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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yer having a giraffe mate, that would require them to have some class. They chose to believe everything that some bloggers said and ignore the facts.

Rangers fans have been proved to have been right all along, the sad thing is that due to their hatred and bigotry there is no way that Scottish football can move on now.

Partly correct.

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If you can find any 'bigotry' on this thread I'll give you £100.

You're an absolute paranoid nutjob. :lol:

Don't be daft, benny could get offended about the colour of grass, he'll have no bother finding something he considers bigotry.

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Usual history twisting from some on here.

The administration was over unpaid PAYE and NIC, not the big tax case. About 9million in unpaid taxes if I remember correctly. This was run up by Whyte.

Even without the big tax case HMRC still had power of veto over the CVA and it is almost certain they would have rejected it, meaning Oldco would have died anyway. Big tax case is almost a red herring in the death of this cheating institution.

Now if we can all just bide our time, we might get to do it all again soon. Any sign of those 1.5 million pound loans being repaid yet or did i miss it?

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The absolute cheek of any Rangers fan expecting humilty.

The anger, tears, blaming everyone else, claims of bigotry, boycotting stadiums, marches, hoping other teams go bust and everything else over the past few years has shown you guys don't possess an inch of it.

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I have read online that Stephen Thompson is one of the 'targets' of The Rangers fans. I fully endorse that position.

I am starting a campaign to ensure there is a permanent boycott of Tannadice by all The Rangers fans.

Please support this campaign.

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Craig Whyte killed Rangers for nothing? Fuckin dancer.

As long as the name Rangers is attached to a Glasgow club then there will be Craig Whytes to exploit their dumbass fans.

I am sorry though. I am sorry for their fans because they will never learn and they will go through it all again with their new club, only this time with added seethe.

One other thing...

You'er no Rangers any more, you're no Rangers any more.

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I have read online that Stephen Thompson is one of the 'targets' of The Rangers fans. I fully endorse that position.

I am starting a campaign to ensure there is a permanent boycott of Tannadice by all The Rangers fans.

Please support this campaign.

On personal experience Thompson is a tosser. But I do love the froth he stirs up among the bears. Lol.

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This is good news is it not? Coupled with the supposed £24m payout it means that some of the local people and businesses that lost out might get some of their money back. Rangers are still dead, newco are still on dangerous ground financially and the real victims (the people Rangers left in the lurch) may get something back.

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One thing I do find interesting is Youngsy's talk of Whyte 'fooling' the old rangers fans, how exactly did he go about this 'fooling', it must have been a massive project to fool tens of thousands into giving him a rapturous hero's welcome and more?

Did he really fool the rangers fans or is blind subservience just an intrinsic part of their DNA?

Edited by AberdeenBud
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One thing I do find interesting is Youngsy's talk of Whyte 'fooling' the old rangers fans, how exactly did he go about this 'fooling', it must have bee a massive project to fool tens of thousands into giving him a rapturous hero's welcome and more?

Did he really fool the rangers fans or is blind subservience just an intrinsic part of their DNA?

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can only fool all of ra peepul all of the time.

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This is good news is it not? Coupled with the supposed £24m payout it means that some of the local people and businesses that lost out might get some of their money back. Rangers are still dead, newco are still on dangerous ground financially and the real victims (the people Rangers left in the lurch) may get something back.

Indeed it is. First and Upper tribunals find fault in their "legal" operations, the SPL find them so innocent they fined the old club 1/4 milion quid, and maybe some of the innocent creditors get some of their cash back. So, as someone memorably said, "rangers cheated. Then they died". Now we even have Minty's endorsement to add to a slew of ex-players, Sir Cardigan, and a few honest members of the media. And Jabba.

Oh, and the berrz on here trying to hide the hurt? Just a delicious wee bonus.

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One thing I do find interesting is Youngsy's talk of Whyte 'fooling' the old rangers fans, how exactly did he go about this 'fooling', it must have been a massive project to fool tens of thousands into giving him a rapturous hero's welcome and more?

Did he really fool the rangers fans or is blind subservience just an intrinsic part of their DNA?

