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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think we've already got an answer to that one.

Aye there's the rub.

I now doubt if there will be another insolvency event. I doubt it because I don't see a big enough reduction in season ticket sales, regardless of what transpires between now and the inevitable rolling out of Sir Cardigan in May. Why? Currants will speak of loyalty, commitment, "the greatest fans in the world" to quote at a comedian not loved by Aberdeen fans. The rest of us including ra sellik will point and laugh and claim it is stupidity, chuckle themselves sick at luxury castles, Allys own personal ferry terminal and paying literally pop-star wages to haddies, mercenaries and journeymen. But this is not the case. Many follow followers are dense this is true of all clubs, of society even. Perhaps they have a greater concentration of eejits but not so much greater that it can be the sole cause of the renewal.

The reality is that there are plenty of smart bears, I know a couple, the issue is they don't care. They couldn't give two fucks how it's done, what the club/company do to achieve the constant success that they crave. Whether it is spivs, crooks and shysters coming in and pumping all the money into their own pockets, robbing the public purse, ignoring the rules of the game, lying, denying and obfuscating when held to account or bringing in the money from a man who is not only a convicted criminal but a man convicted of the very same offences that killed off the last club, and was a director at the time. One f**k they could not give. If the war chests comes from the most dubious of sources, if the club are caught red-handed cheating (again), if they rack up debt, lie cheat and steal their way to glory, as long as they get to lord over folk, no matter how tainted the victory, then they are happy.

And this will never change. They'll renew, they'll make it through the summer, there'll be a new share issue, there will be another ludicrous set of transfers and the true test of the loyalty will be next season. Almost no matter what they spend it will be an achievement to get promoted next year. I mean to confer no praise you understand, it is just that there are proper, professional teams playing there with players that have been playing together for some time and aren't entirely motivated by crippling gambling issues, an insatiable preoccupation with coke and/or hookers and plain common or garden greed. Oh and sally might still be in charge.

Lets see how many renew when (please god) they are faced with the prospect of a second season in the Championship.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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I'm sure 'Rangers' will survive and will be in the top flight soon enough but I still can't get my head around all this ...

Does anyone know how much money has passed through the books of newco since they were shoehorned into the Third ? It must be tens-upon-tens of millions !? All they had to do with this money was maintain their facilities and put a team together that was good enough to win back-to-back part-time divisions ?

How the f'ck they're not sitting on a massive pile of money just now is beyond me - they could have achieved exactly what they've achieved by paying just slightly more than the utter diddies of the bottom two leagues in Scotland yet they are bickering about withholding ST cash and applying for pay-day loans to keep themselves going.

it's all a bit mind numbing !!

And Sally is talking about needing to invest to win the Championship !! And the press are saying that only 'Rangers' can afford Kris Boyd !! Does that mean the rest of us are losing more than 3.5m !!??

Like I said though - I'm sure they'll survive !

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In a few weeks time at the Semi cup final ;)

^ ^ ^

The dopey git returns :lol: , are you ready to outwit yourself on a regular basis by posting shit backed up with a backfiring link :1eye .

Can't wait to see you resign again you fucknugget ^_^

Did I mention you are thick ?, I'll just post it again :) , I know piles of sick that have more intelligence than you :) .

FANNY :lol:

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Shite results.

Operating costs have actually risen, despite a significant drop in playing wages.

No detail at all on the Sports direct deal.

Cash has reduced by £18M.

Still losing around half a million per month.

in the past 12 months they have spent £4M on assets that are not yet generating incremental revenue.

Delivered with a thinly veiled threat, buy ST`s bears or you are fucked, but do not ask any questions or the Easdales will sue you.


Should I bookmark this as the first of your many fucked up accounting by fingers on the back of a fag packet figures ?.

Tedi you just know that the creative accounting department at the club have excluded the worst from the interim accounts don't you :)

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^ ^ ^

The dopey git returns :lol: , are you ready to outwit yourself on a regular basis by posting shit backed up with a backfiring link :1eye .

Can't wait to see you resign again you fucknugget ^_^

Did I mention you are thick ?, I'll just post it again :) , I know piles of sick that have more intelligence than you :) .

FANNY :lol:

I don't know if I can handle this new restrained and diplomatic version of Hellbhoy. Tell it like it is son. :lol:

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Onion of Fannies :thumsup2

"“We note today’s interim results which show a drop in revenue excluding the Sports Direct deal, a failure to address operating costs during the period to December 2013 and doubts over the cash position of the club going forward.

The most important issue, and one which highlights the obvious need for substantial investment, surrounds the cash position of the club both at this present moment and at the AGM last December. The CEO, Graham Wallace, stated at the AGM that there was “sufficient cash in the business to fund the ongoing needs of the club in the near term”. It appears from both these interim results and the recent loan of £1.5m from shareholders that this statement at the AGM may have been somewhat misleading. It is unclear exactly how it could have been stated by the board at that time, with any confidence, that there was sufficient cash even for the short term and we would like Mr Wallace and Mr Somers to explain this as a matter of urgency.

We would also like to address Mr Somers comments on the consequences of the possible withholding of season ticket money. We are certain that not a single one of the 6500 fans, and counting, who have so far shown interest in the idea of a season ticket trust, have any wish to withhold any money from the club. However, it would be foolhardy for fans to once again commit their money without any kind of transparency or security. The fans have shown outstanding loyalty and commitment in the past two years, both via the IPO and two sets of unprecedented season ticket sales, but we have seen that loyalty thrown back in our faces as money has been squandered.

Mr Somers acknowledges how vital season ticket cash is and the need for the board to build trust with the fans. What better way to do that than to give security over vital club assets - Ibrox and Auchenhowie - to the fans in return for that much needed income? The board have publicly stated that they have no plans to use these assets for any other security, or a sale and leaseback, and so there is no impediment to them agreeing to the terms of release.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no plan to drip feed season ticket money on a game by game basis. The proposal is simply that season ticket money is paid in a lump sum, prior to the start of the season, in return for security over club assets. This will allow fans to be safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens the club’s assets will be in good hands.

We also note Mr Somers statement about fan engagement but, since announcing the trust, we have had no contact from the board.

Given the obvious and urgent need for investment, we would once again urge the board to accept Dave King’s offer of £30m so that both the fans and the club can move forward in harmony.”

So they care about the assets more than the "club"

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Away for 16 days and his first 3 posts have nothing to do with the BRALT instead he opts for personal attacks on me and another poster, is it any wonder why no Rangers fans engage in sensible discussions on the BRALT?

:) , did you expect anything less you plonker ?, as for sensible ? Tedi ? :lol:

So why the return numbnut ?, any excuse was it to partake in some mudslinging towards anyone who is not of the blue persuasion and the King is returning and you can envision ra mighty Gers bulldozing all opposition into a pulp ?.

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Over the next few days after nitpicking the Rankers interim accounts we'll find out how bad it is at Mordhor :) , I'm surprised they didn't post a profit after last years full accounts showing that they did even though the club itself posted losses into 8 figures. :blink::lol:

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