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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So once again nothing from official bodies that would implement as such. :)

The trouble here Youngsy, is that we know already how official bodies view it and why. So repeatedly asking for official word which is contrary to this is a bit silly.

Of more direct relevance to our discussion is why you've apparently changed your mind, in much the same way as Jim Traynor did. I'm not even goading you here, but you must recognise that at one point you viewed liquidation as hugely significant and that you considered the club to effectively be the company.

Now though, you apparently see things differently.

I feel no need to state that Rangers are dead, or that the current outfit bears no relation to what preceded it. I even recognise a version of continuity.

You must see however that from our standpoint, it just looks like opportunism on your part. You seemed to regard liquidation as representing some desperate sort of endgame, until it actually happened. Human nature perhaps, but inconsistent and wide open to attack.

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Poor Youngsy is clinging to a tattered licence that was used by the SFA to bribe the 'new boys' into behaving and paying back a fraction of the money the old club stole .. They weren't even granted full rights under their 'new' membership. The 'same membership' that was 'conditional' to begin with. That seamless 'tranference' .... Oh btw, Youngsy had the correct term for this transfer as in 'the act of moving something from one place to another, psychology' .. Deep down he knows.

Brainwashing of the bears complete .. Charles Green then gets cracking on the "big hoose' hunting in France ... :thumsup2 :thumsup2

Think you may be confusing the SFL and SFA membership here DB. IIRC the "conditional" membership issued to Sevco Scotland before the Brechin game was a conditional full membership. I think it was the SFL which they were associate members of due to their new club status.

O what a tangled web we weave. . .

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Fooking hell Youngsy has the PM gang in full meltdown mode.......................................again.

Splendid :-)

Don't be so silly Bennett.

Inconsistencies in what he's said are being discussed. To you that equates to wholesale meltdowns.

It's touching I suppose that you're leaping to Youngsy' s defence. Try to do it less artlessly though.

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Don't be so silly Bennett.

Inconsistencies in what he's said are being discussed. To you that equates to wholesale meltdowns.

It's touching I suppose that you're leaping to Youngsy' s defence. Try to do it less artlessly though.

Ach, it's what he does. Too brainless and bitter to even realise what a twat he makes himself appear, forever leaping to defend the indefensible because of that wee "my team:" label. Wagon-circling at its best.

Oh, and bennett? See what Dave j. did, where he went back and pulled up youngsy's historical posts to prove what he was alleging? You could try that to add some veracity to the shite you post about myself and others.

Oh, no, I forgot - you can't, can you? :lol::lol::lol:

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Rangers went into liquidation on 14th February 2012.

Some people need to believe that didn't happen, that through some mumbo-jumbo or juju majick, the team somehow slipped through a lapse in the space-time continuum and survived while everything else went belly-up.

That is their right and I will defend to my dying day their right to hold that belief.

in stories only marginally less credible than that perpetuated by Rangers apologists.

However, only those with a vested interest in seeing Rangers back hold that belief, the rest of us know the truth.

Youngsy apparently, like some erstwhile doubting Thomas, refuses to believe what actually happened until he sees it in some official documentation.

For the sake of his sanity I hope he never sees that particular piece of paper.

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Rangers went into liquidation on 14th February 2012.

Some people need to believe that didn't happen, that through some mumbo-jumbo or juju majick, the team somehow slipped through a lapse in the space-time continuum and survived while everything else went belly-up.

That is their right and I will defend to my dying day their right to hold that belief.

in stories only marginally less credible than that perpetuated by Rangers apologists.

However, only those with a vested interest in seeing Rangers back hold that belief, the rest of us know the truth.

Youngsy apparently, like some erstwhile doubting Thomas, refuses to believe what actually happened until he sees it in some official documentation.

For the sake of his sanity I hope he never sees that particular piece of paper.

Just before you get leapt on by the sleuth, they went into administration in Feb 2012. Liquidation was later that year, after much hilarity, and is still ongoing (liquidation and hilarity) for rangers football club plc., which youngsy says is the club.

