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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Has King responded yet? That could be...interesting

Hey, cut the "glib shameless liar" some slack, it'll take a while to ride a white horse all the way from South Africa with £30M in the saddlebags.

In all seriousness it's an interesting quandry for him, and for the Rangers fans.

On the one hand - asking for ST renewals in cash, the general gloom of the review, and the club having got into this mess plays into the King camp's hands. "Ye cannae trust 'em, kick 'em oot, get Wur Dave and his millions in, WATP".

On the other hand - King espouses exactly the strategy that has taken the club back to this point, spend money we don't have to compete on all fronts quicker and better, and there's a risk that starving the club of income might kill it not just purge it.

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Never realised that so many of the P's n D's were so witty, i expected post after post of the same old unoriginal tripe today but they have surprised me.

You've came back to us...

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The end game for the spivs is get the ST money, spend / steal it within a few months, sell the assets, spend / steal that within a few months.

Better off forcing the end game now.

Nonsense, it'd be far better waiting until the official end of the season. ;)

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Cash only to buy a season ticket because the banks and credit companies don't trust they'll last a season?

£70m spent in two years?

Putting it in bold that they need ST sales to flourish or else they will need to get immediate investment for the short term?

What about spending £2m on installing Wifi and electronic advertisement boards?

Completely scrapping their scouting and network system?

Aimed to be challenging for the SPFL title by 2015/16? then winning it and competing in Europe by 2016/2017?

Looks like they will be make redundant the office staff and other honest hard working workers, while utter c***s like Lee McCulloch continue to rake in thousands a week. Sums it up.

Fucked, absolutely fucked. Pleasing.

Are they seriously expecting 40 thousand fans to stroll up to Ibrox with £400 a skull in their back bin to hand over personally for a season ticket? Expect muggings in the Govan area to implode.

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Have I got this right - a club who are desparate for cash and are only being classed as a going concern due to "projected" season ticket sales are now telling those fans already enroled in an automatic ST renewal scheme that said scheme is no longer in existence as they no longer have the ability too take payments by credit or debit card and it's up to the fans to now pay by cash (cheque ???) only. I used to think SMFC we poorly run when it came to admin / sales but this is beyond mental. How bad do things need to get when a company with as many customers which must accept millions of financial transactions over a year can no longer get credit / debit card facilities. And to think all this is going on under the noses of and LICENSED BY the SFA / SPFL. It can only be a matter of time before this latest deck of cards collapses. You see this happening all the time with shops down the local hight street. Big signs up CASH ONLY no card payments an they invariably go bust within a few weeks.

A thought just occured. What mentalist is going to buy a ST now it is cash only. Payment via credit / debit card would presumably have given the payee some protection if / when the club goes bust and does not start next season. This has to be a massive own goal, classic shooting yourself it the foot stuff.

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Deliberate shooting yourself in the foot stuff perhaps? No choice for the spivs but to have an insolvency event - 'forced' by the glib and shameless one before he kisses and makes up with the board purchasing the 'brand' and leasing back the stadium from them?

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I think that Rangers fans keep thinking that there is someone who is goign to ride in, throw money at everything and sort it all out. They don't seem to have organised to actually influence what is going on in their club, they just boycott and complain. Have the fans tried to actually influence what is going on in their boardroom?

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You could just feel the tension as Sleazedale searched for the right word.

"Rangers finances are... fffff...... failing, falling, a figment, a fantasy, false, full of shite, fucked?

Anyway, a cheeky wee story about a Kilmarnock player who can't or didn't write his name to muddy the waters, a new PR guru (pro bono one would assume) and the stage is set for a disgusting marketing battle. Like two manky strippers, we can now expect to see both the BoD and King mount opposing podiums and thrust their malnourished hips and drooping tits at the slobbering ibrox faithful while simultaneously calling each other slags and clawing at each others throats with dirty, ragged fingernails. Each going to more and more depraved and violent lengths to get the knuckle-draggers to shove their grubby notes into their equally grubby union jack bikinis and not into the crevices of their rivals.

Insert popcorn gif here.

Ha! They literally want your grubby notes! Dance for me bitches, dance!

Joke club that should die of shame.

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Just saw this.

The board at Rangers are basically skull fucking the fans.

And you know what? The "loyal" fans will be queuing up.

Its a very sad day indeed when Dave "glib and shameless liar" King is you last best hope.

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at least now there is some idea of a long term plan

which at least is a step in the right direction

what is needed now is the finances to back up these ambitions.


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I think that Rangers fans keep thinking that there is someone who is goign to ride in, throw money at everything and sort it all out. They don't seem to have organised to actually influence what is going on in their club, they just boycott and complain. Have the fans tried to actually influence what is going on in their boardroom?

Not sure where you're getting that from, not how i see it at all.

The club/company etc is f**ked, we had our chance to hunt Green when he first popped up and we never took it. So now we must pay the price of that.

The only thing left is to show the crooks that the gravy train is over and they won't get anymore from the fans. Rather than allow them to spin it out for a few more years, it's best just to bring it to a head.

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Presumably, the auditors who would want to see proof of purchasing stock and sales receipts etc. Just like they would any other business. If we are to believe this is how money laundering is done, then any business would be able to do it.

This Henry seems like a bit of an idiot

Almost any type of business can do it. It is very easy to manufacture a 'Sales book' with made up transactions. Accounts are generally taken at face value unless the company is already subject to an inquiry.

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Almost any type of business can do it. It is very easy to manufacture a 'Sales book' with made up transactions. Accounts are generally taken at face value unless the company is already subject to an inquiry.

Even then, we had auditors in yesterday checking sales were real, half way through us showing them a bunch of stuff we could have created that morning they admitted themselves that it's very difficult to prove either way - and all our sales are electronic.

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