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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Bhoys, take a look at what's happening here.

There's actually a discussion of sorts going on here. People are arguing and disagreeing, but they're doing so with evidence and decency. You pair just want to hurl insults and draw some from others. It's as if you just won't allow this thread to stage a recovery.

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The debate about how Rangers fans have handled this in comparison to Hearts one is interesting. Obviously the idea that all have been humbly accepting while every Rangers fan ranted belligerently at all-comers is not strictly accurate.

I do think it's a little dishonest however to suggest that most Rangers fans who advocated SFL 3 did so out of a desire to atone for the club's sins. Some individuals felt a bit that way - Ted and No8 among them as I recall. There's no doubt at all however, that much of the willingness to re-emerge in the bottom tier was born of a desire to damage the other SPL sides. I also think there was a desire for SFL 3 as it would surely enable progress, whereas a seriously handicapped top flight Rangers held little appeal.

I also actually think Hearts fans have probably learned a little from the Rangers mess. The "we'll sink you" narrative was pretty unedifying and I think now that fans in similar positions, even Rangers ones this time around, are shying away from it. I do remember though that Dundee fans came out with similar boycott drivel back in the day, when hit by a 25 point SFL penalty.

If it really does head to another insolvency, it'll be interesting to see if Rangers fans take a markedly different approach.

The debate about how Rangers fans have handled this in comparison to Hearts one is interesting. Obviously the idea that all have been humbly accepting while every Rangers fan ranted belligerently at all-comers is not strictly accurate.

I do think it's a little dishonest however to suggest that most Rangers fans who advocated SFL 3 did so out of a desire to atone for the club's sins. Some individuals felt a bit that way - Ted and No8 among them as I recall. There's no doubt at all however, that much of the willingness to re-emerge in the bottom tier was born of a desire to damage the other SPL sides. I also think there was a desire for SFL 3 as it would surely enable progress, whereas a seriously handicapped top flight Rangers held little appeal.

I also actually think Hearts fans have probably learned a little from the Rangers mess. The "we'll sink you" narrative was pretty unedifying and I think now that fans in similar positions, even Rangers ones this time around, are shying away from it. I do remember though that Dundee fans came out with similar boycott drivel back in the day, when hit by a 25 point SFL penalty.

If it really does head to another insolvency, it'll be interesting to see if Rangers fans take a markedly different approach.

Good post MT, The Rangers fans will deffo behave differently this time round, if they can do it in a coherent unified manner is another thing ?

They know who is a fault now and isn't a shock to the system like the last event was for the fans when admin came from out of nowhere. They still have a cash messiah will come along and take the club to where the fans think it belongs fantasy as the support is way too fractured for a unified fight to take control of their own club.

I think it will still be a messy and embarrassing event when it happens as the support lashes out at everyone who could have helped them but didn't eg The SFA & SPFL and the MSM ? fcuk it just about everyone again ffs. :blink:

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Calling me a fucking idiot doesn't make it so, but you posting over something I have posted makes you a fucking idiot and is more to the truth. :P

I didn't. I said very clearly, "OK hands up. Which kant hijacked the QC's account and turned him in to a fucking idiot?"

This means that that particular post was out of character. I in no way called you an idiot. It showed some respect and that you take umbrage with it makes you part of the problem.

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Difference is I quoted the posts in between (where the topic was clearly onto the SFL vote) the point you blundered in, you did not and conveniently missed them out, I wonder why?

They still exist however, just like your f**k up.

Whatever Tedi !, you lost the plot between two different conversations and I'm to blame ? I'd tell you to go fcuk yourself but I'm trying to be sociable and gave you ample opportunity to differentiate between me and Adonis and were two different conversations you were having on the forum and not the same conversation you appear to think you were having.

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I didn't. I said very clearly, "OK hands up. Which kant hijacked the QC's account and turned him in to a fucking idiot?"

This means that that particular post was out of character. I in no way called you an idiot. It showed some respect and that you take umbrage with it makes you part of the problem.

Well do forgive if I picked you up wrong !, no one has high-jacked my account and why I took it badly and smashed the house up over it.

QC, him & fucking idiot !, it's hard to wonder how I thought you had a pop at me Kinky. :rolleyes:

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Whatever Tedi !, you lost the plot between two different conversations and I'm to blame ?

