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Published: 11 hrs ago

IF there’s one thing Ally McCoist is good at it’s self preservation.
His skills at football management don’t come anywhere close. That’s not meant to sound like a personal attack on the Rangers boss.
Let’s be clear; he’s an affable guy and someone who most people find easy to get on with.
But that’s McCoist the man.
I’m talking about McCoist the manager and quite frankly he’s not good enough. His skills in that area are sadly lacking.

Monday night’s 3-1 defeat to Hibs — and McCoist’s blaming of Bilel Moshni which was a blatant attempt to look after No 1 and deflect all responsibility — will probably reaffirm what Gers fans already know, that it’s simply not good enough.
But Rangers cannot afford to sack him given the size and weight of his lucrative contract. And it’s not like McCoist is going to walk away.

In all honesty I can understand why he’s holding on to his job for dear life.
He’s on big money and maybe he still has faith in himself that he can turn it around.
If you asked me if others could do a better job at Rangers then I think the answer is Yes.
It’s time Rangers had someone else in charge, but the bottom line is it’s unlikely to happen any time soon.
Rangers are stuck with McCoist and as far as I can see, he’s going nowhere.

So all supporters can do is ask is WHY are their team is toiling so dreadfully.
For me it’s simple, the players just aren’t being trained.
If you watch them play — there is no style or structure the players are adhering to.
They have some men with real potential to be top players.
The likes of Dean Shiels, Lee Wallace and David Templeton to name but three.
But since signing for Gers they have gone backwards.

That’s not because of the league they have been playing in. It’s down to the fact they have not been coached.
It seems no one at Rangers is working to make them better.
It’s been the classic Fat Cat mentality where people are happy to take good money for an easy life.
That may have been good enough to get through the lower leagues, but it won’t be to get out of the Championship.
McCoist’s side have no creativity or drive.
They arguably have the best finisher in the country in Kris Boyd, but how many chances has he had to score?

I look at midfielders like Nicky Law and Ian Black and they are wasted shirts. When I played, my job as a midfielder was to try and make a killer pass to split defences.
Black spends his days swanning around Ibrox like he owns the joint, playing sideways passes like his life depends on it.
It’s nowhere near good enough. There’s others who are playing out of position.
Darren McGregor is a centre half — and not a ball-playing one at that — but he’s been shunted to right-back.
On the left of midfield it’s Stevie Smith, a left-back.
Throw in the likes of Mohsni and Arnold Peralta, two bog standard players if ever I saw them, and it’s a total shambles.
That’s been down to the signing policy McCoist went with.

He should have been bringing in youngsters like Andy Robertson — who he failed to spot the potential of, even when Gers played Queen’s Park four times in a season.
But it maybe comes back to the fact he knew he wouldn’t be making him any better.
So instead he signed players with so-called experience.
For me it’s not going to end well, but if McCoist isn’t going to quit or be sacked, then maybe he should at least try and change things behind the scenes at Ibrox.

He’s got to realise his strengths and weaknesses and if that means conceding he’s no good on the training ground them bring someone in who is.
But then again that may not be something he wants to do when his two pals, Ian Durrant and No 2 Kenny McDowall, are already doing that job.


:o Ooooh, Fat Salary won't like that one bit.

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Did not think the old company provided any of these loans to be fair.

Old company?

Who was on the board of the old company and who was on the board of the club?

How come in years gone by the club website never felt the need to add (the company) or (the club) into their news items, but now they do?

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Published: 11 hrs ago

IF there’s one thing Ally McCoist is good at it’s self preservation.

His skills at football management don’t come anywhere close. That’s not meant to sound like a personal attack on the Rangers boss.

Let’s be clear; he’s an affable guy and someone who most people find easy to get on with.

But that’s McCoist the man.

I’m talking about McCoist the manager and quite frankly he’s not good enough. His skills in that area are sadly lacking.

Monday night’s 3-1 defeat to Hibs — and McCoist’s blaming of Bilel Moshni which was a blatant attempt to look after No 1 and deflect all responsibility — will probably reaffirm what Gers fans already know, that it’s simply not good enough.

But Rangers cannot afford to sack him given the size and weight of his lucrative contract. And it’s not like McCoist is going to walk away.

In all honesty I can understand why he’s holding on to his job for dear life.

He’s on big money and maybe he still has faith in himself that he can turn it around.

If you asked me if others could do a better job at Rangers then I think the answer is Yes.

It’s time Rangers had someone else in charge, but the bottom line is it’s unlikely to happen any time soon.

Rangers are stuck with McCoist and as far as I can see, he’s going nowhere.

So all supporters can do is ask is WHY are their team is toiling so dreadfully.

For me it’s simple, the players just aren’t being trained.

If you watch them play — there is no style or structure the players are adhering to.

They have some men with real potential to be top players.

