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Of course I will disagree, I said both sets of fans let them selves down...which is accurate.

As far as the plastic and greenyin tag, only a moron or someone or on the wind up would suggest these are in anyway offensive, the concerted effort by a few to demonise them by playing the victim card is never going to wash, celtic fans that do this kiddy on Irish stuff are plastic..end of.

Only one set of fans were "magnificent", though, according to you.

From the outside of your wee bigot bubble, only a moron would suggest that the word " hvn" is anything other than a description of you and your fellow fans.

Should I make sure that I refer to the shovel in my shed, and the pinkish grunting things on the farm down the road now, to avoid offending my black mate who works for NYP?

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Of course I will disagree, I said both sets of fans let them selves down...which is accurate.

As far as the plastic and greenyin tag, only a moron or someone or on the wind up would suggest these are in anyway offensive, the concerted effort by a few to demonise them by playing the victim card is never going to wash, celtic fans that do this kiddy on Irish stuff are plastic..end of.

So it's a mad and bizarre coincidence that "Greenyin" is a near-exact soundalike for "F3nian", then?

And "Plastic" to describe Celtic supporters is wholly unrelated to the well-known insult "Plastic Paddy", is it?

Frankly, I think the truth is so glaringly obvious that it's barely worth discussing, and certainly not worth getting het up about - even if these terms were ruled verboten by the Court Of Getting Really Butthurt About Words, others would immediately take their place.

On the other hand, your claims about these two words are mainly insulting to everybody's intelligence, rather than anything else. We're all adults here and absolutely nobody is going to be taken in by your nonsense.

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Maybe you could provide the link for Collymore's admission and retraction, seeing as your mate cannot seem to provide it?

Your link proved that they were referring to his wife beating antics, you were wrong.

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They were magnificent in the way they backed the team for the entire 90 mins, however they also let themselves down, you seem to have a problem recognising this simple difference.

Yes NMB, celtic football club, the COS and catholic church, Panorama and Paul McBride have all said the H word is bigoted, you call them morons if you want.

Do you think NMB would describe backing the team for 90 min with there bigot song book as...

A. Magnificent.

B. Morons.

Tbh, there is nothing magnificent about backing yer team the way sevco did at Hampden.

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If I was running around calling every catholic a greenyin then you would have a point, I am reserving the word purely for celtic fans, if something so daft this offends you then so be it.

Anything fake is fair game for the plastic tag, because the Paddy word exists does not mean you are immune to being called a plastic, simple logic but nice try though.

Frankly, I think the claim that they are offensive is so ludicrous that it's barely worth discussing, and certainly not worth getting het up about.

Look I get it celtic fans must be called just celtic fans, nobody in the world should dare poke fun at them because a load of them pretend to be something they are not.

Absolutely tragic patter. God knows who you're trying to convince with this guff, because nobody here has a head that zips up the back.

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The only reason you lot were so quiet was down to the fact that your team failed to deliver the 7:0 scudding that everyone was jazzing themselves about pre-match..the reality set it that celtic are shite, you still managed to get a fair few IRA and sectarian sing songs in though.


I never thought Celtic would win 7-0 or even 5 or 6, so this point is mute.

Difference is most sane Celtic fans would admit some chants from our fans were and are unacceptable....

don't think I have read any Celtic fan claiming our fans were magnificent for indulging in these chants.

You want to tell everyone they let themselves down on one hand and with the other praise them and say they were magnificent....sorry but that just doesn't wash when you consider you are NBM chief cheerleader on here.

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It does not matter what you thought. The fact is that many believed that 7:0 or more was on the cards, my point was very much valid.

I did not say they were magnificent for engaging in these chants, why must you insist on just making things up? For the last time the fans were magnificent for the way they backed the team for the whole game but they let themselves down with some of the songs they sang.

On Thursday your fans were also magnificent, a real 12th man however they also let themselves down with these IRA songs that they insist in singing every game, both things can be true.

They backed the team for 90 mins with there bigot song book.....how can that be magnificent???

Back to the question I asked you....

Do you think someone from NBM being asked about the semi final would be more likely to describe sevco fans backing as Magnificent over 90 mins......or more likely to say the sevco fans were morons for 90 mins???

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I understand why all this offensive words bingo is dull to most posters, but I'll note the following because I find it quite funny:

Although this diabolilcal "Hvn is sectarian because it means Protestant" patter has flared up now and then on these boards for years, the current round of it started after the Celtic-Rangers cup game, with Tedi taking theatrical offence at the Celtic fans singing "Go home ya Hvns". In my opinion, he did that in an attempt to start a rubbish Whitaboot Thaime circlejerk, in order to deflect criticism about his own team's supporters giving it ninety minutes of the traditional party tunes, although he'll no doubt disagree. y.

You actually believe that? Are you forgetting what your fellow celtic fans did that day?

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You actually believe that? Are you forgetting what your fellow celtic fans did that day?

A word of advice here, champ - if somebody says something like "You're resorting to 'Whitaboot Thaime' in order to deflect criticism", it's a tactical error to respond by immediately saying "Whitaboot Thaime".

Edited by flyingrodent
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Deflection. I never thought Celtic would win 7-0 or even 5 or 6, so this point is mute. Difference is most sane Celtic fans would admit some chants from our fans were and are unacceptable.... don't think I have read any Celtic fan claiming our fans were magnificent for indulging in these chants. You want to tell everyone they let themselves down on one hand and with the other praise them and say they were magnificent....sorry but that just doesn't wash when you consider you are NBM chief cheerleader on here.


The Celtic support are in complete denial.

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A word of advice here, champ - if somebody says something like "You're resorting to 'Whitaboot Thaime' in order to deflect criticism", it's a tactical error to respond by immediately saying "Whitaboot Thaime".

Here's a wee word of advice. If supporters of the club you support smash a 10 year old in the face don't try and take the moral high ground. I knew it wouldn't take long for your lot ton conveniently forget all about this and the other violent incidents. I am just surprised you haven't started greeting about 'point scoring'

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Here's a wee word of advice. If supporters of the club you support smash a 10 year old in the face don't try and take the moral high ground. I knew it wouldn't take long for your lot ton conveniently forget all about this and the other violent incidents. I am just surprised you haven't started greeting about 'point scoring'

Yes, I see that you're still responding to a point about your tendency to say "Whitaboot thaime" by saying... Whitaboot thaime.

There really is no moral ground to take here at all, high or low. There's just Tedi claiming never to have considered e.g. whether "Greenyin" might be some kind of rhyming slang, and folk laughing at him for his absurd belief that the word "Plastic" applied to Celtic fans definitely has absolutely nothing to do with the well-known insult "Plastic Paddy".

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