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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nothing here to undo my opinion of Cosgrove as something of a daft wannabe.Nothing either though, to place his behaviour alongside that of Graham.

So it is Ok for a public funded company to employ a failed football hooligan who is a raging bigot?

Chris Graham was taking the piss out of a terrorist. Chris Graham was there to represent the Rsngers fans and the vast majority fully supported him.

I am sorry but your opinion or the opinion of any other hater means absolutely nothing to me regarding this. Very similar to when one of the countries top lawyers was forced out of our club for singing a folk song.

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Here was me thinking he resigned because he published a tasteless and offensive picture.

Whether the MSM would have pursued him over it is neither here nor there.

Hopefully Rangers can appoint someone fairly normal in his place, and not some angry guy with paranoia issues.

Mark Dingwall? :whistle

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Are the Visigoths still defending this Chris Graham clown? When closing ranks during a siege, you really ought to look around at the calibre of those alongside you and ask if you really want to be standing alongside such individuals.

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I think that's pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.

Shows he's either (a) on the wind up trying to derail the thread, or (b) such a bigoted simpleton that he actually believes it. Either way there is no point in engaging with him and doing so will probably get the thread locked eventually.

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Stuart McCall ... like a tramp dressed in Oxfam's finest ... :lol:

True but those Celtic suits are utterly awful too and don't fit properly. The sleeves and trousers wrinkle like the cheapest rubbish in Marks and Sparks. The shirts are crap too as the collars don't even sit properly. Surely, with their big wages, they can afford to go to a decent tailor and shirtmaker.

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True but those Celtic suits are utterly awful too and don't fit properly. The sleeves and trousers wrinkle like the cheapest rubbish in Marks and Sparks. The shirts are crap too as the collars don't even sit properly. Surely, with their big wages, they can afford to go to a decent tailor and shirtmaker.

The Rangers suit is shit, but that`s ok because the Celtic suits are shit as well...

And so the circle of life continues.

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So it is Ok for a public funded company to employ a failed football hooligan who is a raging bigot?

Chris Graham was taking the piss out of a terrorist. Chris Graham was there to represent the Rsngers fans and the vast majority fully supported him.

I am sorry but your opinion or the opinion of any other hater means absolutely nothing to me regarding this. Very similar to when one of the countries top lawyers was forced out of our club for singing a folk song.

Sorry No.8 have to disagree with you on this point.

Graham comes across, as many of his like do, as uneducted in the ways and cultures of other races and has a massive superiority complex when it comes to people of differing skin colour, religous belief or cultural ethnicity.

He was not the right person to be put in place as an ambassador of a football clubs support, when he could have been called on to mix and converse with other clubs representatives.

I don't hate him for being a Rangers supporter. But, I do intensly dislike (ie hate) him for being such an arrogant and ignorant person.

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The orcs are defending CG because he was put their by the new regime and the last thing they want is any admission that King and co can do any wrong, after all, they are the "good guys".

Anyone in their right mind can see that CG is an idiotic bigot. And lets not forget he has plenty of other dubious twitter content, which he tried his best to delete when he got the tie and blazer.

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Can we cut out the use of initials here. I am getting confused reading the posts containin CG as can't make out from the rest of the description if it is Chris or Charles that is being discussed. Thanks.

The orcs are defending CG because he was put their by the new regime and the last thing they want is any admission that King and co can do any wrong, after all, they are the "good guys".

Anyone in their right mind can see that CG is an idiotic bigot. And lets not forget he has plenty of other dubious twitter content, which he tried his best to delete when he got the tie and blazer.


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So it is Ok for a public funded company to employ a failed football hooligan who is a raging bigot?

Chris Graham was taking the piss out of a terrorist. Chris Graham was there to represent the Rsngers fans and the vast majority fully supported him.

I am sorry but your opinion or the opinion of any other hater means absolutely nothing to me regarding this. Very similar to when one of the countries top lawyers was forced out of our club for singing a folk song.

Glorious seethe type post^^^^

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Sorry No.8 have to disagree with you on this point.

Graham comes across, as many of his like do, as uneducted in the ways and cultures of other races and has a massive superiority complex when it comes to people of differing skin colour, religous belief or cultural ethnicity.

He was not the right person to be put in place as an ambassador of a football clubs support, when he could have been called on to mix and converse with other clubs representatives.

I don't hate him for being a Rangers supporter. But, I do intensly dislike (ie hate) him for being such an arrogant and ignorant person.

