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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well for those of you who trust in what Phil writes he said something interesting earlier on.

Seems one of Ashleys people contacted the bank they use for Sports Directs business to establish a credit line for Sevco. The bank refused to take them on.

So either Ashley is no longer putting in any of his own money,or he plans to be in this for the long haul after all.

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I don't think it's the right time for a "There wisnae a signing policy at Ibrox" deflectathon in the face of bad news, Kincardine.

I did not deflect anything nor did I deny that there was an unwritten signing policy. I simply stated that I can't recall, looking back over about 50 years, Rangers signing, "only Scottish proddies".

Also it makes us look like narrow-minded xenophobes which I object to since I clearly remember us signing plenty of Danish, Swedish, German, English and Irish proddies too.

Obviously he didn't actually mean what he said, but you can't blame me for picking up on his factual error.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Is it not the case that any creditor can approach a court and force administration? Could this attempted power grab see Ashley so pissed off that he goes to court showing that Rangers are a financial basket case and ask the court to appoint administrators to bring Rangers financial dealings back on track?

They can't force administration unless the debtor defaults, which Rangers haven't (yet).

In any case, Ashley's loans are secured against Edmiston House & the car park, so if they did default he'd get those and he'd have no cause to seek administration.

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Unlike the same club myth which is in its infancy ...

We actually need some sort of 'Mythbuster' thread to document the truth before the press & authorities spin stuff out of alignment

For instance - I'm sure contract-stalling, money-grabbing, managerial dud Ally McCoist will soon be hailed as some sort of demigod in all this !

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FFS. Let me clarify. I reckon a ton of Sevco fans are less bothered about the current perilous situation facing their fledgling club than the prospect of a cup semi pumping by 'them', and only care about the five stars and the good old days when they were 'the Queens Eleven', 'signing Scottish Proddies', the funny handshakes, the establishment club.... Any description you want.

I really believe that - administration? Liquidation? Aye, aye, whatever... as long as the titles remain and we don't get fcuked by Sellik.

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Have a butcher's ...


That kind of thing right there - of which there's much more hidden away, I expect - is exactly why it's almost inconceivable that even some miraculous blue version of Fergus McCann would be able to turn the NewCo's fortunes around.

It sounds like there are so many legal constraints and exceptions and binding agreements on the club that it's effectively stuck in one of those horrible spring-loaded traps from the Saw movies, with all the blades and razorwire.

Any attempt to extract the club alive seems likely to result in it being disemboweled, flayed and quartered.

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The thing is .. this one was not even one of the hidden gems, it was in the Prospectus in plain view apparently ... yet the bears seem to think these contracts and clauses don't exist or they can simply get rid of them when the King, or any other saviour, returns ... See Tedi for a prime example as he does his impression of an ostrich ..

Apparently the catering contracts are stitched up in a similar manner ... they provide the service/product with a guarantee the customers buy x amount ... If the bears don't buy or boycott .. the club has to stump up the shortfall. Another win/win ...

Yup. IIRC, McCann bought 100% of a going concern that had huge capacity to modernise and then expand - that's why he was able to invest, build it up and leave it as a stable and strong institution, while also making a vast return on his cash.

Any attempt to emulate that at Ibrox is going to end up looking more like a geezer trying to sook a basketball through a hosepipe.

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FFS. Let me clarify. I reckon a ton of Sevco fans are less bothered about the current perilous situation facing their fledgling club than the prospect of a cup semi pumping by 'them', and only care about the five stars and the good old days when they were 'the Queens Eleven', 'signing Scottish Proddies', the funny handshakes, the establishment club.... Any description you want.

I really believe that - administration? Liquidation? Aye, aye, whatever... as long as the titles remain and we don't get fcuked by Sellik.

So we Bears get accused of being delusional and living in the past yet you come out with this fantasist shite? Your first post was simply factually wrong. This one is just plain silly

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There is an old saying "Don't sh*t on people on the way up, you might meet them on the way down".

Rangers sh*t on people as they rose through the ranks right from the days of utter crap they were under John Greig

From their lofty perch they continued to sh*t at every opportunity on everyone below them.

Even after they were found out to be frauds, they continued to try to crap on everyone else without realising the perch had plummeted to the bottom of Scottish football.

OK? Got the idea?

What the f*ck,!? 'shitting on people' do you mean beating them on the park week in week out, don't you think the 'new firm' did exactly the same in the early 80's.

Just another bitter w*nk with a selective memory, Got the idea ?

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