We have had an outbreak of useful conversation about Admin and Hertz and their new chance compared to Rangers. Interesting stuff and good dialogue. Good to hear folks' views. Then you come out with this shite.

Honestly QC? You have have a clear run for a year but GTF: The thread isn't about you.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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As AberdeenBud said, the changes don't go far enough, but they represent a huge improvement.

The play-offs do favour the top flight side over any given club from the next tier that's involved, but until this season there's been no chance whatever. We got a shot for finishing 4th whereas last season we wouldn't have, even for coming 2nd.

I also welcome the idea of all 42 sides being governed by the same body, although I wish different figures were at the helm. This has also seen a sensible relaxation of punitive stadium criteria.

Financial distribution has also become fairer, although I worry that the cliff face has been shifted down a level, rather than ironed out.

The changes we've got have been big though and seemed unthinkable not long ago.

Do you not think that if your team wins the promotion place thats a bit unfair on the team who got 2nd place by playing consistently better throughout the season?

I think it's just me who'd rather have a straight play off between the 2nd bottom team and the 2nd top team tho..

I agree with you on the stadium criteria but the one governing body seems to be just more of the same old shite to me.

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Very good .. after months upon months of enduring tedious pish and insulting posts from bears .. you're laying the blame at our door MT.

Very good ... glad to see not biased then.

Of course I'm biased.

Who against this time though? I struggle to keep up.

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Very good .. after months upon months of enduring tedious pish and insulting posts from bears .. you're laying the blame at our door MT.

Very good ... glad to see not biased then.

Do not pick on Monkey Tennis. He has been an even-handed stalwart of The BRALT and has contented with both sides in an honourable way.

He is, by any measure. one of the good guys.

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Do you not think that if your team wins the promotion place thats a bit unfair on the team who got 2nd place by playing consistently better throughout the season?

I think it's just me who'd rather have a straight play off between the 2nd bottom team and the 2nd top team tho..

I agree with you on the stadium criteria but the one governing body seems to be just more of the same old shite to me.

That's a separate argument Bennett, but as it happens, I agree with you. There is something intrinsically unfair about play-offs and I'd have been happy enough with 11th Vs 2nd, as existed briefly just before the SPL did. Given that this would have been acceptable though, it kind of gives the lie to the idea that the 2nd tier sides are disadvantaged by the play-off structure. In fact the way it is, more of them get a shot. The way it's set up also means that finishing 2nd is rewarded ahead of 3rd and 4th in a way it's not in the other divisions, which is surely fairer.

The reality is that this deal is the best we were getting, and it does represent a huge step that the top flight can now potentially lose two sides, when it's very deliberately only been one for a generation.

This change, as well as the stadium criteria one you welcome, stems directly from the fact that the top flight is no longer artificially divorced from the rest of the game at national level.

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I'll let you read the post again in your own time and get back to me ... I'm pretty confident you're intelligent enough to work it out.

Well obviously you're suggesting that I'm biased against you and Hellbhoy. I wouldn't call it bias, just a certain weariness.

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So .. you're saying that we should put up with Tedious Ted, his dreadful pish patter, going around in circles, avoiding the point and being a general dick?

Dhen, tonight has shown a seachange. The rest of P&B can no longer thole our petty abuse; silly name-calling and daily diatribes.

Today we should make The Big Thread what it was....a place for useful exchange and amusing badinage. Oh, and good spelling:)

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I remember poll after poll on FF and every one of them were showing vast support for SFL3 with much lambasting of the clubs position who were desperate for SPL and then SFL1, it was only after that these routes were closed that the club released a statement embracing SFL3 alongside admitting it was what the fans wanted....this picture does not sit well with many on this board, it is however the reality.

Tedi, none of us remember you until after the Travelling Players got a licence, so forgive us if we don't take your version of history as gospel.

Oh. Hang on a minute. You may well be an expert on rangers history. Tell us about those stars again...

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Talking about Ann Budge, I have to say how impressed I was by her latest statement, she clearly has a plan and does not mess about. Getting Locke out and employing Levein, time will tell on the Levein appointment but we can only dream of a CEO who obviously has the best interest of the club (not just shareholders) at the forefront of her mind.

All this and not a 5:1 snipe or Greggy Wallace gif in sight.

Bravo Ann.

I always think there is something contradictory stating you have a 3-5 year plan. Surely if you have a plan you know if it is for 3, 4 or 5 years. :unsure2:

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