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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've watched Rangers under Scot Symon, right through until the present, seen some great and not so good teams. This current situation is soul destroying, as a club we are the laughing stock of Scottish football, from the boardroom down to the team. I don't get home as much as i used to, to watch Rangers, probably a good thing though. The way things are i can't see the club at the top of the Scottish game for many years to come. We had a great opportunity to instill a playing ethos in the club two years ago, with the right managerial team that is, that chance has gone. A great chance to try and change the mindset of the support, instead of playing to the gallery as Green did and with McCoist as manager, as long as he is then the club won't progress.

You never know your luck, way things are heading you might get another crack at starting afresh :-p

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You never know your luck, way things are heading you might get another crack at starting afresh :-p

When have rangers ever been about entertaining?

For as long as I can remember rangers have only ever been about winning at all costs, have their fans ever demanded a manager be sacked or change their style of play because they are dreadful on the eye? No, because it's all about winning, for them, nothing else matters.

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Your asking a bit much there. The man's soft in the head. What does he want you to do? Have a face off with PMG where you beat the details of your respective anonymous sources out of each other? Rational thinking and hindsight are most likely beyond him.

He couldn't make his mind up, one minute I was to confront the blogger, next I was to confront the poster who put up the link.

It's a pity he hasn't got the guts to apologise for disclosing content from a private conversation without my consent.

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When have rangers ever been about entertaining?

Oh, I'd say they have been the most entertaining club in Scotland the last couple of seasons.

The old club gave me a fair bit of merriment towards the end there as well.

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All of these posts came from Youngsy today before I agreed to enter into conversation regarding a private message conversation between us... And the guy has the bare faced cheek to question my credibility? Then continues to ignore my posts calling out his actions...

In my first PM to him in our conversation (whilst discussing a separate issue) I actually stated "Hence I won't be posting that."

Simply because you had previously stated wages certain players were on at the club, not me. McCulloch for example, we read that he's going to get a rise from £15,000 to £17,500, quite a leap from the amount that you informed myself he was on at the club. There's your discussion right there, doesn't have to be with a Rangers fan, another poster quoted McGillivan about McCulloch and his wages, very much out of proportion to what you stated regarding the same player from your source inside the club.

We've done that but if you want to deflect from what i posted to Dave, you carry on, not a problem to me. However it may well be prudent to ask Dave why he isn't taking Denboy to task as regards McCulloch and his salary given that the sum that was put across by Denboy is completely at odds to the information he was given by a "source within the club''.

Do what you like, i'm asking a poster on here, Dave j as to why he isn't responding to your post quoting McGillivan re; McCulloch going up to £17,500 a week and the massive difference that his source quoted. It is not having a go but there is a gulf in the figures put forward by both parties so let's see the response. As for "my hero's", grow up son, or maybe you shouldn't put so much faith in a proven liar and bigot like McGillivan.

No you're correct it's not beyond the realm of possibility that people have friends that work for Rangers or any other club but when these people put out information given to them by the employee is completely at odds to that given by another party then maybe a response is approppiate, especially when the figure from both parties is at very much different levels to each other.

So in that case there is a challenge to McGillivan on his opinion or source as to McCulloch and his salary. Also for what it's worth, having had the info from Dave i would rather believe his level of salary that McCulloch is on than that of McGillivan, but there is an argument to put things straight.

Edited by dave.j
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I've watched Rangers under Scot Symon, right through until the present, seen some great and not so good teams. This current situation is soul destroying, as a club we are the laughing stock of Scottish football, from the boardroom down to the team. I don't get home as much as i used to, to watch Rangers, probably a good thing though. The way things are i can't see the club at the top of the Scottish game for many years to come. We had a great opportunity to instill a playing ethos in the club two years ago, with the right managerial team that is, that chance has gone. A great chance to try and change the mindset of the support, instead of playing to the gallery as Green did and with McCoist as manager, as long as he is then the club won't progress.

At last.

A bear who now agrees with the posters from other teams, instead of just deflecting from their true position.

I know a lot of cr*p gets posted on here, but, that is the rangers predicament in a nutshell.

I don't give a sh*t about continuation/history, that's all good for winding the bears up.

You had a chance to get things right and totally f*cked it up.

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Posts on Pie & Bovril really don't count.

We're still waiting on evidence of anyone who takes you seriously. You're fellow plastics don't count either.

Fúck me, Bendy gets it right for a change - posts on an anonymous Internet forum really don't count.

"We're still waiting" - who exactly the blue fúck are "we"? Who, exactly, do you presume to speak on behalf of? And "evidence"? Would you like to see my appointments diary for the last couple of years, to match up with a load of posts that "really don't count"? How about my home address, bank details, that kind of thing? :rolleyes:

You really are the thickest and most twisted of the lot on here, and that's probably the biggest achievement of your life. Still playing the "No' wan ae us..." card as well, bless your little shrivelled heart. Maybe I could interest you in this Deluxe rangers Sound System? ;)

Oh, and *Your. HTH. And "waiting for". GABFOCOBEIE.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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what you talking about , the topic of conversation is clearly rod stewart, cat stevens and shaking stevens.....

That could morph into steven stewart shaking a rod at a cat...

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Only if you want, Henrik. Not arsed either way, tbh quite bored with it all, although i have to say i'm always right, unlike yourself, you're never right. :P

Didn't realise my wife posted on P&B, I will have to be a bit more circumspect...

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"We're still waiting" - who exactly the blue fúck are "we"?

All those laughing at you. That very much includes me.

BTW - see that wanky way you include letters with symbols so you can get round the filters? Makes you come across as a bigger WKR than ever before.


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Only 22%? Surely if The New Club can't sell at least 50% of last seasons season tickets then administration is even more inevitable?

It was inevitable in February - Dhense told us after his hero Mac Goebbels gave him a very personal nod on the matter.

28 million shares :lol:

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Dave King has gone all quiet on his daft season ticket fund thingy.

Fans will renew when push comes to shove.

Personally I know of 4 fans of the new club that certainly won't be renewing if either of the current BOD or Ally is still there.

They are pretty staunch new club fans and I know it's a small sample, but if they are anything to go by I think there could be big financial problems at Ibrox in a few months.

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Interesting poll on ST renewal, 22% will renew as things stand with around 1000 votes, perhaps support for DK is waning then.

Bad news for Dave King on those figures, if only 22% of season ticket holders are willing to renew, thats what? 7000 season ticket holders?

of those 7000 how many would give their money to King, how many straight to the Club?

Doesn't give King much power at all... Suppose it saves him going through the embarrassment of failing a "fit n proper" test.

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