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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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We're off to a cracking start this season - and I think McCoist will come good for us over time. Just as he did as a player - shit start and then on to greatness.

I can't speak of Lennon's ability because I can't offer any sense of balance when commenting on the wee shite. Although I just assumed you would cuff Spartak Knickyknackynoo.


That's because that was our last seasons team which quite frankly isn't good enough for Rangers. It's like night and day when we have Daly and Law in our side we look a millions time better. Just wait until after the 1st of September and you'll see our proper starting line up.

Of course we can afford them. We wouldn't currently be looking at other players right now if we couldn't afford the ones we already have.

"It's public knowledge the club is accruing debt crippling financial models?"


You don't half talk some amount of shite.


No he's not. Only the bigots don't like what Ally has to say.

I just felt these posts should be bumped :)

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Alloa :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Alloa isn't a place to get easy points, you know.

Nice to see the horde ramping up for an easy win.

f**k, only a couple of them had the decency to forecast that Alloa would score!

7-0, 6-0, 5-0, 4-0.......... triumphalist tossers, and well done Alloa, a pity Spence couldn't have scored the one-on-one with the Keeper when you were one up.........might have been a meltdown or three on the match thread!!!

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"Yeah ok but it sure sounds like Ibrox square based on the songs. I won't tell any other Rangers fan what to do, but I'm starting to really consider whether or not I want to be aligned to a club with such filthy traditions to be honest."

A post from a Rangers fan on my Facebook (not sure if he reads this/posts on here). He's not alone, either.

Glad to see the penny dropping for some, although I have already seen the "these aren't real Rangers fans!" defense flung about.

edit: Would like to add - Last night we finally got the social unrest promised in the wake of Rangers liquidation. Absolutely no shock to see Rangers fans as chief participants.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Was it not £1M (5 million shares) they invested?

Either way Laxey are not interested in Rangers, this is just a gamble for them in the hope of a take over from the likes of DK in which they would hope to make a profit.

or take control over the assets in an insolvency event I'd assume.

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