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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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when things get boring its nice to have a recap on why rangers are a new club plus all the evidence membership licences etc.

Wait a minute I am not saying Rangers are a new club. The last I commented on that issue I said "on current evidence it appears they are the same club with an interrupted membership of the SFA.

It would seem from your post that you are in the same camp as Tedi who has said that "seamless transfer of membership is key" if you, or Tedster, have a problem justifying continuation without seamless transfer of membership then you have to deal with it, not I.

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a good result was important last night for morale

the strongest available team was fielded.

winning trophies.......


Fixed for you foc. :lol:

edit for wrong colour of crayon. :)

Edited by Apache Don
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It describes Rangers without mentioning Rangers.

It is still a 'no' :)

Aye you are right Tedi and your post is still a deflectory tactic, even this latest post of yours is designed to lead me down a blind alley away from the real issue. You've succeeded well done you.

Do you still believe that a seamless transfer of membership is key to continuation? If not what has changed your mind? How do you justify continuation now?

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LOL Kinky.

Surely Fuxace should be spelled fuxache if it was a word? I hope it caches on and gets into the dictionary, I love it.

Would you like to debate any of the points on offer or are you resting your intellect tonight?

Stoney, nice to see you again. How're you doing, chap?

Me? Debate? Heaven forfend. I have a wife to batter seeing as I am, "THE MAJORITY, who are in fact neds, knuckledraggers and socio-political activists who masquerade as football fans."

After doing Ned shite I'll dally in some, "socio-political activisim". Not sure what yet, but Westminster Cathedral looks ripe for a me pishing against it.

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There tend to be a variety of situations. So I remain to be convinced that the ruling you allude to applies to Rangers. You saying "them's the facts" doesn't cut it,

The e-mail exchange between STV and UEFA (link kindly supplied by Tedi :thumsup2 ) clearly named Rangers.

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This is just beyond a fucking joke now. We're an absolute mess and i could see why some may find it funny previously but it's just a complete shambles now and i wouldn't wish this shit on any set of football fans.

Yep, been there with my own team, and it's grim. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Except Old Firm fans.

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This is just beyond a fucking joke now. We're an absolute mess and i could see why some may find it funny previously but it's just a complete shambles now and i wouldn't wish this shit on any set of football fans.

I take it you meant ''some may have found it funny previously or even previously found it funny''? Anyway, pedantics aside, some of us still do mate. :lol::lol::lol:

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he needs to keep the players focused with a target to aim for, any manager at any level would do this.

im sure ally is quite aware of how good his youth players are, some are being signed up like calum gallagher who signed up yesterday

on the subject of blooding youngsters would the same not apply to celtic

didn't see many youngsters being blooded against dundee utd last week obviously lennon doesn't want to risk losing another game? :lol:

Your post shows you are not as bright as the crayons you use to post with.

Firstly you do not know the conditions written into the mercenaries contracts and may explain why he is playing players out of position all the time.

Do said players have conditions written into their contracts forcing Fat Sally to use them in some form or other ???

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I think the SFA fairytale as to what actually transpired behind their closed doors in the name of the 'not so secret five way agreement' is the cause of his delusions.

Thing is 'Article 12' which is the rule to which we are all referring, was quoted by UEFA in their e-mail response to a question raised by STV on the reasons for newco rangers not being eligible to play in UEFA comps. This was a direct reply regarding a specifically named club - The Rangers - Now I know one of you guys has the capability to re-quote the post that contained both the STV e-mail and the UEFA response, so please get on with it. Thanks in advance. :)

ETA:- It was Tedi who posted it originally but we couldn't really expect him to be stupid enough to do so again. :unsure2:

Edited by Apache Don
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I believe...if it quacks like a duck then it must be a...


Only, that's not a duck.

It may look like a duck, it may display the characteristics of a duck.

But once you tear away the top layer, what's underneath is anything but a duck.

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I believe...if it quacks like a duck then it must be a...


If you hadn't noticed that particular plastic duck cannot quack like a real duck, therefore it is a plastic imposter that can be clearly defined from an original real duck should they be placed side by side.

Nice one Tedi :) , I do enjoy it when you make a cnut of your own argument. :lol:

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Hopefully not :lol: ... AWRA is already telling Hearts fans how he is going to blow the championship away next season in the Hearts admin thread... :1eye

That will be another bookmarked thread to be repeatedly bumped often to show AWRA he stupid he was to jerk off over Boyd if he does not sign for the great pretenders. :)

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