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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just exactly what are you doing just now you gibbering idiot ?, aren't you pursuing an agenda of your own here trolling my posts and making up fictitious and false accusations.

Yer buddy is having a mare and has got the huge shovel out digging away by not manning up and posting "OK I kinda fubarred that, sorry guys" to which I'm sure it would have been that and move on. Naw he has decided once again that it is better to be asked by a few posters to explain his ideology many many times only for him to try and wriggle out and hope that you manage to somehow dig him out of his hole by posting yer usual gobshite material..

You're like a 3rd rate Norman trying to be a wordsmith and failing pretty badly.

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I always thought that LNS was an expert in football law, well that was the general belief before he delivered his report.

That is my point, kind of. Just on a point of fact - there is no football law, only football rules.

However my main point was that he ruled on something that was outwith his competence, namely the actual participation in the sport itself. In a normal court case there would normally have experts testifying to substantiate the case or otherwise. In the course of his enquiry he could have gone down this path but chose not to and this is what would sway me towards this having a pre-determined outcome.

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I've assumed (as any other explanation would make you a muppet) you're actually referring to the occasion of Motherwell getting access to CL, in place of Rangers. This was nothing to do with Liquidation or any part of the club's insolvency event. This was a direct result of Craig Whyte not presenting up to date accounts by the UEFA licencing deadline. In fact he didn't submit any at all. This resulted in UEFA refusing to licence Rangers for that one season and the licence went to Motherwell. It most certainly had fk all to do with going into liquidation.

No, UEFA refused to license Rangers because Rangers (the club, the company) failed to provide accounts, not Craig Whyte.

Another example of anything bad happening to Rangers being blamed on the big boy who ran away.

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You don't handle it Tedi, you post something you can't defend or explain without it backfiring in your face and then avoid, deflect and post something completely unrelated to the post you replied too in an attempt to weasel out the fact you made another error.

If we are lucky we will pursue until you give us a credible answer to back up your ridiculous claim Rangers never cheated.

You will all pursue me?

Honestly you really should listen to yourself.

Rangers FC did not gain any unfair competitive advantage, that is good enough for me, the fact it is not for you is rather pleasing.

Honestly, you really should read the posts you reply to more carefully.

(For anyone encountering Tedi's modus operandi for the first time, the above is a classic example of how a couple of words added to a statement turns it into something the poor wee flower can be outraged by. Simple, a bit like oor Pelucia.)

As the QC said, they will pursue Tedi until he gives a credible (the one they want to hear) answer.

There was no misinterpretation, what you said was plain and clear.

You along with others were going to pursue (gang up on) a poster.

Oh Dear, more lies from bennett. Or, in a spirit of magnanimity, a clear failure of comprehension.

I sometimes wonder if these two actually believe they are in the right? Surely no-one could be that stupid? Right?

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I always thought that LNS was an expert in football law, well that was the general belief before he delivered his report.

Rangers broke football's laws by not disclosing to the football authorities that they were paying players more than they said they were. They were fined accordingly.

You have to assume that Rangers didn't disclose these side-payments to the football authorities because they were worried that the taxman would hear about them and decide that they weren't really loans.

Since the football authorities don't have any laws pertaining to EBTs, what LNS was saying

was that Rangers could have happily disclosed the side-payments without retribution. I.e. no advantage on the field of play as far as the footballing rules go. "If ye'd telt us ye were paying 50% more, that would have been fine - if only ye'd telt us we widnae have had tae fine ye. The taxman, though..."

From the taxman's point of view (assuming the appeal is successful), Rangers did gain an advantage in that they were able to pay more than they could reasonably afford.

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It was the style of questioning, basically it was 'Tedi, please answer this question, you [insert whatever insult you want next here]'

Sorry but this was met with what it deserved, it was then clear that this tactic was making the Killie fan and HB angrier and angrier, which of course was highly amusing. I mean the man still has not calmed down judging by his 1st post of the morning.

You seem content giving the green yins a hard time when they try to discuss things in such away :rolleyes:

So the Old Rangers were cheats?

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From the taxman's point of view (assuming the appeal is successful), Rangers did gain an advantage in that they were able to pay more than they could reasonably afford.

And here we have the voice of the authentic diddy. The whole HMRC debacle has nothing to do with if or if not Rangers operated within guidelines but all to do with the taxman's opinion on whether we gained a sporting advantage or not.

I'll tell you what.....IF Wee Hector does win his appeal I will donate £10 to a charity of your choice if anything is mentioned about us gaining an advantage in the judgement. I'll double that if anything is said about affordability.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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And here we have the voice of the authentic diddy. The whole HMRC debacle has nothing to do with if or if not Rangers operated within guidelines but all to do with the taxman's opinion on whether gained a sporting advantage or not.

I'll tell you what.....IF Wee Hector does win his appeal I will donate £10 to a charity of your choice if anything is mentioned about us gaining an advantage in the judgement.


Old Rangers were sneakily remunerating their entire squad with money way above the contracts that were submitted to the football authorities, therefore in football terms CHEATING. They would not have been able to afford those players if they had done everything above board.

Edit and Rewind. c/w apology

it wasn't you who said that bit of conflated nonsense.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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