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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That was going to be my question.

Obviously, Bennett was deliberately being awkward by picking up on the word "buy" to imply that the Rangers squad was not expensive, even though the guy was clearly referring to how costly the team was in terms of wages.

It was a tactic best observed when Mileson and Alexander indulged in such unsophisticated nonsense at Gretna.

Even allowing for this though, I can't imagine that lots of Scottish sides paid more than £700,000 in transfer fees in summer 2012. In fact, was there only one that did, rendering Leith Killie's statement accurate, even in Bennett's deliberately awkward terms?

Outside of Celtic, I can't think of any clubs who have spent more than £700,000 on transfer fees in the last 15 years

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Can this tax dodging convicted criminal be involved with Rangers?..wasnt he on the board when they went into administration?

He can be a shareholder, but at this time cannot be on the Rangers BoD. He would need to shoe in someone to do his bidding until he is able to gain a BoD seat.

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Although King coming in and buying up block shares, the current financial situation at Ibrokes is far from ideal. Me personally ?, I think he is getting his foot in the door before admin where he can buy up more shares during admin and gain control of the club whilst the administrators do their job, breaking onerous contracts and the dead wood players as well as chucking directors on the board off the board and installing staff & players the club can afford.

Admin is to me the most preferred route for King to wrestle the club from the other spivs, shysters & conmen and have the administrators sort the club out while he tries to gain control. After that then underwrite any share issue to be used as working capital that won't be syphoned out of the club except into King's pockets.

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Don't talk shite. Shareholders vote as they want and if their beliefs are that they are working in the interests of the company then they vote as they want. How do you think that Easdale has proxy votes? When you're voting "yes" or "no" for something it's a bit fucking difficult to prevent shareholders voting for the same thing.

His post was entirely accurate. I wouldn't comment on something that you obviously know the square root of f**k all about it.

Edited to fix granma and spilling

(I could of course just blame the tablet!!)

Edited by strichener
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True, however it is entirely ok for shareholders to have similar aims without colluding.

I mean look at Ashley and Easdale, nobody would accuse them of colluding...would they?

The big difference being they are already in control of the Company.

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True, however it is entirely ok for shareholders to have similar aims without colluding.

I mean look at Ashley and Easdale, nobody would accuse them of colluding...would they?

Of course the fact that one of the 3 was originally one of King's 8 clouds the issue. Possibly the other two were also part of the 8? Be interesting to see how this plays out.

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Just read Richard Wilson's article precise and in layman's terms too that us mere mortals can comprehend.

Of course it's not been blogged by a greenyin so naturally the P&Bers won't be interested...

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Just read Richard Wilson's article precise and in layman's terms too that us mere mortals can comprehend. Of course it's not been blogged by a greenyin so naturally the P&Bers won't be interested...

I actually found the interpretation interesting, if slightly flawed. In laymans terms, the part about corporate rescue is incorrect, in that it would require the other shareholders (Easdales, Ashley etc.) to approve the issuing of shares to King etc.

Meantime, you gave me a reddie for the post below?

Of course the fact that one of the 3 was originally one of King's 8 clouds the issue. Possibly the other two were also part of the 8? Be interesting to see how this plays out.

Can't see anything in this that you can disagree with TBH.

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That was going to be my question.

Obviously, Bennett was deliberately being awkward by picking up on the word "buy" to imply that the Rangers squad was not expensive, even though the guy was clearly referring to how costly the team was in terms of wages.

It was a tactic best observed when Mileson and Alexander indulged in such unsophisticated nonsense at Gretna.

Even allowing for this though, I can't imagine that lots of Scottish sides paid more than £700,000 in transfer fees in summer 2012. In fact, was there only one that did, rendering Leith Killie's statement accurate, even in Bennett's deliberately awkward terms?

It's almost as if he was being disingenuous.

Edited by kildog
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