As you say, people have an inalienable right to believe what they want - Jehovah, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster, rangers. Their belief doesn't make these things so, unfortunately: the most it can give them is something to cling to to make this vale of tears more bearable.

He, he. "bearable"! :lol:

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I don't get how this continuity thing seems to be the be all and end all for some Rangers fans. I really enjoy football. If I made a list of my priorities though, Celtic wouldn't even be on it. They're not even my main priority as a hobby ffs. Maybe it's me, I dunno. If Celtic went tits up and were liquidated it wouldn't really affect my life in any way. They don't pay my bills or look after my family. I certainly wouldn't try to convince myself or others it never happened. The whole club and company being seperate thing is actually quite pitiful.

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I don't get how this continuity thing seems to be the be all and end all for some Rangers fans. I really enjoy football. If I made a list of my priorities though, Celtic wouldn't even be on it. They're not even my main priority as a hobby ffs. Maybe it's me, I dunno. If Celtic went tits up and were liquidated it wouldn't really affect my life in any way. They don't pay my bills or look after my family. I certainly wouldn't try to convince myself or others it never happened. The whole club and company being seperate thing is actually quite pitiful.

And folk who fixate on a club other than their own (which they claim is dead and gone)?

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Fooking hell Youngsy has the PM gang in full meltdown mode.......................................again.

Splendid :-)

Bennett,it’s a thoroughly entertaining phenomenon to watch the diddies in such a lather. They say (except Monkey who recognises some continuity) we’re a new club yet behave like we’ve been established for nearly a century and a half. That, as I’ve said ad nauseum, more is posted about Rangers than any other team in Scotland is living testament to the fact that the P&B diddies only pay lip service to the tawdry, “Yer club’s deid” statement but, in their actions, prove just the opposite.

It is a simple, incontrovertible truth: The good posters of our beloved forum do not act like “Rangers deid” whatever they (Monkey excepted) say.

Oh and anyone who responds with something like, “We only post so much about The Tribute Act because it’s funny to watch Sevconians squirm” or somesuch is a fanny.

Rangers went into liquidation on 14th February 2012.

31st October 2012. Edited by The_Kincardine
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Bennett,its a thoroughly entertaining phenomenon to watch the diddies in such a lather. They say were a new club yet behave like weve been established for nearly a century and a half. That, as Ive said ad nauseum, more is posted about Rangers than any other team in Scotland is living testament to the fact that the P&B diddies only pay lip service to the tawdry, Yer clubs deid statement but, in their actions, prove just the opposite.

It is a simple, incontrovertible truth: The good posters of our beloved forum do not act like Rangers deid whatever they say.

Oh and anyone who responds with something like, We only post so much about The Tribute Act because its funny to watch Sevconians squirm or somesuch is a fanny.

31st October 2012.

Rangers are deid and bennett's a fanny. ;)

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Bennett,it’s a thoroughly entertaining phenomenon to watch the diddies in such a lather. They say we’re a new club yet behave like we’ve been established for nearly a century and a half. That, as I’ve said ad nauseum, more is posted about Rangers than any other team in Scotland is living testament to the fact that the P&B diddies only pay lip service to the tawdry, “Yer club’s deid” statement but, in their actions, prove just the opposite.

It is a simple, incontrovertible truth: The good posters of our beloved forum do not act like “Rangers deid” whatever they say.

Oh and anyone who responds with something like, “We only post so much about The Tribute Act because it’s funny to watch Sevconians squirm” or somesuch is a fanny.

31st October 2012.

And yet, this particular D made a point of saying that he had no particular interest in claiming 'you're deid'.

Don't let such details get in the way of a lazy generalisation though Kincardine.

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And yet, this particular D made a point of saying that he had no particular interest in claiming 'you're deid'.

Don't let such details get in the way of a lazy generalisation though Kincardine.

Never say I'm not a fair-minded bloke. I've modified my post in the light of your plea. Edited by The_Kincardine
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