perceived that they were being "kicked when they were down".

Doncaster and Reagan, are plainly doing everything feaseable to perpetuate something the majority of genuine Scottish football fans want to see the back of. They do this because they have no vision, no desire and no ability to reposition Scottish Football outwith the wholly undesireable stereo-type that is the Bigot derbies.

What I, and hopefully others throughout the Scottish game, will take from this is that neither SevCo or Celtic will not have any respect or admiration from outwith their own fanbase precisely because of their 'Protected Species' status afforded them by the likes of Doncaster and Reagan.

They can lie and bleat all they like about 'protecting the Scottish Game and it's revenues'....and the slavering MSM will help them tow that line of course... but WE KNOW now,the unequivocal truth that they, NOT SCOTLAND, needs a "strong celtic and SevCo"

They are, frankly, guilty of the worst type of match fixing possible.

Little wonder then, that if that's their way of running the game, that it sends 'signals' to match officials who make some of their more bizarre decisions in favour of this septic continuence.

NOTHING SevCo win, NOTHING Celtic win.....has ANY credibility to it now. Not one shred.


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since some of you have gave youre old age away :lol: i have a question. during the 80s when aberdeen and dundee utd won tittles and hearts ran close a couple times what was the medias take on it all? was there still the heavy glasgow bias you see now or did they actualy just talk about football?

From a diddy fans point of view its fairly off putting, youre just the team who is playing celgers that week. nothing about what the result means for youre own club matters its all about how celgers will set up against you and what a possible defeat or draw would mean for them.

the idea that the 2 horse race with the of finishiing some 30 points above 3rd place was absolute bollocks and ive no idea who it even got off the ground.

From memory it was still biased.

Till I was 14ish I lived in the West so the Retard was the publication, then I got switched to Embro, and it was pretty much the same @81.........

However, it was a dross school in Edinburgh, ie all the mental expelled folk were sent there, plus it was in Leith, yet, I went to a Jambo v Bun Semi at Swinecastle maybe in 84??? with seven or eight others from my class......

Me and another 'tic, two buns, four Jambos, a few hibbees, two Aberdeen fans and a Dundee U one two. Feck, quick addition and that is 10 plus,,,.eek.

I doubt you would get that distribution in a school these days.....though I think it may return quite soon.

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since some of you have gave youre old age away :lol: i have a question. during the 80s when aberdeen and dundee utd won tittles and hearts ran close a couple times what was the medias take on it all? was there still the heavy glasgow bias you see now or did they actualy just talk about football?

From a diddy fans point of view its fairly off putting, youre just the team who is playing celgers that week. nothing about what the result means for youre own club matters its all about how celgers will set up against you and what a possible defeat or draw would mean for them.

the idea that the 2 horse race with the of finishiing some 30 points above 3rd place was absolute bollocks and ive no idea who it even got off the ground.

Hey watch it young in :lol: , if I remember correctly the media wasn't even close to being as biased as it is today from a good few mitigating factors !, Aberdeen and Dundee Utd were scaring the shit out of Europe's now elite clubs regularly. Aberdeen for a good few years under Ferguson just about nabbed all the headlines and the OF got smaller columns unless it was a local rag like the Glasgow evening times. Most of the emphasis was on who was doing well at the time and not the OF pish we get today.

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fair enough i guess, you also probably wouldnt get as many people nowadays going along to take in a game between 2 teams they neither supported nor despised.

I guess its the old firm pissing contest thats got us in this mess, for instance inverness winning the league ( just for arguments sake becuase both the OF have issues with aberdeen dundee utd and hearts) wouldnt bother either half of the old firm as much becuase theyre not rivals.

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fair enough i guess, you also probably wouldnt get as many people nowadays going along to take in a game between 2 teams they neither supported nor despised.

I guess its the old firm pissing contest thats got us in this mess, for instance inverness winning the league ( just for arguments sake becuase both the OF have issues with aberdeen dundee utd and hearts) wouldnt bother either half of the old firm as much becuase theyre not rivals.

I have no issues with whoever else other than the newest club in Scotland who wins it as long as it happens before them cnuts from Ibrox get anywhere near winning it for their first time.

Aberdeen just because they look like it may happen for them under McInnes if they should get a good few European runs in the Europa League and finish second every year and keep their best players could theoretically be the next contenders for the title with the size of their potential fanbase.

Dundee Utd for their youth set up and managing to produce very talented players and under MacNamara in a few good years with their debt management under control could be a dark horse for the title one day.

Of course it all depends on my club getting pumped out of Europe for a couple of years at the first hurdle for this to be a tangible dream. :bairn I'd much rather the chasing clubs actually got better and pushed themselves to the title rather than my club having to suffer first for the sake of the game being a far better product to sell to SKY to get them bassas to stump up what we are due from them. :)

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Hey watch it young in :lol: , if I remember correctly the media wasn't even close to being as biased as it is today from a good few mitigating factors !, Aberdeen and Dundee Utd were scaring the shit out of Europe's now elite clubs regularly. Aberdeen for a good few years under Ferguson just about nabbed all the headlines and the OF got smaller columns unless it was a local rag like the Glasgow evening times. Most of the emphasis was on who was doing well at the time and not the OF pish we get today.

Not strictly true......It's well documented that Fergie used to keep anote of the "hacks" that couldn't be bothered attending Pittodrie press conferences back in those days.......and he didn't shy aeay from telling them so! ;)

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Green dotted this, now i'll sit back and watch the QC go into another dot induced rage....

AW FFS Bennett can't you make your non posting rep giving fud aliases even more obvious ? :blink: . The latest Bennett alias to haunt P&B ? ( Disco Pants ) :lol: .

Reported :)

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What has he said now?

probably still on about the 'special treble' and McCoist's prospects of being Manager of the Year :lol:

I would imagine at the press interview McCulloch just grunts for a while and the succulent lamb journos type up their routine watp puff piece to sell papers to the bearz

edit - typo

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Been without the net for over a day .. so may have been posted already ..

Lee McCulloch insists winning Scottish Cup in May will be as big a feat for Rangers as reaching the 2008 UEFA Cup Final

I love how they already have it won.

Equally they clearly don't think Raith will be able to do anything against them in the league cup final. Their constant treble talk is testament to that.

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I love how they already have it won.

Equally they clearly don't think Raith will be able to do anything against them in the league cup final. Their constant treble talk is testament to that.

They would be correct on that score.

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