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Blue and white stripes?

Took you four whole minutes. Disappointed, JG. :)

(Even if Huddersfield's are a wee bit wishy-washy...)

Hartlepool would actually have been closer, I think, but the idea of following the same team as that tw@ Stelling - no thanks!

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I'll ask you the same thing as I have asked the berrz on here many times. How does despising bigotry make someone a bigot?

Oh, and you could maybe take some lessons in the correct use of quotation marks.

Oh I don't doubt that you think you despise it, the problem is you revel in it yourself, that is what makes you a bigot. Your use and defence of the stereotype shows this. If all you got is going down the grammar nazi route crack on, doesn't put me up nor down as it's not me who is being the bigoted nazi, that would be you. All these things you proclaim to detest you have become.

Your posts I find worse than any Old Firm fans where it comes to the use of bigoted remarks, that you can't see this I find odd. Do as I say not as I do should be your mantra.

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Safe to say that the two respondents to my query have a somewhat simplistic view of what rangers and celtic actually are. Describing either as merely a football team places them in one of the latter two options for supporting or condoning them which I set out earlier.

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I agree and one of the reasons behind coming to the decision i have. If it is proven then the authorities could have a field day with Rangers.

I have to admit i had moments of doubt last night and it was a fight not to renew today but i just cant do it. It is very easy for others to say don't renew but for people like myself and other Rangers posters such as Tedi it is not as easy as that. My fear is if somebody such as myself who is absolutely determined to rid the club of the bus boys and the spivs is having doubts then there will be many thousands who will crack at the last minute and renew...I hope i am wrong but i fear they could get as many as 20,000-25,000 renewals.

So things are looking good then..... cool :)

Is Craig Whyte allowed to own Rangers shares after the ruling against him by the SFA? There were that many rulings and court cases i forget but was he not banned from having any involvement with any scottish football club.

Anyone can have shares in any company. Not being allowed to be in control is a different matter.

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Safe to say that the two respondents to my query have a somewhat simplistic view of what rangers and celtic actually are. Describing either as merely a football team places them in one of the latter two options for supporting or condoning them which I set out earlier.

Am not referring to either of the ugly sisters and their well documented attraction to elements of bigotry, I'm referring to the bigotry expressed by you. It's not about them its about you a Killie supporter out performing them in the bigot stakes.

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@MattLindsayET 4m

The Union of Fans have tonight reacted to what they describe as "the disingenuous statement of the (Rangers) board."


@MattLindsayET 6m

The union have detailed what they call the "truthful account of the discussions held with Mr Wallace, Mr Crighton and Mr Sandy Easdale".

@MattLindsayET 2m

The Union of Fans have also expressed the belief that Ibrox and Murray Park are in "grave danger".

@MattLindsayET 1m

The Union of Fans have also expressed the belief that Norman is a w*nk".

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You assumed....wrongly, yet again. I believe, in context, even if I had used the word "local", it would have implied somewhat closer than my hometown team.

Maybe some of the more sensible posters on here could suggest a reason why, when deciding on a new team to follow, Sheff Wed or Huddersfield might be obvious choices for a man who had followed Killie for over forty years?

Again with the "hatred". And you reckon I'm the one with a problem. It's a fucking game, not a way of life, you know. For most of us, anyway.

You had to stop reading yesterday purely because you'd made such a rip-roaring cúnt of your much-vaunted Sheffield connection that even Tedi and bennett couldn't bring themselves to back you up.

You are seriously claiming a moral victory after using that out of date page...all Rangers posters know Sheffield and District is one of the biggest in England..

I stopped posting as i was working.

You have made an arse of yourself ... again and tried using the supporters page as classic whataboutery...you'll be using grammar mistakes next

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You are seriously claiming a moral victory after using that out of date page...all Rangers posters know Sheffield and District is one of the biggest in England..

I stopped posting as i was working.

You have made an arse of yourself ... again and tried using the supporters page as classic whataboutery...you'll be using grammar mistakes next

I can't see any claims of moral victories from me in that post, but then I think our perceptions may well be somewhat different.

