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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What a bunch of clowns. What is legalised theft?

I note the Rangers Supporters Trust has contacted MPs. Was Rangers FC a responsibility devolved to the Scottish Government? No doubt won't stop Ian Davidson getting his nib in, with TV opportunities to show what a man of the people he is, especially as he scrambles to try to hang on to his seat come the election.

What is legalised theft? Potentially actionable words if someone with lots of money wants to make life difficult for uppitty fans, maybe?

Not sure about Davidson but perhaps Jim Murphy is conveniently in the neighbourhood of another big breaking Glasgow news story to add lustre to his reputation as the fourth emergency service/ man of the lower case people.


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I'll stick with my pet theory that once upon a time Mike Ashley was having a nice relaxing soiree with a few pals when the ambience of the evening was disturbed by the entrance of some pissed-up Bears in full volume WATP mode and that he thought 'right,from now on I'll amuse myself by dedicating a few minutes each day to making life as shit as possible for you scummy twats'

I like that theory. For a man like Ashley, it's not implausible either.

Today's the day the teddy bears have their pitch nicked...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Is there anything to be said for another protest?


If there were swathes of empty seats at Hampden for their commemorative Semi-Final, you could almost take the posturing seriously. I think it's a given that there will be plenty of blue showing tomorrow as firstly, the game's on telly and secondly, they might get humiliated for a third time by Hearts. The way attendances have gone, only an empty-but-for-the-away corner ibrox would show any real intent. Wee shovel-mouth Chris is kidding himself if he thinks fans are going to travel any distance to ibrox on a match-night and then walk away, mind.

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You may not be far off the Ashley masterplan with that. They need £8m to reach end of season (when they will be praying for a large uptake in season ticket sales to keep the charade going). Ashley loans them £10m in return for security on Moonbeams Park and the Poundland Stadium. Easdale is owed £500k, to be repaid by April. Ashley is owed £3m, to be repaid by April. £10m less £3m less another £0.5m equals only £6.5m. So looks like early April is the time Sevco pot will run dry, and Ashley will not only own the shirts, but the Milngavie Gym & Sports Complex, and the leaking, crumbling, falling down Govan Mordor. Rangers slipped into a coma on Valentines Day, before the life support was switched off and they died less than 6 months later. Looks like Good Friday may be a date to put in our diaries, as the day Sevco defaults, and slips into its coma, with Mike Ashleys finger then hovering over the life support on-off switch of Sevco.

Again, why would he want to do that (just let the club fold) ?? What would be the point of that from both a football & a business perspective?

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From a kind soul (not a lost soul) on KDS .. a round up of the feelings on the swamp ...

OK...................so far on FF, the general consensus is:-

1. It's time we stood up to his mob as a support (bit late mibbe?)

2. I'm disgusted

3. I'm disgusted too

4. I'm more disgusted than you and what's more I'm a bit sad about it all

5. I'm also disgusted and I'll no go back to Ibrox

6. Why can't a really rich fan just lend the money with no security? (No, I'm not kidding)

7. Where's ra deeds?

8. Where's ra deeds and the egm?

9. Where's ra deeds, egm and Dave King?

10 Where's ra deeds, egm, Dave King and Douglas Park?

11. I don't like the Easdales

12. I don't like Charles Green

13. I don't like Craig Whyte

14. What's a deed of novation?

15. Invade the pitch on Friday

16. Invade the pitch at Hampden

17. It's a declaration of war.

Novation? Is that one of them Latin rite thingummybobs?

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Again, why would he want to do that (just let the club fold) ?? What would be the point of that from both a football & a business perspective?

Some things are worth more dead than alive?

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Again, why would he want to do that (just let the club fold) ?? What would be the point of that from both a football & a business perspective?

Well he would have the assets for when the 3rd version appears in June / July and needs a training ground and a stadium to play in..... it'll cost them say £ 2 million a year in rent + 10% of all tickets......... he has his cash back in no time

Edit to state: That's assuming Rangers have the assets to offer security against

Edited by thenolly
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If he just wanted to expand his real estate portfolio there must be easier gigs out there than Ibrox.or Auchenhowie for that matter.

True, but he might not have the purported owners of those properties by the short hairs.

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True, but he might not have the purported owners of those properties by the short hairs.

That's also very true or so it seems, but I still don't buy that his plan to achieve this has been in place all along.

What a f*ckin hassle for a £return that would be dwarfed by his other business interests and reported wealth.

It just doesn't make sense.

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