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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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i'll make this easier by posting the article, since no one wants to admit the possibility. :rolleyes:

maybe armaggedon is a slow death rather than sudden for all the clubs without rangers and a semi decent tv deal?

what if doncaster is right, surely he has better access to the facts and figures much more than the so called financial experts on here?

obviously celtic have no ambition when not pushed by rangers, this could weaken celtic into a declining spiral and unable to step up when a motivated rangers get back to the top league.

Aw, poor SNAFU no-one took him up on his offer to discuss a biased opinion piece which points out what the diddies have been saying for over 2 years. When Rangers die Celtic will move into terminal decline. The big news is that it took Vincent Hogan and Neil Lennon two years to realise this.

What the crayon-muncher, in common with quite a few Orcs on here (especially the pop-up variety) fails to grasp is that we had all these discussions a couple of years ago, and the Horde happily dismissed them as "diddy fantasies" as they embarked on the journey. Nice to see some chickens coming in to roost, even if I'm not confident enough to start counting just yet.

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Did Chuckie and a lot of the Sevco fans not say that they would refuse to play in the top league, if and when they got there! Fine by me as it keeps us as Glasgow's 2nd best club for the foreseeable future! Looks like they are getting heartily sick of "the journey"....lol

Edited by Sting777
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Did Chuckie and a lot of the Sevco fans not say that they would refuse to play in the top league, if and when they got there! Fine by me as it keeps us as Glasgow's 2nd best club for the foreseeable future! Looks like they are getting heartily sick of "the journey"....lol

Nah, they said the SPL, technically we now have an expanded SPL with three new divisions and a new company running it ;) so they u-turned on that one already.

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if you are talking about rangers fans, like anyone else no one likes some unknown on a football forum demanding proof they are attending a match. i would tell that person to f off.

and then there's the obvious why spend time messing about on a phone while watching a game, you might miss something

the easiest way to tell someone was at a game is read their posts, simples

Aye ok. :rolleyes:

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this blog only mentions the top 5 games with high viewing figures, the next five not shown might all be rangers games??

so ok celtic v county managed the highest but that's only what's listed, but there's no viewing figures given for all of rangers televised games compared to celtic, there's only average figures given from the premiership also the attached spreadsheet doesn't have the figures for all of rangers televised games. i'm sure rangers were televised in domestic games more than celtic were.

where are the figures for rangers tv?

i'm talking about all viewing figures here

As the person who compiled all that, a couple of things to point out.

Firstly, if a game was televised and it's not on there, then it didn't get enough viewers to be on there. It's compiled from BARB, who publish ratings for every TV channel so it is accurate. This is also how the SPFL track figures as well - they've told me as such.

As Rangers TV isn't on, you know, TV so figures aren't compiled and anyone publishing it wouldn't be verifiably neutral so if you saw any, I wouldn't trust them.

As for the whole "Rangers are more popular than everyone" nonsense, both Hibs and Hearts get more viewers than Rangers, never mind Celtic and, what you can't deny is that interest in the club is down, season in season, by about a quarter - as the stats show.

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Good to see the the Rangers fans united, and focusing on their real enemies,

the ones who put them in the situation they are in today:

David Murray

Craig Whyte

Charles Green

Walter Smith

Ally McCoist





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I get a worse reception at Ibrox than most other grounds

are you a member of the board :P

ive come away from grounds and within 5 mins my phone goes mental once it gets a reception. Think worst was cup game a couple of seasons ago at stenhousemuir, left the ground and phone was going mental about the penalties..

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read that thread last night and the yes corner is very much in the minority.

boycotts are stupid

edit - coop troop is a knob,

love the goat

there's a reason he's called goat. ;)

Nonsense. I loved when Sevco fans boycotted Tannadice. It was a breath of fresh air - literally and figuratively.

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not if you wanted to support your team

photos taken and threats of being banned from ibrox.

all empty threats of course just like awra's threats of panning my windaes in

I wonder if Chuckie ever made good on the promise to donate Sevco's share of the match receipts to charity? Not bluddy likely I'd have thought unless his nominated charity was a chateau renovation trust.

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I will post here so that tedi can red it, do it ted it is better than going back through my history and giving me one for a month old post

Greenied :)

If you go to his profile and then check his rep given it's a bit of a laugh looking at the posters he has went into their past history to give out his demented revenge too. :lol:

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