I have never said that the rSC based in Nottinghamshire isn't one of the biggest in England. What I will say is, that to the untrained eye,

The site was last updated 3 days ago. No mention of any match trips in the last year at least.

There is a photo gallery, the latest match visit being in 2012.

They sell red paw badges and used replica rangers kits. In fact, they seem very fond of that red paw. Nice inclusive bunch, obviously.

They sell special scarves, of which only 100 were available. These are still on sale.

Just to top it all, you tried to deflect away from this mob to some shining example of a bunch of knuckledraggers who managed to triumph against all the odds to run a rangers club - in Glasgow.


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Am not referring to either of the ugly sisters and their well documented attraction to elements of bigotry, I'm referring to the bigotry expressed by you. It's not about them its about you a Killie supporter out performing them in the bigot stakes.

So explain - please - the bigotry expressed by me. It shouldn't be too difficult, as you seem very sure of your facts here. A few examples would be handy.

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The website is very much up to date...It has 35 members, there is plenty of RSC in England much bigger.

Please tell me there isn't. You'll be telling me next, that they have a world-wide fan base. :unsure2:

They're only 2x yrs old ffs. :lol:

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Please tell me there isn't. You'll be telling me next, that they have a world-wide fan base. :unsure2:

They're only 2x yrs old ffs. :lol:

In all fairness, AD, I reckon the site designer must be at least in spitting distance of his teens. The photoshopped MeagHyoogeSupaBus alone is a thing of wonder.

Shame it's only a picture. :lol:

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The last few pages have seen the WKR attempting to deny that he's bigoted, the below post clearly shows his bigoted mindset.

My wedding rocked the Bonding in '89 - didn't miss the bigots at all.

You wouldn't know a wedding if it fell on you.

Ideal wedding guests - "darling, I don't think we have enough racist, homosexual bigots....."

Ye're gay, Bennett, remember? The rituals of religious/traditional people needn't concern you. No doubt some would like a "token", but your lot can have a "blessing" - sort of "we don't mind you doing what you want " - not a wedding.

Not that it matters,on your couch with Mrs Palm and her daughters.

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The website is very much up to date...It has 35 members, there is plenty of RSC in England much bigger.

They run a bus to every game...Is that mentioned on the website?

They simply could not afford to run a bus to every game with so few members.

Not going to be much of a party with only 35 plus partners going to be at it

Rangers supporters who go Home and Away will have met the Sheffield lads as the grounds we have been playing at over the last couple of years are not exactly huge.

They had a full bus for the first Albion Rovers game of last season. Not exactly a huge game...A Ramsden Cup Tie at Livingston.

I know you think finding the website proves something but it really doesn't. WRK has now said he has 3 ....count them 3 Rangers supporters in his circle of friends. He claims all Rangers supporters are bigoted scumbags yet socializes with 3 who respect his views and are quite happy to be classed as bigoted scumbags. Not only that...2 out of the 3 believe Rangers to be a completely new club and the other seemingly his opinion matters little as he is just a Tory.

Great whataboutery but doesn't really change the fact that WRK has invented this circle of friends to try and add weight to his anti Rangers rants. It started with the Sheffield Wednesday members of his now infamous circle of friends. Seemingly every one of them said they were disgusted at our support and were glad to see the back of them. There was more to it than that but the views these 'friends' held towards Rangers and their support was the complete opposite of what we experienced down there...the Rangers supporters were given a standing ovation by the Wednesday supporters at the end of the game and their forums were filled with page after page of praise for the way we behaved and the great atmosphere we created in the Leppings Lane End...This was all after laying a wreath there for the 96 Liverpool supporters who lost their lifes. Yet his Sheffield Wednesday supporting 'friends' were full of stories of the trouble we caused and our sectarian singing. As if the average Sheffield Wednesday supporter would have a clue what we were singing about

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So explain - please - the bigotry expressed by me. It shouldn't be too difficult, as you seem very sure of your facts here. A few examples would be handy.

