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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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“We deserve answers on why this was done to our club.”


"We Are The Victims" certainly has a ring to it. They should start singing it at football matches or something.

Don't RaSellik already own the patent on that ?

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I think that, in order to reinforce the "continuity" myth, TRIFC should spend copiously on court cases against HMRC, The "Mhedia", The BBC and "Certain Journalists and Bloggers" to right this outrageous injustice perpetrated against that fine ... "British Institution".

Damn disgrace I say.... 8)

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They seem to forget, Murray received a tax free "loan" of SIX POINT THREE MILLION POUNDS himself from the EBT scheme. Which was operated by his own offshore company. And which he never has to pay back. That, to anyone who pays tax on their working income is a real piss off. And Tedi, don't start on about legal tax avoidance scheme. That is morally wrong to any working person in the country.

Here is a wee reminder of how much was taken out of the tax payers pockets. You lot deserve everything you got. MUGS.


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Supporters’ group The Union of Fans called for a Government inquiry into HMRC’s handling of the case.

They said: “Rangers Football Club and its fans have been the victims of a witch-hunt by HMRC ... which has done huge damage to a proud Scottish and British institution.

“Why did HMRC continue with this spurious claim when they were offered settlement?

“We deserve answers on why this was done to our club.”

The "huge damage" referred to here wasn't done by HMRC, who are under obligation to the taxpayer to investigate and challenge what they believed to be a dubious tax avoidance scheme. Rangers have not been singled out in any way. These challenges are wide ranging and commonplace. Just ask Jimmy Carr, Gary Barlow, George Michael, Arctic Monkeys etc. It's what HMRC are specifically employed to do.

In the scheme of events that have subsequently transpired, it's also clear that the Big Tax Case had no relevance on the liquidation process.

Rangers were liquidated for non payment of undisputed tax, which was in no way related to HMRC's pursuance of the BTC.

If Rangers had paid their legitimate tax bill, they would still be here.

If blame needs to be apportioned, then it should lie with those who refused to pay up.

Having had my own disputes with HMRC, I'm surprised to find myself defending them. However, as a taxpayer, this is exactly the type of scheme I would expect them to challenge.

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In the scheme of events that have subsequently transpired, it's also clear that the Big Tax Case had no relevance on the liquidation process.

I totally agree with your post, but would dispute the quoted part above.

You're right in saying that admin and Liquidation were for unpaid taxes and not due to the sums relevant in the BTC. However, Whyte was only capable of getting on board at Rangers at all due to the lurking presence of the BTC. This was what meant Murray was prepared to offload for nowt to any passing charlatan, without taking a proper look.

It's actually beautiful that despite being deemed legal, the morally disgusting scheme Rangers operated is what sank them, albeit indirectly.

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I totally agree with your post, but would dispute the quoted part above.

You're right in saying that admin and Liquidation were for unpaid taxes and not due to the sums relevant in the BTC. However, Whyte was only capable of getting on board at Rangers at all due to the lurking presence of the BTC. This was what meant Murray was prepared to offload for nowt to any passing charlatan, without taking a proper look.

It's actually beautiful that despite being deemed legal, the morally disgusting scheme Rangers operated is what sank them, albeit indirectly.


exposed the insideous nature of the SFA and the supine, fawning elements of the SMSM and their it's single minded, old-firm centric practices for ALL to see.

Dare they try the same trick moving forward I wonder? If they do, it certainly won't go un-noticed now.


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both sides claiming the sfa, spl and the sfl did them wrong?

it is understood the sfa and the leagues acted according to the information and evidence available at that point in july 2012 and august 2012 and with the rules they had. both were badly prepared for this kind of scenario

i don't think either hearts nor dunfermline have been treated differently, their situations never got as far as what had happened at ibrox and the governing bodies were better prepared to deal with both cases. but there is a lot of anger among rangers fans that there had been some kind of vandetta against the club from the governing bodies. some fans are calling for a uefa investigation into the sfa and the way the situation was handled. but would an investigation only clarify that while the sfa and the league broke their own rules to allow rangers to compete in the sfl, could it be like shooting themselves in the foot since there could be a possibility that in acting contrary to their own rules rangers place in the sfl was illegal. but then what rules have uefa in place to over rule domestic leagues in decisions?

bit late anyway

regardless, is incredible how some of these people in the sfa and now in the spfl have managed to keep their jobs

More hindsight?

You're almost starting to make sense btw. Keep it up.

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Well the supporter of the dead rangers club at work is now saying hearts fc are the biggest crooks in Scottish football. His defence is that at least his former club paid off their football debts. Sent him into meltdown with the rebuttle of what about every tax paying person in Britain you shafted by not paying the tax and all the small businesses you lot shafted like the face painters and such. Never seen such mx angry muppet before. I live telling him his club died for nothing.

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Well the supporter of the dead rangers club at work is now saying hearts fc are the biggest crooks in Scottish football. His defence is that at least his former club paid off their football debts. Sent him into meltdown with the rebuttle of what about every tax paying person in Britain you shafted by not paying the tax and all the small businesses you lot shafted like the face painters and such. Never seen such mx angry muppet before. I live telling him his club died for nothing.

Hate to piss on yer chips, but why go down that route and claim the moral high ground when you have that avatar?

Can't have it both ways.

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Hate to piss on yer chips, but why go down that route and claim the moral high ground when you have that avatar?

Can't have it both ways.

never started anything with him he just ranted. Saw no other option but to wind him up further.
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just shows what a bigoted wee backwater this coubtry has become.
That's a fkn disgrace. Obviously the sheriff has an allegiance to another club, the same club that turned a blind eye to child abuse!! It makes my blood boil. Can you appeal?


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Is anyone else unsurprised that Rangers fans showed no foresight two years ago?

All the fuxkers care about is history. Explains their liking for hindsight.

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