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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So I'm a loony ?, you came to this outstanding conclusion after you made a cnut out of yourself on the match thread getting totally caught out editing posts to discredit someone because you didn't comprehend what the OP posted but decided to cover your tracks anyway ?

Benny stop drinking or taking any more drugs and switch off the laptop/PC.

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Kicking, screaming, leaving pools of piss, snot and tears as they were unceremoniously dragged to death row to await the liquidator's final blow to the neck.

Well that's how I'll remember them.


May I add shit stained troosers as well ?, also shouting a big bhoy did it and ran away ?.

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May I add shit stained troosers as well ?, also shouting a big bhoy did it and ran away ?.

Nut mun, that's my image. Feel free to borrow and add my image to yours but that's the way I remember it and, like a Rangers fan's memory of exiting an insolvency event, I am not changing it.

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Nut mun, that's my image. Feel free to borrow and add my image to yours but that's the way I remember it and, like a Rangers fan's memory of exiting an insolvency event, I am not changing it.

I'll be telling the Grand-kids about the day Rangers died and how fucking funny it was laughing at the Rangers fans when it happened. :)

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Again i have to say aye.

At times the wee wee hamster that runs the workings of your inner mind really does struggle doesn't it Benny ?

You may think in your opinion that I'm a loony but you make being a loony an Olympic sport you'd be guaranteed a gold medal in.

Log off before you embarrass yourself again there's a good chap. :)

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So uncouth. No, I think however that too many Rangers fans display a loyalty which is blind. This has attracted a succession of shysters, who once in place, can perform this badly yet still bring in money. The easy ride extended to McCoist is part of the same thing.

Do you remember when administration was first announced? If not go back and read the pages on here from diddies talking about the 'Loyal Rangers' supporters. There was talk that we would have crowds of 5,000 on a weekly basis...Rangers supporters on here get slated for lack of loyalty on an almost weekly basis.

Now that this myth about our support has been blown to pieces by the tens of thousands of loyal supporters that turn up every second week it is our fault the club is the way it is because we are too loyal?

Where is McCoist getting this easy ride...and don't say the Fox and Hounds...The last time i looked on Follow Follow the poll was running at 90%+ wanted him out. I sit in the Copland as you know which is nowhere near the dugout and the abuse aimed at him is unbelievable. I dread to think what gets shouted from the East Enclosure.

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Do you remember when administration was first announced? If not go back and read the pages on here from diddies talking about the 'Loyal Rangers' supporters. There was talk that we would have crowds of 5,000 on a weekly basis...Rangers supporters on here get slated for lack of loyalty on an almost weekly basis.

Now that this myth about our support has been blown to pieces by the tens of thousands of loyal supporters that turn up every second week it is our fault the club is the way it is because we are too loyal?

Where is McCoist getting this easy ride...and don't say the Fox and Hounds...The last time i looked on Follow Follow the poll was running at 90%+ wanted him out. I sit in the Copland as you know which is nowhere near the dugout and the abuse aimed at him is unbelievable. I dread to think what gets shouted from the East Enclosure.


Tear stained pish & snotters forum for this drivel.

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If you are that loyal why did you follow a new club? Lack of pride. integrity, swallowed the lies being peddled ... seriously we all know it's new club with the old clothes ... so why did you swallow the lies?

Where else could they congregate and scream all their pish, without being arrested?

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If you are that loyal why did you follow a new club? Lack of pride. integrity, swallowed the lies being peddled ... seriously we all know it's new club with the old clothes ... so why did you swallow the lies?

Daft cnut has said what he wouldn't ever do as long as the spivs run the club ? and now he is looking for a pat on the back for caving in and parting with his punters hard earned cash.

He claims that he is being loyal ffs when we all know he is a spineless cnut who posts rants a plenty only to retract it at a later date with the heat of the moment type thingy.

No8 might as well have walked up to the Easedales in person and stuck the envelope full of his punters coins into their pocket and say thanks for the ST.

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Do you remember when administration was first announced? If not go back and read the pages on here from diddies talking about the 'Loyal Rangers' supporters. There was talk that we would have crowds of 5,000 on a weekly basis...Rangers supporters on here get slated for lack of loyalty on an almost weekly basis.

Now that this myth about our support has been blown to pieces by the tens of thousands of loyal supporters that turn up every second week it is our fault the club is the way it is because we are too loyal?

Where is McCoist getting this easy ride...and don't say the Fox and Hounds...The last time i looked on Follow Follow the poll was running at 90%+ wanted him out. I sit in the Copland as you know which is nowhere near the dugout and the abuse aimed at him is unbelievable. I dread to think what gets shouted from the East Enclosure.

I nearly shed a tear. You poor deluded sod.

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Do you remember when administration was first announced? If not go back and read the pages on here from diddies talking about the 'Loyal Rangers' supporters. There was talk that we would have crowds of 5,000 on a weekly basis...Rangers supporters on here get slated for lack of loyalty on an almost weekly basis.

Now that this myth about our support has been blown to pieces by the tens of thousands of loyal supporters that turn up every second week it is our fault the club is the way it is because we are too loyal?

Where is McCoist getting this easy ride...and don't say the Fox and Hounds...The last time i looked on Follow Follow the poll was running at 90%+ wanted him out. I sit in the Copland as you know which is nowhere near the dugout and the abuse aimed at him is unbelievable. I dread to think what gets shouted from the East Enclosure.

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