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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Please don't spell Macleod like that.

Decent deal for both parties if true. Good player

One of the Norse names I seem to remember :D

Rumoured that Mather has sold his shares. No idea what this means if true. Two transactions of 1.8M shares showing on AIM. Not yet listed as buy or sell.

ETA Sorry, somehow missed earlier posts on this.

Both amounts within seconds, exactly the same. Nah, some boy is selling to himself. Market maker probably.

No way on Earth , would that amount of shares be sold for over 20p.........

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Moshers :D :D

Fined for no insurance and using a phone whilst driving.

Said he was going to a catering course :D :D


This report from STV and the one in the Record are almost identical. Same source regurgitated I suppose.



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Interesting? Why would you find some celticminded website interesting?

If Rangers avoid admin (i've a feeling we may see the stadium/training ground sold and we may limp on for another year or so) and if Ally can stop being so bloody stupid with his team selections then i see no reason why we can't win the league. When Hearts recently got humped in a cup game it showed just how shallow their squad is, suspensions/injuries will hurt them more than us.

Hibs don't appear to be at the races but it's still early doors .....

Falkirk, RR, QotS probably won't last the distance but could throw some spanners into the works.

I said "interesting" as opposed to "spot on", "unbiased" or "well informed" because I thought the articles were interesting.

Rangers appear to be the main obstacle between Hearts and automatic promotion so what's going on there is now interest in the same way that I now really don't give a toss what's happening to Kilmarnock, St Mirren, Partick or that other one

In a story full of smoke and mirrors, as this one is, one can either throw up your hands and assume that there's no way to find out what's really going on or you can read critically, try to adjust for bias and agendas and form some coherent picture of what's going. FWIW I regard your post as "interesting" as well.

While the oldco/newco business in the article is pretty tiresome most of my post was addressing the difference between a 15 and 25 point deduction, either of which Rangers could have carried and still one league one and neither of which (IMO) would allow them to carry the Championship. By discussing that I am by definition hypothesising about the situation where Rangers do go into Administration.

It seems clear that situation is somewhere between inevitable (as Mr Forrest maintains) or a real possibility (as you seem to think). Whereabouts on that range the real likelihood lies is something I don't really feel qualified to judge as I've been distracted by the more important financial complications in Gorgie/Lithuania but I'm trying to get up to speed.

So apologies if this is a silly question here but does anybody have a security over the stadium or training ground? In my experience of administration that kind of thing can be quite important.

As for there being no reason why they shouldn't win the championship it would be a fainthearted supporter indeed who gave up hope of overturning a 3 point gap over 33 remaining games.


Even while Rangers remain favourites (8/11 on at Coral) they're not the hot favourites they were even in June (4/9 William Hills) never mind the racing certainties for 3 consecutive promotions they were assumed to be at the start of the "journey". The risk of not actually getting the swift return that the business plan would have been based on is now a lot realer and given the tightrope that they're walking already it's a wobble that they don't need.

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I love The Big Thread and am amused each day about how posting about Rangers make folk feel important.

I too, love the BRALT. Making this post does not make feel 'important'. Reading other posts makes me :) and occasionally :lol: and sometimes even :thumsup2 . In fact I feel a big :lol::thumsup2:P coming on soon.

I sense resentment, 'cos you can't join in, given your choice of football entity.

This may well be myth but there's this idea that a Jewish man's morning prayer goes long the lines of, "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman."

Now while I eschew misogyny and discrimination I do wake up with a smile each day and think, despite the vicissitudes of the past few years, "Thank f**k I am neither a Plastic nor a Diddy".

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This may well be myth but there's this idea that a Jewish man's morning prayer goes long the lines of, "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman."

Now while I eschew misogyny and discrimination I do wake up with a smile each day and think, despite the vicissitudes of the past few years, "Thank f**k I am neither a Plastic nor a Diddy".

No need to bring religion into it. You ARE a diddy ...................FACT :P

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This may well be myth but there's this idea that a Jewish man's morning prayer goes long the lines of, "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman."

Now while I eschew misogyny and discrimination I do wake up with a smile each day and think, despite the vicissitudes of the past few years, "Thank f**k I am neither a Plastic nor a Diddy".

^^^^ Diddy :P

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This may well be myth but there's this idea that a Jewish man's morning prayer goes long the lines of, "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman."

Now while I eschew misogyny and discrimination I do wake up with a smile each day and think, despite the vicissitudes of the past few years, "Thank f**k I am neither a Plastic nor a Diddy".

So much effort expended to so little effect.

Must do better Kinky. :rolleyes:

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This may well be myth but there's this idea that a Jewish man's morning prayer goes long the lines of, "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman."

Now while I eschew misogyny and discrimination I do wake up with a smile each day and think, despite the vicissitudes of the past few years, "Thank f**k I am neither a Plastic nor a Diddy".

And finally one day you'll wake up to find that you aren't a Rangers supporter any more either. :)

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