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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The wee tax case was a EBT scheme why did the company owe £2million in tax for it when it was liquidated and not the trust? Why is the Murray group and Rangers PLC (IL) or whatever they are called still in court to this day disputing the Big tax case if it is the trusts liability?

I don't know - and I don't care.

I merely threw the post below in because, as far as I can recall, the bolded bit was what was bandied about on here.

The EBTs were managed by a trust, which had "no connection to the club/company" - I think that was the line peddled on here. So you're probably - legally - right. I leave the moral side of it to others.

At the time this first surfaced I took the "no connection between the trust/club" with a dose of salt. I still do, apologies if people thought I was putting it forward as a serious proposition, and a defence for not administering the scheme correctly.

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Oooooh popcorn time, can this be the start of further chaos. When will Dave dip his short hands into his deep pockets, where's the warchest, when he paying Ashley, why hasn't he paid off mccoist yet...

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"I always maintained I would meet the fit and proper requirements of the Scottish FA once they had examined all the evidence I had shaken their hands and that is what happened."

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Scottish FA statement - Mr Dave King passed as Fit and Proper Person

Following the submission of an amendment to its Official Return by Rangers Football Club, the Board of the Scottish FA has considered the Fit and Proper status of Mr Dave King as a director of the club in respect of Article 10.2 of the Articles of Association.

Mr King provided substantial information in relation to the matters set out at Article 10.2 (h) and 10.2 (j) namely:

· He has been convicted within the last 10 years of (i) an offence liable to imprisonment of two years or over, (ii) corruption or (iii) fraud and;

· He has been “a director of a club in membership of any National Association within the 5-year period preceding such club having undergone an insolvency event”.

In considering the request, the Board of the Scottish FA has sought and received specialist independent legal advice, both in Scotland and South Africa, in respect of Mr King’s conviction further to the South African Income Tax Act and in relation to his previous involvement as a Director of the club. It has also received significant documentation from relevant authorities both within the UK and South Africa.

The scale of this due diligence is unprecedented but befitting the complexities of the consideration placed before the Board. During this exercise both Mr King and the club were fully co-operative and responded to all questions put to them by the Scottish FA.

On the basis of this advice presented to it, and having considered all submissions received from Mr King and the club in respect of this matter, the Scottish FA Board granted an approval, conditional upon further submissions from Mr King in respect of documented agreements with the appropriate authorities in South Africa.

The Scottish FA can confirm it has now received this supplementary documentation in full and the Board is satisfied Mr King is Fit and Proper in terms of Article 10.2.
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