The likes of Dean Shiels, Lee Wallace and David Templeton to name but three.

But since signing for Gers they have gone backwards.

That’s not because of the league they have been playing in. It’s down to the fact they have not been coached.

It seems no one at Rangers is working to make them better.

It’s been the classic Fat Cat mentality where people are happy to take good money for an easy life.

That may have been good enough to get through the lower leagues, but it won’t be to get out of the Championship.

McCoist’s side have no creativity or drive.

They arguably have the best finisher in the country in Kris Boyd, but how many chances has he had to score?

I look at midfielders like Nicky Law and Ian Black and they are wasted shirts. When I played, my job as a midfielder was to try and make a killer pass to split defences.

Black spends his days swanning around Ibrox like he owns the joint, playing sideways passes like his life depends on it.

It’s nowhere near good enough. There’s others who are playing out of position.

Darren McGregor is a centre half — and not a ball-playing one at that — but he’s been shunted to right-back.

On the left of midfield it’s Stevie Smith, a left-back.

Throw in the likes of Mohsni and Arnold Peralta, two bog standard players if ever I saw them, and it’s a total shambles.

That’s been down to the signing policy McCoist went with.

He should have been bringing in youngsters like Andy Robertson — who he failed to spot the potential of, even when Gers played Queen’s Park four times in a season.

But it maybe comes back to the fact he knew he wouldn’t be making him any better.

So instead he signed players with so-called experience.

For me it’s not going to end well, but if McCoist isn’t going to quit or be sacked, then maybe he should at least try and change things behind the scenes at Ibrox.

He’s got to realise his strengths and weaknesses and if that means conceding he’s no good on the training ground them bring someone in who is.

But then again that may not be something he wants to do when his two pals, Ian Durrant and No 2 Kenny McDowall, are already doing that job.


:o Ooooh, Fat Salary won't like that one bit.

:lol::lol::lol:I LOVE IT :lol::lol::lol:

Well said Michael :thumsup2

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Published: 11 hrs ago

IF there’s one thing Ally McCoist is good at it’s self preservation.

His skills at football management don’t come anywhere close. That’s not meant to sound like a personal attack on the Rangers boss.

Let’s be clear; he’s an affable guy and someone who most people find easy to get on with.

But that’s McCoist the man.

I’m talking about McCoist the manager and quite frankly he’s not good enough. His skills in that area are sadly lacking.

Monday night’s 3-1 defeat to Hibs — and McCoist’s blaming of Bilel Moshni which was a blatant attempt to look after No 1 and deflect all responsibility — will probably reaffirm what Gers fans already know, that it’s simply not good enough.

But Rangers cannot afford to sack him given the size and weight of his lucrative contract. And it’s not like McCoist is going to walk away.

In all honesty I can understand why he’s holding on to his job for dear life.

He’s on big money and maybe he still has faith in himself that he can turn it around.

If you asked me if others could do a better job at Rangers then I think the answer is Yes.

It’s time Rangers had someone else in charge, but the bottom line is it’s unlikely to happen any time soon.

Rangers are stuck with McCoist and as far as I can see, he’s going nowhere.

So all supporters can do is ask is WHY are their team is toiling so dreadfully.

For me it’s simple, the players just aren’t being trained.

If you watch them play — there is no style or structure the players are adhering to.

They have some men with real potential to be top players.

The likes of Dean Shiels, Lee Wallace and David Templeton to name but three.

But since signing for Gers they have gone backwards.

That’s not because of the league they have been playing in. It’s down to the fact they have not been coached.

It seems no one at Rangers is working to make them better.

It’s been the classic Fat Cat mentality where people are happy to take good money for an easy life.

That may have been good enough to get through the lower leagues, but it won’t be to get out of the Championship.

McCoist’s side have no creativity or drive.

They arguably have the best finisher in the country in Kris Boyd, but how many chances has he had to score?

I look at midfielders like Nicky Law and Ian Black and they are wasted shirts. When I played, my job as a midfielder was to try and make a killer pass to split defences.

Black spends his days swanning around Ibrox like he owns the joint, playing sideways passes like his life depends on it.

It’s nowhere near good enough. There’s others who are playing out of position.

Darren McGregor is a centre half — and not a ball-playing one at that — but he’s been shunted to right-back.

On the left of midfield it’s Stevie Smith, a left-back.

Throw in the likes of Mohsni and Arnold Peralta, two bog standard players if ever I saw them, and it’s a total shambles.

That’s been down to the signing policy McCoist went with.

He should have been bringing in youngsters like Andy Robertson — who he failed to spot the potential of, even when Gers played Queen’s Park four times in a season.

But it maybe comes back to the fact he knew he wouldn’t be making him any better.

So instead he signed players with so-called experience.

For me it’s not going to end well, but if McCoist isn’t going to quit or be sacked, then maybe he should at least try and change things behind the scenes at Ibrox.