It would appear not though will the fixation to defend the guy. There hasn't been many critical voices fron their support questioning his appointment with the 'enemies list'' the references to all sorts of unsavoury accusations of your own clubs supporters' and the what seems on the surface racism, ignorance and prejudice at every turn. Not many have asked is he our best candidate ? Does he have the required integrity for the post not just about the attitudes expressed but would he actually put his neck out and say we are in trouble or those directors are acting in an unethical manner even if there were short term gains but could jeopardise the club in future. Something that I would have thought would be a greater concern given they seem to pass through the hands of some unscrupulous business figures.

CG did represent th RST very publicly he said he sent out tweets supporting Muslim community that day but could not see, no matter what people think about Choudary it had ramifications beyond the target, he knows it why don't the Sevconians?

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So it is Ok for a public funded company to employ a failed football hooligan who is a raging bigot?

Chris Graham was taking the piss out of a terrorist. Chris Graham was there to represent the fans and the vast majority fully supported him.

I am sorry but your opinion or the opinion of any other hater means absolutely nothing to me regarding this. Very similar to when one of the countries top lawyers was forced out of our club for singing a folk song.

I wonder why any half intelligent person tries to have a debate with you , when you make the highlighted clear. It is patently obvious you are not here on an open forum for any kind of sensible debate, you are only here to try and propagate the Rsngers(sic) agenda that you and your ilk adhere to.

The fact that your opinions are full of spite and hate for your fellow man is a sad reflection on Scottish society , that society which gets dragged through the mud on a daily basis by the people who purport to support either half of the old firm , but in reality just like yourself they have a hate filled agenda.

I almost feel sorry for the true football fans of the old firm, they are the closest to people like yourself but thankfully they are such a minority we don't need to worry much about trying to save them it is the rest of us we should be concerned about :ph34r:

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Hater and proud. Or at least I was up until 2012, can't speak ill of the dead donchaknow.

This new shower but, what a bunch of clowns. It is hard to despise something as vehemently as I hated Rangers (deceased) when it provides me with such an abundance of free entertainment. I mean look at this, here is the headline and byline from the Daily Telegraph, just last week:

Pressure mounts on Rangers to act over sexually explicit tweet by fans' spokesman Chris Graham Muslim leaders round to condemn crude cartoon which depicted the Prophet engaging in a sexual activity with a Star Wars character

Honestly, what the actual f**k? Taken in isolation this is unbelievable, but taken in context it is absolutely par for the course, and that's the real joke here.

So we have to look past the laughter, enjoy their continued humiliation sure, but we can never let it slip from our conscious that this new club and the chancers, crooks, crack-pots and bigots that are either aligned with, involved in or following behind TheRangers do so to the detriment of our game. Nothing they have done in the short history of Sevco has gone in anyway shape or form towards redressing the damage they have done, improving themselves from the black and dead disgrace they were spawned from or for the betterment of the game as a whole. In fact, we have all been much better off without them.

And we will be better off still if they choose to actually behave themselves or better yet, just f**k off and die, again. Because as funny as the Chris Graham stuff is, and it really is, I do not think it is ok for Scottish football to be framed and referenced by stories about bathing in the blood of catholics, criminals in positions of responsibility or Jar Jar fucking Binks getting a w**k from Mohamed.

And I think I am perfectly entitled to hate those that do.

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Hater and proud. Or at least I was up until 2012, can't speak ill of the dead donchaknow.

This new shower but, what a bunch of clowns. It is hard to despise something as vehemently as I hated Rangers (deceased) when it provides me with such an abundance of free entertainment. I mean look at this, here is the headline and byline from the Daily Telegraph, just last week:

Pressure mounts on Rangers to act over sexually explicit tweet by fans' spokesman Chris Graham

Muslim leaders round to condemn crude cartoon which depicted the Prophet engaging in a sexual activity with a Star Wars character

Honestly, what the actual f**k? Taken in isolation this is unbelievable, but taken in context it is absolutely par for the course, and that's the real joke here.

So we have to look past the laughter, enjoy their continued humiliation sure, but we can never let it slip from our conscious that this new club and the chancers, crooks, crack-pots and bigots that are either aligned with, involved in or following behind TheRangers do so to the detriment of our game. Nothing they have done in the short history of Sevco has gone in anyway shape or form towards redressing the damage they have done, improving themselves from the black and dead disgrace they were spawned from or for the betterment of the game as a whole. In fact, we have all been much better off without them.

And we will be better off still if they choose to actually behave themselves or better yet, just f**k off and die, again. Because as funny as the Chris Graham stuff is, and it really is, I do not think it is ok for Scottish football to be framed and referenced by stories about bathing in the blood of catholics, criminals in positions of responsibility or Jar Jar fucking Binks getting a w**k from Mohamed.

And I think I am perfectly entitled to hate those that do.

Good rant.

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