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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can't help you. I've had a day-trip to Machu Picchu followed by a jaunt to earth's south pole and finished it by a few days in Everest's base camp..

What a fucking idiot of a post.

Idiot of a post asking what you missed about the Sevco journey while out the country for two weeks?

Aye, whatever. Calm yer' pants sonny.

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Moi? I've just been to Moscow followed by a few day in Washington and then a short hop to Mars. What have I missed?

Quick sum: the wee fanny was being a self-aggrandising idiot.

Moscow, Mars and Washington... Are you Dave King searching for a NOMAD?

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Jesusmaryandfuckingjoseph. Is this the idiocy that the diddies vaunt? Away tae f**k with your "out the country" cant.

You should seek help for your only-too-apparent problem with alcohol abuse.

On the plus side, we're all getting a good laugh at you :)

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Jesusmaryandfuckingjoseph. Is this the idiocy that the diddies vaunt? Away tae f**k with your "out the country" cant.

I was. I was out the country for two weeks and haven't been keeping up with events down Sports Direct Works XI way.

Came into the appropriate thread to ask for an update, and all I got was abuse from a gobby Sevconian p***k.

I'm in a huff now.

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Moi? I've just been to Moscow followed by a few day in Washington and then a short hop to Mars. What have I missed?

Quick sum: the wee fanny was being a self-aggrandising idiot.

Did you enjoy the journey?

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I was. I was out the country for two weeks and haven't been keeping up with events down Sports Direct Works XI way. Came into the appropriate thread to ask for an update, and all I got was abuse from a gobby Sevconian p***k. I'm in a huff now.

You are adding idiocy to ignorance. Still, it fun to see 'the usuals' doing their Diddy shite.

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