He’s got to realise his strengths and weaknesses and if that means conceding he’s no good on the training ground them bring someone in who is.

But then again that may not be something he wants to do when his two pals, Ian Durrant and No 2 Kenny McDowall, are already doing that job.


:o Ooooh, Fat Salary won't like that one bit.

And it's taken this michael Stewart guy just how many years to spot what was blatantly obvious to everyone else....

Aye he really knows his stuff.

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They also did What do I get? And Oh Shit was on the b side

Well you tried it just for once

Found it all right for kicks

But now you found out that it's a habit that sticks

And you're an Orc Cataclysm addict

Sneaking in the back door with overpaid hasbeens

Making Copeland Road dafties believe it's the team of dreams

You're an Orc Cataclysm addict

The board's feeling the heat

Fat Sally's in a sulk

Now the worst Hibs team in history's pounded theirs to pulp

You're an Orc Cataclysm addict

Yet you're still kidding yourselves on

Like dazed junkies on meth
Blindly watching another Rangers board fucking your club to death

You're an Orc Cataclysm addict

You stole tax money off school kids

hospitals and the head of state

You didn't pay the face painting lady

or the supplier of Ally's cream cakes

Butcher pissed off back home to Suffolk

No chance of returning there.

Every week The Rangers stumble

The share price takes a tumble
Coz no one wants to be your Teddy Bear.

So they're askin' Fat Sally and know things ain't steady

Yet the Succulent Lambs will keep lying Rangers are still "Ready"

You're an Orc Cataclysm addict

Ally doesn't care where you apportion the blame

He's got the shares, he will remain

He's an Orc Cataclysm addict

He's always at it

He's an Orc Cataclysm addict

With apologies to Pete Shelley and Howard Devoto
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Not me, I welcomed the change from Murray but really knew nothing about Whyte, was certainly reserved about him.

The P & Bers proclaimed him as a 'hero' knowing full well he was a crook, basically breaking the law is fine as long as you are royally fucking Rangers in the process it seems.

Hmm, let's see ?, first there was the media spewing a multimillion pound take over and wealth right of the fucking radar you'd need the Hubble telescope to see it's limits. Then Rangers FC get sold for a quid as long as the banks debt has been settled but there's still that wealth right off the radar and Wyhte is going to pump gazillions into the playing squad putting ra Sellick into there rightful place under Rangers shadow.

Then the internet bampots start making websites about how dodgy Whyte is and has feck all money and the EBT case will certainly sink the club. Rangers fans then start waving the fingers at everyone saying things like "yer only jealous" & "fcuk aff yer talkin shite". P&B starts creating threads and the BBC start to publicise Whytes dodgy past history but everything is fine the Rangers are still top of the league and that's all that matters isn't it ?

Rangers fans have the stupidity to protest outside the BBC studios about the obvious lies they are publicising about their club and the clubs owner and are only out to damage the club instead of making the fans aware that Whyte is a cnut of the highest magnitude and their club is in serious financial trouble soon.

Etc etc etc and so on Tedi, what you deem as us P&D's maliciously laughing at Rangers predicaments is mostly from your fans reactions at every fucking source TV, Radio, Newspapers, internet web sites devoted to telling Rangers fans the truth and so on. You reap what you sow and your stupid fucking support are reaping the fruits of their arrogance and deluded stupidity at believing every cnut was out to kill Rangers and were everywhere including a fucking Vatican conspiracy ffs.

If yer stupid support had actually thought for a minute and got it the club is in sire straits, you might still be actually supporting the same club with it's original company intact in the top tier that would still be called the SPL.

It's numpties like you that make us laugh at you and yer club because yer stupid. I'm Tedi and I'm not buying an ST stupid and Rangers will post a profit stupid and here's a link stupid and the ever glorious five star stupid and you still defend yer club stupid.

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Really? again? :lol:

You don't have the stomach for it chump, you'll get yer arse handed back to you after it has been well and truly verbally raped. :)

Also why the laughing Gif ?, it's not like you enjoyed getting publicly humiliated on a regular basis on P&B ?, or did you dopey ? :lol:

edited to spell arse right cause I made an arse of it. :P

Edited by hellbhoy
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He doesn't have the brains or the stomach ... but by the amount of shyte he produces daily I'd say he definitely has an arse ... humungous at that.

I'm sure he is hovering over the thread as we post now Dhenny raging in tears and snotters at posts he says are hidden from his view because he has put us on ignore. :lol: Stupid is what stupid does. :lol:

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And it's taken this michael Stewart guy just how many years to spot what was blatantly obvious to everyone else....

Aye he really knows his stuff.

Aye, benny.

But, he hasn't had the benefit of a P&B education like you. ;)

He's trying to "reach out" to the mindless horde that still believe in ally, also those who believe that rangers are a top flight team. :lol:

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