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But Norman. I have no need to ask the mods to do anything. The post i quoted says roughly what i claimed you had said.

You want to deny deleting posts where you went off on a rant then that is entirely up to you. The post you missed was all i needed

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What position are you suggesting I crumbled from?

There are posts from me on this site from within a day of the SFL vote, where I say I've no plans to muster a boycott, but might feel less inclined to slavishly attend every home match, if there are alternative things I really could/should be doing.

You and Bennett have spent a couple of years lying about this, claiming I was giving it the big 'un about never going back, before sheepishly returning. Absolute rubbish.

You on the other hand, declared volubly that you wouldn't return to watch, under the current regime, before just doing it anyway.

You really, really, need to stop telling lies about me. The evidence of what we've each said on here is still there and very easy to locate. You end up looking stupid, as well as dishonest.

Yeh ... Who could forget your argument. Choosing not to arrend games you would previously attendded is not a boycott.

Like Tedi i have drasttically cut back on what i spent previously on Rangers. I am now only attending games on season ticket and have resigned from the CCCS and all cup.games. I havent bought any merchandise from Rangers in years. All that considered i would think financially i am witholding far more per season than yoyr average season ticket holder who didnt renew.

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But Norman. I have no need to ask the mods to do anything. The post i quoted says roughly what i claimed you had said.

You want to deny deleting posts where you went off on a rant then that is entirely up to you. The post you missed was all i needed

The post you "quoted" wasn't from me, though, was it? The reason I "missed" it, according to you, is that it's not a post of mine. Go on, quote it here, today, now.

Everybody else : given that the subject is a disputed "quote", referencing myself and the disdain I feel for both Ugly Sisters..... Fancy guessing who the poster was?

And No8? If you ever read my posts instead of simply attacking me, you'll find a wee bit of advice in there - don't spend your time trying to cover up lies, as being honest from the start allows your arguments to stand on firmer ground. You know, like having to explain how context is important in matters of racism.

Relying on your fellow-raisins as some kind of reference really does make you look pretty thick.

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Financial Times article today:

Rangers and Daniel Stewart show risks of junior market

Troubles are mounting for the club and its financial adviser

It is hard to know which company is closer to omnishambles – Rangers International Football Club or Daniel Stewart Securities, the club’s nominated financial adviser, or nomad.

Just as the Ibrox club most needs its nomad’s help, Daniel Stewart’s best minds are desperately trying to find the cash to plug the hole in its own accounts.

Neither company’s woes are surprising on their own. But together, they create a mess that only exposes the risks of the Alternative Investment Market as an unregulated market.

Last week Daniel Stewart admitted it lacked the regulatory capital required by the Financial Conduct Authority, the top City watchdog. It turns out that is why the broker missed the deadline for filing its accounts and suspended its Aim-quoted shares this month. If Daniel Stewart can’t find a knight to rescue it and fails to publish accounts by March, the suspension from Aim will become expulsion.

Almost simultaneously, Rangers received a notice from Mike Ashley, the billionaire founder of Sports Direct, who owns Newcastle United and for reasons known only to himself has built a 9 per cent stake in Rangers. Mr Ashley is calling for a meeting to throw out the club’s chief executive, Graham Wallace, and its director, Philip Nash, from the Ibrox board.

Rangers must anyway hold its annual meeting by Christmas, when it will ask investors to stump up more cash to keep the club going. This is on top of last month’s £3m fundraising, which Mr Ashley refused to back.

It won’t help that its nomad is caught in its own storm.

The reaction of the FCA and the London Stock Exchange, the for-profit company that oversees Aim, is not comforting. It seems that even if the FCA were to withdraw its authorisation from Daniel Stewart, the Old Jewry business could still act as a nomad.

The LSE’s rule book for nomads is a masterpiece in accommodation. It will consider whether a nomad endangers the reputation or integrity of Aim and review “whether the applicant is appropriately authorised and regulated and the applicant’s standing with its regulators”. But there is nothing prescriptive about a nomad being authorised by Britain’s chief watchdog. It highlights how loosely the junior market is regulated.

