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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is Gough credited as expert advisor?

It's almost as if King David has something on him :whistle

Why do these "peepil" write blogs in the style of Winston Churchill after a life-changing head injury?

I think you answered the point yourself with the head injury bit :(

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Against all Odds.....

D'Artagnan's PhotoD'Artagnan

Today, 08:23 PM

It was a familiar routine. With wife, and soulmate of lifetime retired to her bed, George knew the protocol. However this evening would provide a slight deviation from the norm.

He broke the virginity of the Macallan 43 malt, with a respectful nod to acknowledge the craft and expertise of the alchemist. A handful of ice cubes into the crystal glass laid the foundations of a simple, yet unbeatable combination.

He shuffled, assisted by his Prestige walking stick, over to the bottom drawer of the cabinet in Georges Room and from there he withdrew a simple cardboard box, designed to protect against the ravages of time. From within said box he then removed an old scrapbook carefully and expensively encased and preserved within a Melinex protective cover. Some things are valuable, but memories nonetheless are priceless.

Opening the first page the image of Harold Davis stares back at him. It is of course deliberate, and one hopes future generations of Georges family will realise the significance of Harolds place in that scrapbook. A man who overcame the odds to achieve greatness, those odds skewed against him due to service to his country, yet who still managed to encompass everything pulling on a light blue jersey encompasses. Sometimes the word Legend, quite simply, isnt enough.

The following pages are testament to our greatness, stilled images of history which have resulted in anything but stilled celebration. The Caldow penalty against England, Brand , McMillan and Wilson, the strike of the Super Dane (Pre-Laudrup!) which lifted the Scottish Cup in 66, and the wonder of Slim Jim, a 16 year old ending a 4 year famine in the League Cup Final, Barcelona , Wee bud sitting on the ball, the dunes of Gullane when character and determination were our watchword, the magic show which was Davie Cooper, the Souness revolution, the Prince of Denmark (Brian, why are you so good? [copyright Jim White]) 9 in a row, the pages are endless, and apologies to those which have been skipped over such as the spirit of the Rangers team which came back from 2 down at Hampden to scupper Wuilie Pettigrews dream.

The latter part of the scrapbook is not quite so reminiscent or enjoyable however. Images of Craig Whyte, his catastrophic reign, and our subsequent treatment at the hands of others adorn the pages. One wonders why this period of our history should be kept rather than ignored.

Because adversity and willingness to overcome insurmountable odds reveals the true character of the Rangers support. No Surrender is much more than just a match day historical soundbite rather it is given both legitimacy and credibility by our willingness to refuse to succumb in the face of adversity.

The pictures in the latter of part of the scrapbook show Sandy Jardine rallying the troops on the march to Hampden, newspapers cutting displaying our ability to sell out stadiums even in the lowest of divisions, our capability to cause the cancellations of matches in our desire to follow follow.

Broadcasters such as Adrian Durham dont talk about regimes instead they gaze in wonder at a support who refuse to give up on the club they love. Just to clarify, because it really, really is important, thats people like you and me they are talking about.

When we were down we found few (if any allies) but our unconditional love for a club called Rangers caused us to rally round her. We defied the odds, we defied the sceptics, we defied those who hate us and conspire against us, but most importantly we achieved this alone without the help of others. Other than truth and justice courtesy of the courts this has very much been a lone sojourn for the Rangers support.

We really need to move on in order to effectively tackle the real enemies of our club. We need to overcome the angst of boycotter versus non boycotter and recognise ourselves as one support with different viewpoints who all had the best interests of the club at heart. Because believe you me neither the boycotter nor the non-boycotter would wish to see our club dead. But our enemies would.

As George turns the final pages of his scrapbook and sips the last of his Macallan, the closing page shows a newspaper cutting from yesteryear, where the great William Struth castigates the Ibrox kit man, after the latter suggested, if necessary, we could borrow from our opponents that day Clyde should the need arise. There then followed a stern lecture on how Rangers should and never will rely upon others for their survival.

If we are to be self-sufficient and reliant on no-one to ensure our survival, then at the very least we need to be united in purpose. If you dont believe me, at the very least trust our guiding forefather.

Certainly brought a tear to my eye... No Surrender :bairn

...and that your Honour, is the case for the defence :lol:

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Why do these "peepil" write blogs in the style of Winston Churchill after a life-changing head injury?

We should all take a shot of writing a Rangers blog ..condensed to 5 lines..


The dragonwing butterfly of South Ionesaeia has an unusual....

Our long unsurpassed history...

Crimes of past owners....

Move forward together...

Challenging in Europe..

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Why do the Rangers fans accuse everyone that isn't a supporter of their club a bigot. ? I've never posted 1 bigoted remark on here but in the past have been accused of being 1. And do they even know what a bigot is?

Victim status.

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There then followed a stern lecture on how Rangers should and never will rely upon others for their survival.

If we are to be self-sufficient and reliant on no-one to ensure our survival, then at the very least we need to be united in purpose. If you dont believe me, at the very least trust our guiding forefather.

Just let that wee passage sink in. Those guiding forefathers must be turning in their grave. What was the name of the Dunfermline FC banker that Murray came to rely on, to help the old club survive.

What was the name of yon guy in Normandy that without him, there wouldn't be a The Rangers?

William the Conqueror?

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We should all take a shot of writing a Rangers blog ..condensed to 5 lines.. .. The dragonwing butterfly of South Ionesaeia has an unusual.... Our long unsurpassed history... Crimes of past owners.... Move forward together... Challenging in Europe..

Brethren, we stand at the crossroads of History.

The gallant pioneers would not have flinched, even in the face of such seemingly unsurmountable odds stacked against them. Neither, then, should we.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, emboldened by the deeds of our forefathers, we can turn the corner, returning to our rightful place at the pinnacle of Scottish football, crushing our enemies underfoot and scattering the nay sayers to the four winds.

Our children will look back on these days and say, in awe, "What a support! What a privilege to be part of the Rangers family!"

No Surrender!

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Mark Warburton: I finally got my Sporting chance after months of doors being slammed in my face


MARK Warburton is the Wolf of Wall Street, aye ready to become the Rottweiler of Rangers.

I spent three months in Lisbon and from there I travelled on to Ajax, Valencia, 
Barcelona, Dortmund, Inter Milan and Anderlecht. I learnt so much from those visits.

Barcelona have an 
outstanding lady doing their administration, 
first-class in everything she does. Rangers can learn from that, send your staff over, spend two days there and see what she does.

Its about educating 
the staff and improving all the time. We have to aim 
to do that here."

We must give them the best chance. We cant give them any excuses.bThere is no point in me moaning and bitching about things that arent right.

If you get good staff in then you have to trust them and give them responsibility but they also have accountability.

If they screw up then they pay the price, the same way a player would do.

Whatever job you are in, if you are a builder or a taxi driver, then you have to enjoy what you do.

If you are a taxi driver and you have a better car to drive around in then you will be happy."

The Rottweiler of Rangers. Edited by dave.j
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