Either a massive project, or a few puff-pieces in the moron's paper of choice. Well done, The Record.

Not a phrase I ever thought I'd type.

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Spiers on Sport: an endless blame-game over the demise of Rangers

Graham Spiers
Thursday 10 July 2014

There is a wearyingly familiar outrage doing the rounds at Rangers after the UTT ruling which upheld the club's appeal against HMRC over its controversial use of EBTs.


This was an important judgement because it ruled that, despite the distaste many have for EBTs and their perceived manipulation for tax-avoidance, Rangers nonetheless had stayed on the right side of the law.

What the ruling shouldn't do - and I know this only too well - is forbid anyone among us from decrying the use of EBTs, at Rangers or anywhere else, as a crude means of abusing the law and, in effect, avoiding paying tax.

Not for nothing were EBTs, when used in this way, widely referred to as "a tax loophole". Everybody and their granny came to know what was going on.

My own view on EBTs hasn't changed. There have been different outcomes at various HMRC pursuits -such as at Aberdeen Asset Management and at the pre-2012 Rangers FC - but I viewed EBTs, when used as a vehicle for disguised remuneration, as a form of cheating.

Evidently the British government felt likewise: they decided to put an end to the racket in 2010/11. At that point Rangers were force to write letters to various players saying they would no longer be able to compensate them in this manner.

The tragedy that engulfed Rangers, springing from Sir David Murray's policies, to the wretched arrival of Craig Whyte, to HMRC's rejection of the CVA in the summer of 2012, has now spawned an industry of blame and witchhunt-calling.

Some Rangers supporters remain upset - rightly - but phlegmatic about it all. Others, though, seek blame everywhere - at HMRC, at the SFA, at the (former) SPL, the media, at the BBC - everywhere except at the former Rangers itself.

The truth of the matter is that the now dissolved Rangers FC plc was done-in by the very people who were charged with safe-guarding the club. Murray, Whyte and many of the old club's directors bore a very heavy responsibility.

In June 2012 it was also HMRC who, at the crucial CVA vote, drove the stake through the Ibrox heart. A combination of accrued, unpaid debts by Rangers to the tax authorities totalling £21 million - it excluded any projected EBT bills - meant that HMRC in effect dealt the fatal blow.

This was no witch-hunt. HMRC had the mere temerity of wanting its taxes paid. On the contrary, this was dire recklessness by those charged with safe-guarding Rangers. This was self-destruction.

When I look back now to April, 2012, the words of Paul Murray, a former director of the club who tried to beat Charles Green to the rescue act, seem particularly honest.

Murray and I crossed swords on a number of occasions over the Rangers saga but he always struck me as honest and conscientious in wanting to resolve a dire situation.

Just weeks prior to the Rangers CVA being rejected, Paul Murray said: "In my view we have got to try to save the club. The CVA is the only thing that the Rangers supporters want. Speaking as a supporter, I do not want a situation where the club's history - the timeline - is broken. We are trying to save this club.

"I am very clear: the club has had a number of misdemeanours over the years, and these have to be faced up to. The club has to be punished: I am 100% in agreement on that. We have done things wrong. But any penalties we face must be fair and they must be transparent."

These days you very rarely hear such openness and clarity about the Rangers case from a Rangers principal. On the contrary, cyber lynch-mobs set after you if you dare to address the Rangers collapse as Murray did in these words.

All this said, yes, there is absolutely redress that needs to be secured over the Rangers collapse. BDO, the liquidators, should ruthlessly investigate alleged fraud around the club over this period.

So should the police who, to the best of my knowledge, still have an open book on the case. Pursuit of criminality in the destruction of the former Rangers should be relentless.

But at some point, the re-writing of history will have to stop. No vendettas did for Rangers FC in 2012. On the contrary, this was a spectacular and tragic self-immolation.

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Muirhead, Britney :lol: crawling out of every crevice, all we need now the BTC blogger to release a 'this is not a victory, this is not the end' type rant, or will he just run away again?

I personal think it's fantastic that Rangers have won all these victorys :)

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