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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Unbelievable statement to make the evening before their biggest match since liquidation.

Once again, a terrible position for Rangers fans to be in. Do they continue on with the gangsters and spivs, or side with the convicted fraudster who might not even pass a fit and proper person test.

Good to see another Rangers legend get in on the action too. Richard Gough obviously viaing for a place on Dave King's board when he does eventually gain control at Ibrox.




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Sevco responds...

The Board of Rangers Football Club notes with astonishment the statement issued this afternoon by Dave King.

In his statement Mr King makes a number of untrue allegations against the Chairman and the Board of Rangers Football Club alleging bad faith and false representation. The Chairman and the Board refute all such allegations in the strongest terms and have referred Mr King’s statement to the Club’s legal advisors.

Mr King clearly has elected to ignore the Board’s previous public statement following the Board’s meeting with him. In this statement, which was reviewed with him prior to issue, the Board stated that it will issue the results of the business review prior to the season ticket renewal window ending. This position remains unchanged and Mr King is well aware of this having sought personal confirmation on this matter from the Chairman as recently as yesterday. The business review period has not yet even ended, as Mr King is well aware, however he has elected to make yet another public statement to serve his own purposes.

When the Board met Mr King a few weeks ago, he made it clear that he did not want to put another penny into the Club and would prefer to see the Club using other investors’ money. The Board was therefore surprised, but gave him the benefit of the doubt when, a few days later, Mr King made media comments about a willingness to invest his money into the Club. This is an easy statement to make to the media but is contrary to what he told the whole Board.

It is extremely disappointing that Mr King should consider it appropriate to issue this latest statement, clearly designed to unsettle and mislead Rangers fans, on the eve of an important Scottish Cup semi-final match. For someone who claims to have the interests of Rangers at heart and as an ex-director, King’s untrue comments are nothing short of disgraceful.


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Sevco responds...


This is all getting pretty fascinating now.

The board clearly consists largely of dishonest chancers.

King however is a glib and shameless liar who may have mental health issues.

Rock and hard place indeed. The timing of it all really shows that lots of these Rangers men don't give a toss about the club.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Who to believe who to believe.. A Glib and Shameless liar and convicted tax cheat or A bunch of bus burning scumbag gangsters.....Tough one :lol: :lol:

If you toss up a coin between then it will land on it's rim :lol: , I must say it is funny with two corrupt factions vying for control of a dying club :blink::lol: , even more funnier the fans picking sides ffs :eek:

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Time for the Rangers fans to bite the bullet. They are totally fhucked whatever way the cookie crumbles. Pay ST money to an incompetent at best, board. Or withold ST monies to back the new regime of a man who has witheld millions from his adopted country's exchequer.

Fans should put their ST money into a trust with the aim of forming a Govan Phoenix club to start out in the Lowlands league. Ditch the current set-up. From the board, through the management tram to the overpaid playing staff the whole barrel is rotten and there is no sign of recovery. Just a toxic debt being passed from hedge fund to hedge fund.

Pull the plug, save any more hurt and start out again should you so wish.

If things go well you might even be able to buy some of the baubles of the shattered history of your club.

Good luck, you'll need it whatever happens.

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Somehow, I suspect tomorrow's game is going to determine this one way or the other. A squeaked 1-0 shytefest victory might save the board, and a painful 7-0 ramming may well doom it.

All football fans are fickle, but some more so than most. That's a lot of pressure on McCoist for one game, I reckon.

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I see the Rangers statement says they will issue the results of their review before the end of the ST renewal window, but don't specify how long before it ends they will publish. They can stick to that promise by issuing at 4.59pm on the last day of said window - still too late for the punters though!

Absolutely astonishing really.

Even if Rangers do get 35k plus season tickets sold, how long can they go into next season before they run out of cash? Six months?

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Rangers issue statement refuting everything King says. Interesting that the statement is not signed by any named individual.

Minor details can tell you a lot.

Not really. The response was from "The Board of Rangers Football Club".

What more were you expecting?

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Somehow, I suspect tomorrow's game is going to determine this one way or the other. A squeaked 1-0 shytefest victory might save the board, and a painful 7-0 ramming may well doom it.

All football fans are fickle, but some more so than most. That's a lot of pressure on McCoist for one game, I reckon.

If the Cloned Rangers lose this emphatically then Fat Sally's place on "Britain has no talent" is a dead cert singing the blues and no Karaoke in sight :)

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I see the Rangers statement says they will issue the results of their review before the end of the ST renewal window, but don't specify how long before it ends they will publish. They can stick to that promise by issuing at 4.59pm on the last day of said window - still too late for the punters though!

Absolutely astonishing really.

Even if Rangers do get 35k plus season tickets sold, how long can they go into next season before they run out of cash? Six months?

Seriously Jamie !, does Wallace really need 120 days to tell the bears that the club needs a huge cash injection or to cut back drastically ?

It is just a smoke screen to keep the bears looking elsewhere while the fleecing carries on behind closed doors because the bears know exactly the predicament their club is in at the moment. Easily led the support have been but they are getting agitated these days knowing it is all going to go tits up unless realistically some cash Messiah rolls in and throws money at the club left,right & centre.

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This is just beyond a fucking joke now. We're an absolute mess and i could see why some may find it funny previously but it's just a complete shambles now and i wouldn't wish this shit on any set of football fans.

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