There are NO decent rangers fans..........................scum everyone of them.

Your above an example of your bigotry based on use of a stereotype...................a use you defend. All X are Y is what that says. Swap the words rangers fans with another group/minority/religion/ethnicity/ etc, how would it then read to you?

Bigot (n):

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

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Sssshhhh, no8 thinks it travels to every game, it looks like the bnp battle bus.

Oh dear...

From the official Rangers website tonight. Is that up to date enough?


We travel to all home games. Departing from Mansfield and picking up en route via the M1, A1 and A66. All enquiries to Carl on

I edited out the phone numbers...and with that i wish you all a good night ^_^

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Sons of Struth

Just now


"In response to the disingenuous statement from the board, and to clear up the confusion they appear to be deliberately trying to cause Rangers supporters, we would like to reiterate our truthful account of the discussions held with Mr Wallace, Mr Crighton and Mr Sandy Easdale.

We were invited to Ibrox by Mr Wallace, days after the launch of Ibrox 1972, to discuss the ongoing issues surrounding the security of Rangers’ assets. During the course of that discussion on Wednesday 14th May, Mr Wallace suggested that, whilst security would not be granted, the board would be open to offering a legally binding undertaking that Ibrox would not be sold, subject to sale and leaseback or any type of loan security. For the avoidance of doubt, that was Mr Wallace’s proposal, not ours, and he indicated that the plc board would meet on Thursday 15th May to discuss it. Given that two of the four plc board members who were required to rubber stamp this proposal were present, and apparently in favour of it, this was very much presented as a formality. We made it very clear that any such undertaking would need to be evaluated by our lawyers and this was accepted by all those in attendance.

Given what Mr Wallace proposed regarding Ibrox, we asked that the same arrangement be put in place for Murray Park in order to safeguard it from the same fate. This was met by more substantial opposition from the board representatives, in particular Mr Easdale, who we would like to emphasise is not a plc board member, and Mr Crighton. They said they wished to retain “flexibility” over Murray Park. However, by the end of the meeting they had also agreed to consider granting the same undertaking as the one they suggested for Ibrox. This, we were told, was also to be discussed at the plc board meeting on Thursday 15th May.

Our statement on the night of Wednesday 14th May reflected all of that and was 100% accurate. Any attempt to suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts.

Since that meeting we have heard nothing from the board. It is clear that they have now rejected Mr Wallace’s proposal to give a binding undertaking over Ibrox. It is clear that they have considered our proposal that the same undertaking be given for Murray Park and have also rejected that. The idea that this latest board proclamation should give supporters any type of additional confidence over the club’s assets is therefore utterly ridiculous. In fact it should confirm just how much danger our vital assets are in.

It is clearly impossible to deal with this board in good faith. They told us we would receive a swift response following their deliberations. We have received no response. They told us that over the past two weeks, all major investors, bar one, have indicated they will participate fully and proportionately in any future rights issue. We do not believe this to be the case. They told us that all those major investors are supportive of their business plan and were impressed with the ‘120 day’ review. We do not believe this to be true. They told us that they have access to an instant £5m of equity funding from existing major investors. This, according to Mr Wallace, is available at “the push of a button”. We believe that, if this is true, it will be used to benefit Mr Easdale’s associates.

It is clear that Mr Wallace, despite being Chief Executive, has less influence in the plc boardroom than Sandy Easdale, who is not even a member of the plc board. It is clear that Murray Park is in grave danger and has been since December 2013. The statement from the board that they “will not be seeking” a sale and leaseback of Ibrox is not binding and it is still not unequivocal. We believe, as long as the shareholders fronted by Mr Easdale are calling the shots in the boardroom, Ibrox will remain in grave danger too.

Until this situation is resolved we would continue to urge supporters to think very carefully before they hand this board their hard earned money up front. It is clear from meagre renewal levels that a large majority of fans do not trust this board. Our experience is that this position is the correct one to adopt. Support the team, not the regime.”

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