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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's simply further evidence, not that it's needed, that they see themselves as "an institution" more than a football club. Dragging along the other half to "show unity and support of this great club".

This type of psychosis is what motivates the mouth breathers and moon howlers amongst them to come out with their ridiculous banners and statements.

Being made to sit through a 1-1 draw with the leagues' bottom club, watching football mercenaries (really shit ones at that) robbing the piggy bank of the last of its coppers and then looking across to the (delapidated) stands, knowing that the utter roasters waving politically centric banners and believing the statements they make (at a sports ground) are your principle revenue stream.


No wonder they look like someone's vomited down their sash.

They don't seem to realise it's their own vomit.

Mutton dressed as succulent lamb.

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It's simply further evidence, not that it's needed, that they see themselves as "an institution" more than a football club. Dragging along the other half to "show unity and support of this great club".

This type of psychosis is what motivates the mouth breathers and moon howlers amongst them to come out with their ridiculous banners and statements.

Being made to sit through a 1-1 draw with the leagues' bottom club, watching football mercenaries (really shit ones at that) robbing the piggy bank of the last of its coppers and then looking across to the (delapidated) stands, knowing that the utter roasters waving politically centric banners and believing the statements they make (at a sports ground) are your principle revenue stream.


No wonder they look like someone's vomited down their sash.

They don't seem to realise it's their own vomit.

Isn't this just a wee bit sexist?

Much as I dislike Rangers, I'm prepared to believe that some of their supporters are females who can make their own minds up. Perhaps they even drag their partners along.

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Isn't this just a wee bit sexist?

Much as I dislike Rangers, I'm prepared to believe that some of their supporters are females who can make their own minds up. Perhaps they even drag their partners along.

Fair point Staggie.

Not my intention to appear sexist at all. Guess it's all down to interpretation, however, in this day and age I'm prepared to also concede that there will indeed be female supporters dragging their hubby's to matches as much as the other way around.

I'll even go further and suggest that there will, probably, even be some gay/lesbian fans dragging their partners along too. Nowt wrong with that.

False or enforced display of unity was my point in that post you understand. Regardless of who brought who.

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A weird couple of days on here, it would seem.

I'm genuinely mystified that anyone would speak up in defence of Chris Graham on this. It's utterly self-evident that a high profile company cannot possibly offer a position of office to someone who's published such stuff so recently.

It's kind of mind blowing that people are trying to.

It's a bit of a personal tragedy for him of course, but he doesn't strike me as a nice bloke and maybe he'll learn something.

As for the bans, am I to assume these resulted from debating the 'h' word and its use, rather than anything Star Wars related? If so, take a telling lads, for Christ's sake.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I believe Chris Graham did the right thing. He knew the MSM were never going to let this go and for the good of the club he resigned.

The thing that sticks in my throat is people like MT who will condemn CG out of hand as he is connected to a football club he openly admits to didliking verging on hating. I dont remember MT being so openly critical of raging bigot Stuart Cosgrove. Maybe you were and i missed it. If i did then here is your opportunity to castigate the raging bigot and demand he is sacked by the publicly funded BBC

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As for the bans, am I to assume these resulted from debating the 'h' word and its use, rather than anything Star Wars related? If so, take a telling lads, for Christ's sake.

Lucas should never of changed the scene where Han shot Greedo in the cantina.

I take it that's the Star Wars "h" word debate ?

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I believe Chris Graham did the right thing. He knew the MSM were never going to let this go and for the good of the club he resigned.

The thing that sticks in my throat is people like MT who will condemn CG out of hand as he is connected to a football club he openly admits to didliking verging on hating. I dont remember MT being so openly critical of raging bigot Stuart Cosgrove. Maybe you were and i missed it. If i did then here is your opportunity to castigate the raging bigot and demand he is sacked by the publicly funded BBC

Oh, what are you on about No8?

What exactly did Cosgrove do? I'm not his biggest fan. I think he does a working class intellectual thing that's less than convincing and I think he's unnecessarily disparaging about the city of Dundee and Dundee FC in particular. I also think that he displays an alarming lack of football knowledge at times on OTB.

If he's set out very deliberately to cause offence to followers of a particular faith in a nasty and infantile way however, then I'll join your crusade to have the swine removed from our publicly funded airwaves.

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Oh, what are you on about No8?What exactly did Cosgrove do? I'm not his biggest fan. I think he does a working class intellectual thing that's less than convincing and I think he's unnecessarily disparaging about the city of Dundee and Dundee FC in particular. I also think that he displays an alarming lack of football knowledge at times on OTB. If he's set out very deliberately to cause offence to followers of a particular faith in a nasty and infantile way however, then I'll join your crusade to have the swine removed from our publicly funded airwaves.

In fairness to Cosgrove he is from Letham in Perth so he's definitely from working class stock & surroundings.

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We are all Stuart Cosgrove

I was offended for the 18,345,234 time by a supposed St Mirren fan.

Telling us after 10 mins, this was a new Rangers, more purpose, more belief, excellent skill etc etc...

I heard for the first time in my life a commentator ejaculating over the airwaves when they scored against the bottom team in the league. It was vile.

How did it work out in the end Chico you absolute c*nt of a man.

Edited by G-MAN
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Oh, what are you on about No8? What exactly did Cosgrove do? I'm not his biggest fan. I think he does a working class intellectual thing that's less than convincing and I think he's unnecessarily disparaging about the city of Dundee and Dundee FC in particular. I also think that he displays an alarming lack of football knowledge at times on OTB. If he's set out very deliberately to cause offence to followers of a particular faith in a nasty and infantile way however, then I'll join your crusade to have the swine removed from our publicly funded airwaves.

I think he might be referring to Cosgrove's following quote:

"One time we were through at Hearts, and we were at Falkirk station on the way, on the same day Rangers were playing Falkirk. It was h-words galore -thousands of them, and there were maybe 40 of us in the CYS from Perth. We got on the train at Falkirk station, we just opened the windows as it started moving, and gave them 'Orange wankers' and all the rest of it, and of course as soon as we were moving - the train stopped and started moving back into the station! The driver must have been a h-word or something"


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I believe Chris Graham did the right thing. He knew the MSM were never going to let this go and for the good of the club he resigned.

The thing that sticks in my throat is people like MT who will condemn CG out of hand as he is connected to a football club he openly admits to didliking verging on hating. I dont remember MT being so openly critical of raging bigot Stuart Cosgrove. Maybe you were and i missed it. If i did then here is your opportunity to castigate the raging bigot and demand he is sacked by the publicly funded BBC

Unlike CG I don't ever recall Gosgrove referring to his fellow fans whom he disagreed with as (Spastics, a Cancer, Rats etc)

I don't remember Gosgrove demanding boycotts of STV ,BBC, C4, Daily record,The Herald or making up an (enimies list) then trying to use freedom of speech as an excuse for islamaphobic and homophobic drawings?

I don't recall him referring to Celtic fans as bheasts and kiddy fiddlers or terrorist lovers?

CG is just a racist sectarian bigot and you and Tedis woeful attempts to justify him or blame the media just shows you up as the bigots you both are.

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