If Daniel Stewart were to lose its nomad status, the clients would be handed over to other brokers swiftly, say regulators. That may not be so easy in Rangers’ case. The club has suffered persistent board spats and financial troubles and Daniel Stewart is its third nomad since it floated in December 2012. Brokers are not queueing for the job. But without a nomad, Rangers’ shares would be suspended.

The departure of Daniel Stewart or Rangers from Aim may not be a cause for lament. But it should make Daniel Stewart’s other 25 or so clients think hard about the company they are keeping. :)

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What position are you suggesting I crumbled from?

There are posts from me on this site from within a day of the SFL vote, where I say I've no plans to muster a boycott, but might feel less inclined to slavishly attend every home match, if there are alternative things I really could/should be doing.

You and Bennett have spent a couple of years lying about this, claiming I was giving it the big 'un about never going back, before sheepishly returning. Absolute rubbish.

You on the other hand, declared volubly that you wouldn't return to watch, under the current regime, before just doing it anyway.

You really, really, need to stop telling lies about me. The evidence of what we've each said on here is still there and very easy to locate. You end up looking stupid, as well as dishonest.

The post you "quoted" wasn't from me, though, was it? The reason I "missed" it, according to you, is that it's not a post of mine. Go on, quote it here, today, now.

Everybody else : given that the subject is a disputed "quote", referencing myself and the disdain I feel for both Ugly Sisters..... Fancy guessing who the poster was?

And No8? If you ever read my posts instead of simply attacking me, you'll find a wee bit of advice in there - don't spend your time trying to cover up lies, as being honest from the start allows your arguments to stand on firmer ground. You know, like having to explain how context is important in matters of racism.

Relying on your fellow-raisins as some kind of reference really does make you look pretty thick.

No.8 is just here to derail the thread and wind up non-sevco fans, reasoned rational honest discussion is the last thing he wants. He will continue to be a stupid, lying, bigot regardless of what either of you say

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No.8 is just here to derail the thread and wind up non-sevco fans, reasoned rational honest discussion is the last thing he wants. He will continue to be a stupid, lying, bigot regardless of what either of you say

No.8 is just here to derail the thread and wind up non-sevco fans, reasoned rational honest discussion is the last thing he wants.

So I've noticed.

He will continue to be a stupid, lying, bigot regardless of what either of you say - as well as being a sheep who regards English rule as acceptable.

Edited by Wee Willie
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Yeh ... Who could forget your argument. Choosing not to arrend games you would previously attendded is not a boycott.

Like Tedi i have drasttically cut back on what i spent previously on Rangers. I am now only attending games on season ticket and have resigned from the CCCS and all cup.games. I havent bought any merchandise from Rangers in years. All that considered i would think financially i am witholding far more per season than yoyr average season ticket holder who didnt renew.

Seems to me like you are withholding your money from Ashley, not the board.

I would suggest that those season ticket holders who withdrew are due a bit more respect for their sacrifice, and that's what it is to a lot of them, than some witless clown who believes not buying merchandise is a viable alternative to withholding season ticket money.

You are like a vegetarian that gives up steak for Lent. Kidding no-one but yourself.

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Cheers Tedi. I am on my phone and thought wee Norman had deleted that one this morning.

Oh dear Norman what a fucking nightmare you are having and i am afraid the hypocritical wee Thistle poster trying to derail this wont work.

Oh aye and get it right up ye

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Hmmm. Not lies, though, Tedi. As with the majority of posts which you "quote", it's only now that we see a little bit more the original. As with the majority of posts which you " quote ", it's only now that we are some way towards seeing the whole post. And now that you (unlike the racist loyalist) have kindly provided the original link, let's have a further dig into the context, shall we!

I would say that it's a strange kind of a post for a celtic supporter to have produced, wouldn't you? You do still believe that, don't you? Deals fairly even handedly with both Sisters, in my view, given yer berrz' attitudes to non-peepul and my own attitude towards criminals and bigots of all stripes.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

He must have spent hours searching for and deleting posts lol, Norman clearly isn't right in the head......

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